Las Palmas Anchorage for 3 weeks?


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26 Jan 2004
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@ jordanbasst not only that , then there the Polution and half sunken wrecks .
Luckily more and more country are asking to see insurance now , even where we are now in North Africa they want to see insurance and if you don't happen to have any they insist you leave their waters , what ever the weather maybe at that time .


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27 Apr 2006
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Maybe shot isn't the right word to use. But uninsured boat should be confiscated once caught or at less held until insured and A fine given.
As you said there many who haven't got any insurance , boats that are valued so low that the owners couldn't care less what happens ,
Keeping that in mind , would you really want to leave you pride and joy at anchor for weeks on ends , ofcause if you pride and joy happens to be a worthless bit of junk I guess it wouldn't make any difference. :)

I have a very good friend who has never insured his boat. He is a very competent sailor. He anchors all the time. Mostly with two anchors down. He can lift his daggerboard and anchor in less than 3ft of water. He does this often so nobody can drags in to him. Not all uninsured sailors are a problem to those that are insured.


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26 Jan 2004
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I have a very good friend who has never insured his boat. He is a very competent sailor. He anchors all the time. Mostly with two anchors down. He can lift his daggerboard and anchor in less than 3ft of water. He does this often so nobody can drags in to him. Not all uninsured sailors are a problem to those that are insured.
You can be the most competent sailor on earth , accident do happen , so do weather went your not expecting it too and anchor do drag .
And the day when one of them uninsured competent sailors be it your friend or someone else friend take a lump out of your boat , I doubt his experience is going to make any difference to you when he say he hasn't got a pot to piss in and go and take a run and jump for the damage to your boat .

It's a bit like saying , am a Experience and competent drive and only drive my car when there no car about so I don't need insurance .
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20 Mar 2002
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Unless the boat that was hit was uninsured themselves I don't understand why it matters (apart from to no claims bonus) whether the boat that hit them was uninsured too.

If you lose everything becuase you are uninsured yourself then that is the risk you take.
8 Aug 2016
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I'm intrigued - is there anywhere that people would leave their boat at anchor for 3 weeks?

I have spent a whole day away from our boat at anchor but haven't yet even spent an overnight away from it unless tied up in a harbour (and I don't mean anchored back to a harbour wall either as chains could get tangled), but I suspect I'm at the over-cautious end of the spectrum there.

Tranquillo bay in Nidri/Vilho is full of boats that are left for months on end. Many with a line ashore (I consider that worse than anchor alone). The sunken boats that they anchor next to don't seem to deter them.

Worse than that are town quays where holding is normally patchy and you can only set a short scope. Boats are left on Lefkas town quay all winter.
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20 Mar 2002
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Tranquillo bay in Nidri/Vilho is full of boats that are left for months on end. Many with a line ashore (I consider that worse than anchor alone). The sunken boats that they anchor next to don't seem to deter them.

Worse than that are town quays where holding is normally patchy and you can only set a short scope. Boats are left on Lefkas town quay all winter.

Oh, I know that people do, but I was intrigued to find out if anybody here could explain why it feels safe for them to do so. We have had one poster who has done it for years but I guess if you aren't worried you can't explain that to people like me who would be worried even if fully dug in or on two anchors or whatever.


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27 Apr 2006
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You can be the most competent sailor on earth , accident do happen , so do weather went your not expecting it too and anchor do drag .
And the day when one of them uninsured competent sailors be it your friend or someone else friend take a lump out of your boat , I doubt his experience is going to make any difference to you when he say he hasn't got a pot to piss in and go and take a run and jump for the damage to your boat .

It's a bit like saying , am a Experience and competent drive and only drive my car when there no car about so I don't need insurance .
Actually he hasn't hit anybody as he is super cautious. Currently sailing in the Pacific. You probably wouldn't find him in a crowded anchorage because he would be worried about somebody hitting him! Hi is also an expert GRP laminator, built his boat, repaired countless others from hurricane damage, built several hundred fishing boats and all round decent guy. Not everybody is a scoundrel which was my point in posting.


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26 Jan 2004
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Tranquillo bay in Nidri/Vilho is full of boats that are left for months on end. Many with a line ashore (I consider that worse than anchor alone). The sunken boats that they anchor next to don't seem to deter them.

Worse than that are town quays where holding is normally patchy and you can only set a short scope. Boats are left on Lefkas town quay all winter.
Mike you may be interested that over the last three years there been a few boat sunk and badly hole on the town wall which where left over winter one sunk just this year almost out side the PP . As for Tranquil bay which by the way is no where near tranquil any more , better name would be polluted bay yes there are boat left there over winter , but over the years some have returned to find there boats been broken into , other have sunk and some the rats have made a nice home in them .
Most are just wreck anyway if you add the valve of all the boat left discounting IBA Boat they wouldn't add up to much .
Once it was a lovely clean bay , same apply to Vliho what a mess that is , some have pitch there patch leaving behind a scrap yard of boats .
But this posting is about leaving a boat for three weeks on a anchor , not sure about you but anyone who valve his boat and for some of us it's our home too , anchoring your boat and going off for three weeks seen to me as just plain stupid .
But then you only got to take a look at people around and see there plenty of them around .
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1 Dec 2007
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Why don't you lay a mooring? It comprises two anchors joined by chain, with a riser chain or rope to the boat. In trade-wind areas no need for a swivel. This is of course what one mostly does when leaving a boat at anchor unattended, but there's a word of difference in attitude: "I left my boat on a mooring" -> all well; a seamanlike thing, whereas "I left my boat at anchor" -> general opprobrium.

But the difference is only in the semantics.
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Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Why don't you lay a mooring? It comprises two anchors joined by chain, with a riser chain or rope to the boat. In trade-wind areas no need for a swivel. This is of course what one mostly does when leaving a boat at anchor unattended, but there's a word of difference in attitude: "I left my boat on a mooring" -> all well; a seamanlike thing, whereas "I left my boat at anchor" -> general opprobrium.

But the difference is only in the semantics.

Probably because the OP is talking about the anchorage in Las Palmas. You are even supposed to pay for that.......


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26 Jan 2004
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Very true, but the thread, if not the OP, had drifted to the Caribbean!

These thread alway drift into the Caribbean or some beaten off the track place .
I surprise anyone want to leave there boat on its anchor for long periods without some safe guard and even then no one can keep a eye on it 24/7 .
I can only imagine they can't valve there boat much .
I don't disagree people do just that but when you look at the boats that are left they are very old and low valve boats , you won't see a 40K>boat just left for weeks on end although no doubt someone will say they have .
Most people I know that Includes me too can't wait to return back after a day out to check all is still well and no half wit has drgged into me ,
I think if you sat around a table with 1000 sailor and ask how many have ever left there boat at anchor for weeks on end or would concider doing so , there won't be many hand going up .
Just to prove my point at the last BBQ last Sunday I did just that , two US boat three Aus,one German, two French, and one from NZ They looked at me like I was nuts asking the question .

To top it up as I said before , I very much doubt that you be covered by your insurance if you did .
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26 Jun 2013
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I surprise anyone want to leave there boat on its anchor for long periods without some safe guard and even then no one can keep a eye on it 24/7 .
I can only imagine they can't valve there boat much .

Not the case for probably more than most, they value their ability to suss out an anchorage and oversize anchor gear.

What's the difference between that and a mooring surrounded by thousands of other boats with more than a few secured by suspect ropes?


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26 Jan 2004
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Not the case for probably more than most, they value their ability to suss out an anchorage and oversize anchor gear.

What's the difference between that and a mooring surrounded by thousands of other boats with more than a few secured by suspect ropes?
the difference is leaving it weeks on end without anyone to take care of it , plus the insurance cover

I also wouldn't leave my boat on a mooring that I didn't know for weeks on end , if I did at less it be insured.or I would make sure I cover before I did .
And yes I rather use my own anchor then use a mooring for the last reason you given but not for weeks on end or as the OP ask for three weeks .
Leaving your boat in say a marina with hundreds of boats Round is very different even as you put it on suspect ropes .

Fact and I not making this up .
Pant insurance they where ask if it was ok to leave a boat on a Pontoon belonging to a boat company , this pontoon was in a bay connected to land by the side of the company , in other words not in a yard , the Pontoon as no laze lines so you be on your know anchor and chain ,
they reply was ,
if the boat was left like this for more then 48 hours with no one on board the boat would not be covered
This was just over 16 months ago .
If a insurance company like pants won't cover a boat on a pontoon , who going to cover a boat in a river / bay left on its anchor for weeks on end .

A commercial mooring belonging to a mooring company is very different and insurance company look at these in different ways .

Where the valve comes into it , Any normally person isn't going to leave a valuable boat unisured where if the boat only worth a few thousand of pounds and it's going to cost them half of that to moor for some weeks , then. Owner may take the chance .

Lastly how do you susis out a anchorage , it may be 100% safe but who know who going to turn up while your away on your trip and drag into you so you end up on the shore or smack into you and hole you .
It's not the anchorage that the problem and at times not the weather but another boat
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Well-known member
26 Jun 2013
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the difference is leaving it weeks on end without anyone to take care of it , plus the insurance cover...................

You forgot .......


Where the valve comes into it , Any normally person isn't going to leave a valuable boat unisured
They can and they do. Maybe not many where you are but the world is a big place.

Makes much more sense taking a view on things then and there looking at the real world rather than guessing from afar.



Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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You forgot .......


They can and they do. Maybe not many where you are but the world is a big place.

Makes much more sense taking a view on things then and there looking at the real world rather than guessing from afar.


How can you even say that ,:)
has I said who know what going to happen where your away from the boat for weeks on end.
What happens to be a empty anchorage which seen 90% safe at the time ,
while the owner away enjoying his ski holiday , an typhoon comes through , or on a stormy night the only other boat in the anchorage drags and take the other boat with him or maybe just out of bad luck the chain break or a local fishing boat come along and drag your anchor with his net .
All the time remember you won't be insured.
Good luck if you or anyone else wishes to take this route .
I cant believe as a experience livabord sailor you would do that , I sure your pulling my leg .

And by the way the owner will be guessing from a far because that's exactly where he be far far away .:)
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