Med boaters - will you get to your boat this year?


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30 Jan 2002
Genoa Italy
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I'd be staggered if there is no way of anyone getting over to the Med to use boats. Where you can go once you're on board is another matter, not too far I'd imagine, but at least some use I think will absolutely be possible. Going across borders on boats will be quite difficult, lots PCR testing will be required, but economies will not be able to handle too many restrictions by summer.

Of course, getting back into the UK might be tricky still, that must be the biggest concern


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24 Jun 2020
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Not going to be easy to get to the boat this year... currently banned from leaving the country with police fining you and turning you around at the airport.. but we keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best

Clancy Moped

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18 Jun 2019
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The latest changes for Mallorca.

As of Monday, February 15 the current restrictions will be modified as follows:

1. Only people living together can be together. Exceptions are: People who live alone can be part of a single, extended unit. Minors can meet parents if they live at different addresses, as can couples if they don’t live together. A further exception applies to anyone who has to go to a different address to care for others.

2. Closure of bars and restaurants (except for home delivery and order collection).

3. You can still smoke as long as you respect social distancing and you are static.

4. Stores will have to reduce their capacity to 50 percent or 30% reduction if larger than 700 square metres.

5. Theatres, cinemas an d marquees at 30 percent capacity. As of Monday 50%.

6. Gyms and spas closed. As of Monday only open for non-intensive trainning and reduced capacity.

7. Ban on the public attending sports events of any category.

8. Curfew at 22.00 until 06.00.

9. Closure of non-essential stores of 700 square metres or more. As of Monday large stores and shopping centres will be able to open at 30% capacity, Monday to Friday. Car park capacities will be 50%.

10. Closure of all establishments at 20.00, with certain exceptions - food or essential products, petrol stations and hairdressers.

11. Buses will have limited capacity and there will be no standing.

12. On the Metro, standing will be allowed in places where this is indicated.

13. Ban on fiesta activities.

14. People who are at risk are being advised not to use public transport.

15. The government is also recommending people to be home by 20.00 and to visit commercial establishments on their own.

16. Churches at 30 percent capacity and ceremonies 15 people (30 percent)

17. Visit to senior citizen homes: one person per day. Senior citizen clubs closed. As of Monday leaving the premises is permitted.

18. Night clubs and gambling premises closed.

19. Fairs and fiestas cancelled.

20. Hotels: common places 50 percent and dinning room 30 percent.

21. After school activities will be allowed as of Monday.

22. Cultural places: museums etc... 50 percent. Groups up to 6 people inside and outside.

23. Parks and beaches open from 07.00 to 21.00.

24. Swimming pools reopen (on Monday) with 20% capacity and 2 people per lane.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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The latest changes for Mallorca.

As of Monday, February 15 the current restrictions will be modified as follows:

1. Only people living together can be together. Exceptions are: People who live alone can be part of a single, extended unit. Minors can meet parents if they live at different addresses, as can couples if they don’t live together. A further exception applies to anyone who has to go to a different address to care for others.

2. Closure of bars and restaurants (except for home delivery and order collection).

3. You can still smoke as long as you respect social distancing and you are static.

4. Stores will have to reduce their capacity to 50 percent or 30% reduction if larger than 700 square metres.

5. Theatres, cinemas an d marquees at 30 percent capacity. As of Monday 50%.

6. Gyms and spas closed. As of Monday only open for non-intensive trainning and reduced capacity.

7. Ban on the public attending sports events of any category.

8. Curfew at 22.00 until 06.00.

9. Closure of non-essential stores of 700 square metres or more. As of Monday large stores and shopping centres will be able to open at 30% capacity, Monday to Friday. Car park capacities will be 50%.

10. Closure of all establishments at 20.00, with certain exceptions - food or essential products, petrol stations and hairdressers.

11. Buses will have limited capacity and there will be no standing.

12. On the Metro, standing will be allowed in places where this is indicated.

13. Ban on fiesta activities.

14. People who are at risk are being advised not to use public transport.

15. The government is also recommending people to be home by 20.00 and to visit commercial establishments on their own.

16. Churches at 30 percent capacity and ceremonies 15 people (30 percent)

17. Visit to senior citizen homes: one person per day. Senior citizen clubs closed. As of Monday leaving the premises is permitted.

18. Night clubs and gambling premises closed.

19. Fairs and fiestas cancelled.

20. Hotels: common places 50 percent and dinning room 30 percent.

21. After school activities will be allowed as of Monday.

22. Cultural places: museums etc... 50 percent. Groups up to 6 people inside and outside.

23. Parks and beaches open from 07.00 to 21.00.

24. Swimming pools reopen (on Monday) with 20% capacity and 2 people per lane.

Presumably they’ve given a review date? And are these all new measures or are some a continuation of what was already in place? And lastly, what is the coronavirus situation in Mallorca, presumably it’s a detiorarating situation?

Interestingly I have some Dutch friends who have driven back to Spain from Austria just a 4 days ago. They encountered no road checks anywhere, not even at the national borders.

Clancy Moped

Well-known member
18 Jun 2019
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Presumably they’ve given a review date? And are these all new measures or are some a continuation of what was already in place? And lastly, what is the coronavirus situation in Mallorca, presumably it’s a detiorarating situation?

Interestingly I have some Dutch friends who have driven back to Spain from Austria just a 4 days ago. They encountered no road checks anywhere, not even at the national borders.
They are reviewed every 2 weeks and updated accordingly. At the moment Mallorca is on medium alert.....


Well-known member
24 Sep 2006
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I think It's currently looking unlikely that we'll be allowed to go abroad this year without very onerous restrictions like quarantining, expensive testing etc (maybe autumn we might be able to travel) , just wondering what others are thinking?

Even if the UK vaccinate the whole of the UK v quickly, whether we are allowed to travel is probably going to depend on the country you're travelling to, and most of Europe is looking dodgy imo.

What are your expectations?
I 100% expect to be on our boat in France this year. No quasi science or man maths, just what I think.


Well-known member
15 Jan 2019
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The problem with vaccine “passports” is that this will mean most people probably below 40 will not be able to go - will one jab be enough?- and certainly not the poor kids who’s education has been trashed and many of whom have had the illness. It is such a minefield at least for this year. I am hoping that common sense will prevail. By the summer we should be in a far far better place everywhere than last year. Heat drives transmission down. More people will have had it also reducing transmission. And even if not everyone has been jabbed the fact that many will have been means further paths to reduced transmission. Europe or the U.K. can’t afford to kill the tourist industry and so while I am sure there will be sensible restrictions around social distancing I cannot see why there wouldn’t be a summer season unless governments have agendas that are focussed on for their authoritarianism.


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20 Feb 2016
Puerto Portals
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The problem with vaccine “passports” is that this will mean most people probably below 40 will not be able to go - will one jab be enough?- and certainly not the poor kids who’s education has been trashed and many of whom have had the illness. It is such a minefield at least for this year. I am hoping that common sense will prevail. By the summer we should be in a far far better place everywhere than last year. Heat drives transmission down. More people will have had it also reducing transmission. And even if not everyone has been jabbed the fact that many will have been means further paths to reduced transmission. Europe or the U.K. can’t afford to kill the tourist industry and so while I am sure there will be sensible restrictions around social distancing I cannot see why there wouldn’t be a summer season unless governments have agendas that are focussed on for their authoritarianism.

my thoughts exactly! couldnt have summed it up any better!

Deleted User YDKXO

To me its simple. I think everybody agrees that the current lockdowns across Europe really have to be the final ones given the fact that the cavalry is riding over the hill in the shape of the vaccine. So IMHO countries will not open themselves up to non essential travel until such time as they have vaccinated the vulnerable section of their population, which effectively means most if not all adults. However, this makes the assumption that the current vaccines prove effective against all current known variants and any new variants that might appear throughout the year. If not that throws a big spanner in the works

Of course foreign travel will also be dependent on whether the UK lifts its quarantine requirements on incoming travellers. Certainly a mandatory 10 day isolation period on their return would put off a lot of British tourists from travelling abroad whatever the situation in the country they wish to visit. It seems that quarantining incoming travellers plays well with the British electorate so dont expect the policy to be lifted any time soon

The other consideration is vaccine passports. Even in the UK, it is unlikely that young people will receive a vaccine before the summer so if you usually travel with a young family that could kybosh any idea of a foreign summer holiday

So when will Med countries have vaccinated the vast majority of their adult population and when will the UK lift its quarantine policy? Thats anybody's guess but my guess is that both will have happened by late summer so we could all get some late season boating in before the weather breaks again. Unfortunately everybody else will have the same idea so Sept/Oct could be as crowded as it usually is in August

Andy Bav

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8 Jun 2013
kent. Boat in Sant Carles
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The one thing this lockdown has taught me is to never plan more than 2 months in advance. We cancelled a June trip last year - well Ryanair did - but we were 75% certain of an August trip... and we could have made it had we felt more confident. We weren’t and we didn’t.

I have a complicated June-Board level commitment annually, so don’t really plan anything other than long weekends before mid mid June, so essentially back-ending the summer.

A few weeks ago, I was 50% confident of a trip out in June, 75% confident of an August holiday and 100% certain of a September trip. Based on the current climate, that confidence has slipped to 20%, 50% and 75% respectively...

Even more frustrating as we have paid a deposit on a new-to-us boat that we need to view ... and its in Mallorca !


Well-known member
6 Sep 2016
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Don’t want to rub it in boys, but I might go out tomorrow. For some reason our local marina is selling diesel at €1.30 per liter, that is cheaper than you can fill up a car with. I’ve got my diesel treatment in case it’s been sitting some time???