Lockdown boat use

Farmer Piles

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6 Oct 2020
Deepest Kernow
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Can only say as to what is going on here in Falmouth. During the first lockdown there were no boats allowed to be used and the harbourmaster policed it strictly.
This time people are being allowed to use their boats. Last Sunday we popped out in our runabout and there were probably 8-10 boats out on the estuary. some fishing and some enjoying the sunshine


19 Jan 2021
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I think we need to also consider what happens if you go out and get into trouble and need assistance/medical support. One reason the lockdown is In place is to reduce the load on the emergency services as if we are all tucked up safe hopefully it reduces residual risks. I wish I could go out on my boat but feel we all need to support this lockdown so we can get back to normal life.

Yes but if you apply that argument then lots of things should be stopped because they might lead to needing medical support. Why is horse riding allowed? Why is riding a bicycle on the road for pleasure/exercise allowed? Why is jogging allowed when we know that Covid particles are spread further by somebody breathing heavily?

It seems to me that compared to those 3 examples, boating is a far safer activity. After all how much more socially distanced can you be that sat on your boat in the middle of the sea?


Well-known member
20 Sep 2011
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Yes but if you apply that argument then lots of things should be stopped because they might lead to needing medical support. Why is horse riding allowed? Why is riding a bicycle on the road for pleasure/exercise allowed? Why is jogging allowed when we know that Covid particles are spread further by somebody breathing heavily?

It seems to me that compared to those 3 examples, boating is a far safer activity. After all how much more socially distanced can you be that sat on your boat in the middle of the sea?
Has your wife told you that.


20 Apr 2020
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Haslar is still open. I always do my winter lift out, antifoul and service in December so she’s back in the water ready to go. I will leave it another couple of weeks, after that I will be very tempted go out. As you all know a boat sitting idle is no good !

luke collins

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22 Oct 2020
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Yes but if you apply that argument then lots of things should be stopped because they might lead to needing medical support. Why is horse riding allowed? Why is riding a bicycle on the road for pleasure/exercise allowed? Why is jogging allowed when we know that Covid particles are spread further by somebody breathing heavily?

It seems to me that compared to those 3 examples, boating is a far safer activity. After all how much more socially distanced can you be that sat on your boat in the middle of the sea?
they are all forms of exercise, being behind the wheel is not really. Agree with you however the rules are all a mess and I really want to go to my boat or even out on my boat.


19 Sep 2002
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None of these are your decision. Your knowing where the cases come from makes no difference. You do not need to "look beyond the rules" Just obey them.

You have missed my point entirely.
Re-read the post again.

I am obeying the rules.
But 30k+ people per day are reporting infections.

So what is causing that?

Do people need to look beyond the rules and restrict themselves further (i.e. the rules are too lenient) or are most of these cases caused by rule breakers?


Well-known member
1 Jul 2010
Gower / West Wales / Black Sea
There’s nothing going on here in Swansea apart from commercial vessels being allowed out from the locks (fishing basically). As per Welsh rules we aren’t even allowed onto the pontoons -we can look at our boats from the mainland (As long as you don’t get stopped by the police and asked why you are there.)


Well-known member
17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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I mentioned QHM guidance in another post -I haven’t seen a ban posted by e mail recently along with the unlit buoy messages. I think currently they point to RYA. If maintenance work is required and you stay tied up to your marina or buoy I doubt the marine police will be patrolling Haslar lake looking for those putting on sails or cleaning decks and adjusting lines. That said cold weather is perhaps not conducive to much activity afloat apart from checking all ok . Boat always stay in water over winter and we don’t generally have issues not visiting though and often it’s because we have something to collect or check . Currently I haven’t had the jab but I think once that arrives then post Easter many might be minded to change their views by say May bank holiday. Currently bedding all vacuum packed at home and cupboard supplies removed so we would need to do what amounts to a mini fit out inside with kit before trips out become likely.


Well-known member
26 Feb 2006
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There’s nothing going on here in Swansea apart from commercial vessels being allowed out from the locks (fishing basically). As per Welsh rules we aren’t even allowed onto the pontoons -we can look at our boats from the mainland (As long as you don’t get stopped by the police and asked why you are there.)
Some of us can't even get into the country to look at our boats!:mad:

jon and michie

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28 Dec 2014
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Yes without doubt we have all been affected in our boating world but what I find annoying is that the oxygen thieves on land still continue break lockdown rules thinking its ok to have 300 at a rave etc
10 Mar 2017
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Yes but if you apply that argument then lots of things should be stopped because they might lead to needing medical support. Why is horse riding allowed? Why is riding a bicycle on the road for pleasure/exercise allowed? Why is jogging allowed when we know that Covid particles are spread further by somebody breathing heavily?

It seems to me that compared to those 3 examples, boating is a far safer activity. After all how much more socially distanced can you be that sat on your boat in the middle of the sea?
We had the exact same thing happen in New Zealand. You couldnt boat during level 4 (the harshest and more harsh than any uk level). You also couldn’t at level 3 when for bizarre reasons tramping, hunting and surfing were all allowed. It didn’t make any sense but those were the rules unfortunately.


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
home in Brum. S37 sold, was in Med Spain.
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We had the exact same thing happen in New Zealand. You couldnt boat during level 4 (the harshest and more harsh than any uk level). You also couldn’t at level 3 when for bizarre reasons tramping, hunting and surfing were all allowed. It didn’t make any sense but those were the rules unfortunately.
NZ 25 deaths
UK 100,000
I think you got it right


22 Jun 2012
Swanwick, River Hamble, UK
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I live and sail & motor on the Hamble, and accordingly around the Solent. The harbourmaster here has supported the RYA's view that boating is a form of exercise and that the river is open. Hants Marine police later tweeted reminding people that you should stay local in any exercise. In short, the advice here I guess was dinghy sailing or paddle boarding on the Hamble, for example, was fine for anyone who lives "local" to the Hamble. However, as an example, getting into your motorboat and cruising out into the Solent has to be very questionable in terms of exercise, staying local and just keeping to the spirit of staying at home.

People compare sailing activities with riding horses, cycling and other "allowed" activities, and I see where they're coming from. I'm just keeping to the view that if I do an activity which carries a risk that many others might have to compromise their own safety to help me if I get into trouble, then is it right to do that activity in the first place? I'm trying not to be pious; I'm certainly not someone who likes to be told what to do by others and so on, but now surely we should all be trying to do the right thing and not just comparing what we do against the actions of others.

Anyway fingers crossed that by the time the weather warms up we'll be back into tiers, or better, and that boating will be properly back on the cards for all. :)