Well-known member
Moodysabre was right. Your comments are pretty distasteful even to someone as insensitive as myself.I agree there's some merit to the "apologise and move on even if you're not in the wrong" approach to life but actually in this case how thats "extremely offensive" or anything to do with circumnavigating women I'd love to know before apologising.
I knew i'd read it somewhere so googled it just now. There's this among other mentions: Is it true that drowned women always float face-up?
Drowned women can be somewhat self righting, men not so much. Its a bit late of course if they've drowned already but still it indicates women might require a less righting LJ then men. But really not much less in newtons it seems. I just remembered reading/hearing it so mentioned it, because its a discussion forum, which would be dull if no one throws in the odd curve ball.