max prop trouble



I've had a three bladed Max Prop for 15 years. Motoring away the other day, I stopped moving. I heard a minor engine rev, and saw the prop shaft was turning OK. I had reverse, but no power forward. The Hurth transmission doesn't make the ususal "clunk" when going into gear, but does so going into reverse. Viewing the blades turning from the dinghy it appears the blades aren't set (reason for no "clunk"???). Diving indicates that too. Mechanic seems to think the trany is shot - and before I believe him and pull the engine, I want to haul out and inspect this prop. Anyone have this trouble with a Max Prop?
Gary Meagley


I have a 5 yr old 3-bladed Max Prop with no problems, so I cannot help. However, I suggest you get in touch with Darglow Engineering, the UK distributor for Max Prop, with contact through They are extremely helpful. By the way, when was the last time you greased the prop, did you use a recommended grease (its hard to obtain - Darglow can supply), and when was the last time you dissembled it to inspect for wear, degrease, etc? In other words, has it been reasonably serviced over the 15 years?
Incidentally, Max Props are reputed to be EXTREMELY reliable, so my bets are on a gearbox failure.
Best regards Edward

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by edward on Mon Jul 2 11:03:48 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>


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10 Jul 2012
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Same Max Prop Issue

We have the same issue. How did you resolve your problem? Was it the gearbox? Any feedback would be appreciated.