List and high RPM


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10 Sep 2001
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Had a great weekend getting very wet following JFMs terrific iceberg sized lump of GRP around the Solent (pictures to follow). Out again on Sunday for a short trip with the old people and their friends - who naturally stung me for lunch at the club and then had to go when it was time to clean the boat and re-rig the covers <G>.

Two questions though (one serious):

The port engine (Mercruiser 4.2L) was fine on Saturday, but on Sunday when I started it it refused to idle below 1,300. Putting it into gear brought it down to 1,200 but no lower. It didn't sound fast and the gear engaged as smoothly as before. An electric quirk maybe? I tried stopping it and then restarting it but the gauge kept reading high.

Secondly - I've developed a bit of a list to port - I can't find any water in the bilges and the fresh water tank (on that side is empty). The weight of one person on the starboard side of the swim platform seems to even things up a bit. Silly question - as the galley and cupboards are on the port should I store some of the booze / tins in the lockers on the starboard side - or do the boat builders compensate for Centre of Gravtiy calculations (or do I just have too much booze on board?). BTW both fuel tanks are feeding fuel and seem to be reading about the same so I'm sure that it's not fuel imbalance.

Finally - I know it's lazy but you just gotta love a bow thruster in a lock <G>

No boating for two weeks - I shall go mad.

Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)

Deleted User YDKXO

So you've found out about guests? Firstly, they think you're rich because you've got a boat (never mind that you're probably not rich because you've got a boat) so you pay for everything. Secondly, they'll bring a couple of bags of crisps (as a contribution) and then merrily scoff all your booze and they'll expect you to serve them it all day. Thirdly, they'll bugger off the nano-second you hit your home pontoon leaving you to spend 3hours cleaning up the mess
After a few years you'll sort out those guests you can invite on the boat and leave the rest for dinner at home
Re the engine RPM, if MV3 has cable controls it could just be a cable adjustment; if you have electronic controls then I dunno. Either way it should be sorted as engaging gear at too high rpm could damage the gearbox eventually
Re the listing, if the boat was level when you bought it then it is more than likely that it is an imbalance in the fuel tank levels even though the guages may read the same - fuel guages are notoriously unreliable. It's also possible that it is caused by stored items but you'd have to have a huge quantity of booze and stuff


> you'd have to have a huge quantity of booze and stuff

You've not met him, then?


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Boat guests, List, high RPM

I can heartily recomend "COLIN+" as a boat additive. COLIN+ includes all sorts of features, such as cleaning up, washing things, and sitting/sleeping at the right side of the boat to correct the list, and is availble as either a single econommy sized unit, or as a 2-pack for additional conversation, drying up and generally keeping the standard COLIN in order. COLIN+ includes a full seawater testing service.

Is the list when at non-planing speeds? Cos on plane of course yer just do the flaps. This can't be unusual, esp with a load of booze on board. Also wife +kids not heavy enuf to compensate. Using COLIN+ on starboard side will definetly sort it out.

The rpm thingy, are you saying that the revcounter is wrong, but the speed axshully sounds okay? Not unusual for these to go a bit wrong. Indeed, most things will go wrong. Depth-meter is the main thing that should work, and even then it only really needs to work when non-planing. Note again that COLIN+ will gellfully prat about with boat at any time of night or day, and/or deliver soothing noises that probly fine, and anyway it floats and goes dunnit?


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7 Sep 2001
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Probably is a stowage problem, or osmosis in one side of the hull, taking on vast quanties of water into the hull and delaminating it and the boat will turn right over and sink and....................... No, maybe not, just stowage!! Tee hee


American boat, innit? So it's obvious. You're driving on the wrong side of the road (as far as MV3's concerned), and the boat was built to expect the camber being the other way round, so it leans over a bit.

Best suggestion is drive it on the left, just like a car. When challenged, claim that you have right of way, being wind powered. If that doesn't confuse them, pretend to be foreign.


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10 Sep 2001
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Re: List and high RPM - Thakyou <G>

Thanks for the "helpful" hints guys. Guess I'll get the throttle setting looked at if it does it next time. And move all the cans of food that SWMBO keeps buying (just in case!) into a locker on the starboard side. As for the suggestion that its a Yankee boat and should therefore be set up for the camber on the left - how stupid do you think I am? If I was driving on the left then the list would be to the right, so it must be the UK spec'd verison of an American boat - gosh these chaps think of everything don't they.

Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)


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16 May 2001
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Re: List and high RPM and pics

Re idle speed, if it is actually idling at 1300rpm will need to be fixed because will risk busting the gearbox dogs. That's too high rpm to change gear. Alternatively, if rpm is ok but tacho is misreading, ignore it.

Re list, do you have tabs? Were they both up at the time, I mean if one were down then the tabs were CAUSING the list? Likewise, do you have power trim guages, were different trim angles on your legs CAUSING the list? Otherwise, if it is minor just iron it out with the tabs or trim, or redistribute weight.

It looked ok listwise to me. BTW I will post pics of American Pie being driven at massive speed by Barry, probly tonight. Also pics of JohnR's monster Alooshun 64 in LYH, absolutely beautiful machine, also with a bit of a list probly caused by anchor chain :)


Re: return pipe

You could fix that by going astern, Barry. Pumps it back the other way, y'see. (Just a little tip they don't teach on ICC courses...)


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10 Sep 2001
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Re: List and high RPM - Update

Just got thtough to the chap whose serviced the boat from new.

The starboard engine for the last two seasons has read high for the first five to ten hours of the season and then settles down. So it's the gauge that's lying - but he will have a look for me next time he's in Chichester. I thought it sounded like it was turning over at the same pace.

As for the list - its really only noticable when moored, when we're going alone I trim it out. Gotta drink some more of the beer and wine.


Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)


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10 Sep 2001
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I sense a wind-up from the meister here... NM

As Mrs B would say JFRO Mr Wignall (in the best possible taste of course...)

Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: other reasons for listing

1. Her shoes need redistributing around the boat.

2. The washing up hasn't been done, and it will get sorted if the pots and pans get moved.

3. All the booze is on that side of the boat. You could move it, but best to eliminate the problem completely.

4. There's not enuf water in the freshwater tank. Or too much. Run it all of and have a look. If no good, fill it up.

5. It's taking the fuel from one tank and not t'other. or someoehow, the tasnks are not filled up the same. Open up the crossover pipes, if there are any, if there are 2 tanks.

6, There some water in one side of the bilges, cos one of the stuffing boxes (where the prop goes out of the hull) is too loose.

7. The boat is part of elaborate arms-selling scandal, and the flagpole is made of plutonium.

8. The boat is part of a very large and elaborate arms selling scandal, and one side of the guardrails is also filled with plutonium.

9. You have very heavy plates and cutlery.

10. the boat is tied to the pontoon via a rope from the far side, underneath the hull, and then the tide has gone out a bit.

11. The fenders on one side have been filled with water, or more plutonium.

12. You have bought a secondhand cheap liferaft which actually has several dead bodies in it.

13. The four thousand pounds worth of small metal cars that you have bought small son have already been deposited at one end of his bed, and need re-distributing.

14. The monster 50" plasma TV will need to be positioned in the middle of the boat, not to one side.

15. The icemaker is extraodinarily powerful, and has made several hundred kilos of ice.

16. A skin fitting or pump (shower, bog) under the saloon is a bit rubbish, and leaks, so there is water on one side of the bilge under the saloon floor. Oops a serious possibility?

17. Robbers stole the starboard engine on saturday night and replaced it with a massive rubber band, which is much lighter, explains the over-reving too! Hence the v wise advice to check the engines.

18. Secretly, you haven't sold that outboard, and have put it in a lazarette. Move it somewhere else.

19. The starboard engien is full of oil, and the other isn't. Unlikely to cause the problem alone, unless the plutonium is in suspension of oil.

20. Your wife is lying about her weight and actually weighs 23 stone on account of very (very very) heavy bones.


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9 Mar 2002
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Re: other reasons for listing

That was brilliant!! LOL LOL LOL

I have little to contribute technically but considering that this list was discovered late on Sunday after a heavy lunch, is it possible that the boat is perfectly alright and that Barry is listing to port? Try moving your loose change to the other pocket and see if the boat lists to starboard.


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Seems to me that the database here is a little 'iffy' if you get my drift......
'A bit of a list to port' is really much too vague for us to work on. How do you recognise this phenomena? Are you actually on the boat and feeling that you are leaning a little to port? are folks on board evenly distributed? Or are you visually observing this new vessel of yours from the shore/jetty with direct line of site down the centre line from ahead or astern and with no persons on board to muddy the waters? The line of site from ashore assessment is by far the most reliable and a visble list can then only be due to an uneven distribution of weight..but you knew that didnt you! Actually, and without being flippant, its amazing how just 50-100lbs deadweight out to one side or the other can induce a noiticeable list. A slight starbd list on my boat turned out to be down to an extra battery (27kilos) on that side.
Come on Barry, more data please.
OK that was the sensible answer so now.......................drink all the booze, wait 24 hours to sober up and see if the list has gone...if so definitely down to ration distribution.
Would offer to let you trial some MiracleX-MBC but Kim zapped it so cant.......



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10 Sep 2001
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Re: other reasons for listing - ROFL

Thanks TCM - some good suggestions here, I think I'll go with moving the umpteen tins of baked beens that SWMBO has bought (just in case, in case of WHAT?) and give them to the poor yotties. Failing that I'll drink the case of beer. As for Fosbies suggestion - perish the thought <G>

Through difficulties to the bar (IMHO / FWIW / NWGOI)


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11 Dec 2001
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Re: other reasons for listing

Err excuse me for adding a possible additional reason, now without wishing to cause offence or anything, but our Barry's not exactly a midget is he? Whereas Heidi is just a mere slip of a lass. So it couldn't be that with all that weight on one side, it's making it lean a bit? To his side? Betcha if you let her drive, the list would be the other way. Tee hee.

What you need is an equally fat gi.. oops sorry, similarly well-built muscular counterweight the other side and I'm quite prepared to volunteer as soon as the steroids start working and I can get a bit of weight on;-).


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16 May 2001
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Re: stuffed outdrives

Stuffing box? If there are stuffing boxes then you will have a massive leak in the bilges, water is gushing in! Suggest get them removed completely


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16 May 2001
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Report to follow soon

Yes we met them! Took quite a few pics of AmPie being driven at 38kts by BarryD, quite nice close ups ( we were only a boat length away, at 38 kts, Barry was driving AmPie and my 10 year old was driving Braveheart.... so erm no worries). Have not been home much and will not be tonight, but will try to post full report and pics tomorrow evening. Also I have pics of JohnR's fantastic Aloooshun 64 in Lymington. Watch this space.