MiToS re-built/fit- versilcraft Mystery43


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21 Jun 2011
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back in Volos, paid the first visit this evening with my friend who's been with us for the last fortnight and who's going to give a hand for the next couple of days before he drives back to the UK.
I'm not commenting on the last few posts, of course once she's in the water, you lot can have an orderly que and come and admire :D
For now, it's business as usual, and since I've got not much to report (other than the superstructure got the first coat of primer and needs sanding and small touch up before painting) I'll concentrate on the work done in Athens by a v. competent custom racing exhaust builder. It wasn't his first attempt at marine elbows/risers, but this one was a bit complicated and although I had a mock out of waste water pipes ( :rolleyes: ) and the original awful elbow, still had to spent 3h in Monday morning to get it right.
Panagiotis working on it on his workshop


So this is the riser (roughly put together at places as it's going to go back to his workshop for final alterations and as a model for the second one)



Test fitting it with Piers, we discovered two problems:
It's too bloody high, I was afraid that would be the case, but really needs lowering 40mm as atm it's level with the bottom side of the 12mm salon flooring ply and that's NOT good.
the flange for the small pipe water intake (or outlet if you wish) is 5mm off in height and slightly at an angle to the block outlet. Clamped the two pipes together to get them at the right distance and marked the tilt, so the week after next when I'm back in Athens it can be corrected the the second one built. Will try and setup the jig more accurately next time round so we don't get such problems in fitting.
Got some new 45mm (ID) exhaust pipe for the genny that also fits to the big in/out for the seawater so I should be fine with it.




For the next couple of days the program has epoxying (with microfibres) of the damaged spots around the bow and below the w/l which are then going to be sanded (with a belt sander that Piers can use and I'm not happy to...) and prepared for the glass mat and epoxy that's going to follow next week.




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21 Jun 2011
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thanks guys,

wasn't really considering the entertaining value of this thread when I started it, but it's a nice side effect. I was more interested in showing what's involved and getting valueable feedback (of which I've got plenty and I'm v. grateful!)

lunch break, possibly an update tonight, Piers sanding, me filling, works rather well tbh :)
Should have the hull bow section ready for the 180gr/m2 mat by the time Piers leaves for the long trip back to Bath on Sunday.




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21 Jun 2011
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You should make this some sort of Kibbutz!



having a friend around to work with is good fun, but you also "waste" time in chatting and discussing in general. Not to mention that you have to go to all the right places and eat at the nicest spots and and and... Ended up drinking too much and eating way too much :rolleyes:

anyway Piers set off for the UK today, some pics of the progress done during the two days we worked together. Mind wouldn't have used the belt sander myself and would probably spent 4X the time...

Decided to sheath the bow up to the patch on port side and a tad further back on stbrd side with a 280g/m2 mat and epoxy. Will come back wth the techniques I'll use in a later post. So plan was that with Piers we'd sort out (as in filling with microfibre thickened epoxy and sanding) the bow section. We're very close to that, need a few hours of finishing touches with the orbital sander before proceeding with the mat:


working on the port side. Upside down and left to right, not the best combo to run a 4inch belt sander



The tan (?) in Piers' back is not my fault, it's Crete's sun talking :p

and on another difficult spot by the keel on the stbrd side:

Overall, very happy and will be working full time for the next 3 days before another short break.


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Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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another installment after a 3day short break with lots of swimming and eating...

As I've said, I'll sheath the bow side of the hull with a 280g/m2 cloth and epoxy. Before doing that I had to finish all the smoothing/sanding/filling jobs on the bow, AND sort out the bulge on the bow side of the bowthruster tunnel. 19mm ply was enough, cut in shape:

sanded in shape:

marked spot on the stbrd side:

epoxied in place:

port side in place:

bow views of finished article:

Once the mat is in place on both sides I'll do a bit more smoothing with thickened epoxy around the lips, but does look like it's going to decently deflect waters from the rear side of the tube.

With the help of the son, I managed to get in place the first strip of mat and epoxied in place (as did epoxy some of my hair in torso, arm and head :rolleyes: It was too hot and took us more than expected so sun turned round and got us :(

All impressively well done, I have to admit I was afraid of this bit of work, but temp, humidity etc were all good. OK, it was hot, I was boiled by the sun but the usd slopping hull was in the shadow hence cool ;)




No air or dodgy spots, but I'll change my application method by stitching the mat in place loosely and not v.accurately flat and not with a fold on top (as I did) and to smaller areas in one go (did .6X4+m in my first attempt) Hopefully get this out of the way this week.

Will need another two coats of epoxy on top to get a reasonably smooth finish, plus some feathering in advance for the rear ending of the mat.


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Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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short update as I'm done with sheathing (sp?) on both sides and even did a bit of tidying up and sanding smoothing edges and removing staples etc this morning.
Since it was quite hot, I made the mistake to work with no t-shirt on and body itches badly as sanding mat+epoxy /= sanding epoxy! Bleeding tiny bits of glassfibre all over my body :(
Never again, should have the white overalls/hood on... and do a proper sauna :(

Anyway, plan for this coming week is to finish smoothing the glassed bit, and sand the bits I've filled in the rest of the hull. Should keep me busy for a few days :D
Two more coats of epoxy and then get the new grp skin fittings back in. Er, engine intakes are now 1 1/4 compared to bronze 1.5inch which means the hole must be reduced in size. Means scarf/patch/drill job.



and port side done:

Next project is replacing the aft deck down to frames. Common practice in MiToS that will soon only have the original deck/flooring on the lower helm (all .5m2 of it!) and the f/b...

George in the meantime is busy repairing the bow tip from water ingress damage on the anchor locker area. ATM I have a very airy anchor locker as per the following pics.
Had to remove and replace the main iroco beams meeting the keel. Mind the keel was sound, just replaced the top bit and only down to 20mm depth.

Stbrd side replaced less than 1m:

On port again more extensive damage had to replace 2+m:


stbrd side ready and sanded down to the right lines waiting for plywood skin:

All new beams/frames epoxied today, so Monday starts the refit of new 12mm ply. Boatyard is as empty as it can ever be, so pushing for finishing and spray painting the hull during the month.
Superstructure is already all prepared and on primer waiting for top coat.
Which means I've got to decide the colours.
Which is rather complicated as daughter and wife have strong views
which unfortunately don't match mine (they're usually quite close but not this time :( )

We've agreed on a silver grey for the hull and I want the same plus a darker hue for the superstructure whereas they want "some blue on top" my arse...

School starts on Wed which means I've got almost a month to work intensively before lectures start. Austerity measures means I've got an updated (see increased) teaching load together with all the rest of the admin/research/kids care
means I'll have considerably less time to work on MiToS.
Means should be ready for antifouling and general fitout which will be done at a snail pace over winter and get her in the water sometime in spring.
Means a 8m refit turns out to a 2+yr rebuilt :rolleyes:
Should I burn my construction management degree I wonder
[in case anyone's worried, no I don't teach management of any sort :) ]




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23 Nov 2010
The Tropics of the English Riviera!
I can sympathise with the bare skin/glass fibre thing - I did the same cutting out and even though I was really careful not to brush against anything, it get's in the air and the dust lands on the skin - left itching for weeks until it 'grows out' :(

Good progress once again and in reality can't say I'm surprised by the extended deadline - you've maintained an incredible pace on this so don't be too hard on yourself! I decided 6 months in that my timescales were unrealistic and instead I'd slow down and enjoy the project. (Mine's 1% of the work you have there!) It's better to take more time and to do everything as you want to first time rather that rush and perhaps skip bits or have to revisit later - it'll be done when it's done and you'll enjoy the moment all the more IMHO. :cool:


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19 Jan 2009
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Vas, great progress again, and huge respect for your dedication. Colours are very subjective, and I would err towards something that is easy to live with, rather than too striking.


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4 Jul 2001
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As always it's such a pleasure to read your updates. On the one hand I want to see it finished but on the other enjoy reading your updates that i don't want to see the end.
I've nothing but admiration for the whole project. And for what it's worth... I think white would look fantastic for the superstructure with the silver/grey hull.


Well-known member
21 Jun 2011
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I can sympathise with the bare skin/glass fibre thing - I did the same cutting out and even though I was really careful not to brush against anything, it get's in the air and the dust lands on the skin - left itching for weeks until it 'grows out' :(

Good progress once again and in reality can't say I'm surprised by the extended deadline - you've maintained an incredible pace on this so don't be too hard on yourself! I decided 6 months in that my timescales were unrealistic and instead I'd slow down and enjoy the project. (Mine's 1% of the work you have there!) It's better to take more time and to do everything as you want to first time rather that rush and perhaps skip bits or have to revisit later - it'll be done when it's done and you'll enjoy the moment all the more IMHO. :cool:

I was used to sanding epoxy (alone or with a bit of WestSystems microfibres for thickening the stuff...) but this sanding epoxy with glassfibre cloth gives a whole new meaning to itching!
Tried covering up, didn't really work (too bloody hot!) so ended up doing it JUST before going back home and straight in the shower for 15mins with loads of water. Just a bit of itching for a few hours and fine after that. Must be awful working day in day out under such conditions! Nasty material.

Yes, taking my time, I'm spending more time sketching and thinking than actually doing. tbh I'm getting too tired from this upsidedown sanding with the orbital sander for hours to no end, not the best of jobs...

Vas, great progress again, and huge respect for your dedication. Colours are very subjective, and I would err towards something that is easy to live with, rather than too striking.

easy to live is let me think, white :p

As always it's such a pleasure to read your updates. On the one hand I want to see it finished but on the other enjoy reading your updates that i don't want to see the end.
I've nothing but admiration for the whole project. And for what it's worth... I think white would look fantastic for the superstructure with the silver/grey hull.

I definitely want to see the end, soon!

yes white should be good up there, toying with the idea of the silver hull (that's fixed!) and a lighter silver hue for the sundeck and white for the rest of the superstructure. Black goes on the upper helm as per the initial design. So not moving far from original, just "bringing out" the silver from the cabinets/furniture :D

Progress is slow due to first couple of weeks of school for the kids and trying to get our 13yo up to gear with schooling in general and "unhook" him from the xbox, psp, et al. Not an easy task I may add...
George had a nasty accident in the shower, slipped and hit his neck and back of his head not very seriously (xrays were clean) but a nasty shock and headache and nausea for 4-5days. He fully recovered yesterday and is now back in track replacing the 12mm ply on the bow and sorting the anchor locker before sanding the superstructure and painting.




I'm 1.5m short of finishing sanding the port side (now at the P-brackets!) and looking forward to the end of sanding and a bit more ripping (got to replace the last bit of original decking, the aft deck)



On other open fronts (quite a few...):

  • the cabinets will receive the silver top coat over the next 3-4days
  • picked up 50euro worth of 304ss 1/2inch and 3/4inch componets to redo the 4lt distribution tank just below the diesel tanks and before the separ filters and should be picking the slightly larger, more square and simpler tank with the right bits welded on it tomorrow. Fit it during the w/e so that I can get rid of this tiny leak of the temp tube I've fit that gets on my nerves (and stinks!)
  • prepared the trim tabs for removal, plan to use the 3-4mm ss sheeting used for them for the brackets supporting the bathing platform (new tread on this in a while) All rests on a massive 150x40 solid piece of timber across the hull end on the transom, feels v. strong and distributes forces nicely along half the transom end.
  • struggling with the measurements of the f/b, I want to design and fit the leading piece of baseframe for the seating and calculate the assymetrical hard top that will feature a lightweight solar panel. More on that in the following days as I'm still lost with how much useful space I really have up there. Lots of slanted bits of ply, leaning railings eating up space...




2 Jan 2012
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Its good to see the great progress you are making Vas, when you have some finish colour on the boat will look so very different. We are off to Kos at the weekend, as last year, perhaps next year you will be cruising around the Islands.
Regards, Paul