Kobo Aura HD


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18 Feb 2015
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Thinking of upgrading to a higher quality ereader?
The Kobo Aura is NOT higher quality despite its price
tag. I have owned one for about six months. Admittedly
used it quite a bit to begin with. The trouble starts when it upgrades
itself. You have no choice in the matter if connected with wifi,
and let's face it, they give that as a big plus when buying an ereader.
First it will freeze. Can't turn a page, can't go back to the home page.
Won't switch off. So you do a manual reset with a paper clip.
No change. Eventually you bite the bullet and do a full reset, paper clip and
holding down the power button. Lose any books, or other reading material.
Goes right back to a new machine. Then it freezes again. Once you get into the
Freeze reset cycle it will let you back in. Reload any books you might have and within a
few days it begins all over again. I was at the stage where I would reset then load ONE BOOK.
Helped a bit. This is using about a percent of the volume. Finally one book at a time is too much.
The Aura promises web browsing. Takes about three minutes to load a simple static page. Don't expect any
movement on the screen. Black and white only, fragmented images. Total waste of bandwidth. Not that you would
Actually use much.

Do yourself a favour and buy a cheap ereader that promises little but delivers all it says it will. My previous ereader cost about 15 quid
Colour images, even movies. No internet connection, which turns out to be a good thing.


New member
28 Jul 2015
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Won't switch off. So you do a manual reset with a paper clip.
No change. Eventually you bite the bullet and do a full reset, paper clip and
holding down the power button. Lose any books, or other reading material.

That just sounds wrong. You may have a dodgy one - did you ever get it sorted out?
I have an Aura and been using it now for a few months without any problems at all. I particularly like the sync, I think it works really fast and really well. I love it, esp the waterproof aspect, which warns you when you need to wipe the screen. Kobo have a very helpful Customer service, you should email them...:(