From time to time my instruments pick up stray transmissions which usually appear (very heavily edited) on ybw a little later. Here's the latest.
I am away for a week - I hope others are listening out as intently as I have been doing for news from our gallant challengers. As far as I can tell, this current tx was edited down into <A target="_blank" HREF=></A>
" ... “Welcome to the gates of hell” said the watch leader, and retired to his bunk. I agree. Since he’s French, his bunk and indeed the entire cabin is a total dump, with Gauloise dog-ends littering the place and everyone lolling about in their whiffy clouts and socks. Jeez.
Almost Valentine’s day. I have sent a little e-mail to my new family – but I also have a cheeky little present from all at YW and YBW for Ellen herself. Well, not so little actually. Oh, I know it’s not very PC, but you must know how all of us guys secretly wish her the very very best. Of course, I have no truck at all with those who comment about her hairstyle or any such frippery. But there’s a little place in our heart for everyone who sails, and especially from amongst the professional sailors who sail with her – and even (in this case) from those who sail against her...
Before they left in January, the Geronimo team delivered a special present for Ellen , via me at the YW offices. A lovely thought. I had to organise a forklift to get everything off the lorry, but eventually there it all was, wrapped in red shiny paper on five pallets, and adorned with twinkling red hearts. The packages each said “Not to be opened before February 14th”, and “Shh- don’t mention this to anyone Preecy – please present these to Ellen on Valentine’s day- one each” and some said “Three cheers to your B&Q sponsors - don’t get too plastered!” So, without alerting a soul, I arranged for our transport department to take the stuff down to Kingfisher and tuck it away deep down in the bilges. I can’t be quite sure of what’s in them- but I’m sure it’ll be a big surprise! One of the bags leaked a bit of very fine dust on the quayside, so perhaps it’s some treasure? Who knows? I can’t wait to see Ellen’s face light up in the morning.
Anyway, at last, we’re moving faster. Rattling along. Galloping. Zinging, flailing. In fact, we’re whizzing, gunning, whamming, battling, battering, crashing, hammering, ripping, cantering, lashing, driving, kicking, boshing, bombing, slicing, skimming, swishing and swooshing along. There, lots of ways to describe our movement through the water. At least I didn’t mention that boring word “sailing” today. Oops! I just said “Sailing Today”. Damn!
I am away for a week - I hope others are listening out as intently as I have been doing for news from our gallant challengers. As far as I can tell, this current tx was edited down into <A target="_blank" HREF=></A>
" ... “Welcome to the gates of hell” said the watch leader, and retired to his bunk. I agree. Since he’s French, his bunk and indeed the entire cabin is a total dump, with Gauloise dog-ends littering the place and everyone lolling about in their whiffy clouts and socks. Jeez.
Almost Valentine’s day. I have sent a little e-mail to my new family – but I also have a cheeky little present from all at YW and YBW for Ellen herself. Well, not so little actually. Oh, I know it’s not very PC, but you must know how all of us guys secretly wish her the very very best. Of course, I have no truck at all with those who comment about her hairstyle or any such frippery. But there’s a little place in our heart for everyone who sails, and especially from amongst the professional sailors who sail with her – and even (in this case) from those who sail against her...
Before they left in January, the Geronimo team delivered a special present for Ellen , via me at the YW offices. A lovely thought. I had to organise a forklift to get everything off the lorry, but eventually there it all was, wrapped in red shiny paper on five pallets, and adorned with twinkling red hearts. The packages each said “Not to be opened before February 14th”, and “Shh- don’t mention this to anyone Preecy – please present these to Ellen on Valentine’s day- one each” and some said “Three cheers to your B&Q sponsors - don’t get too plastered!” So, without alerting a soul, I arranged for our transport department to take the stuff down to Kingfisher and tuck it away deep down in the bilges. I can’t be quite sure of what’s in them- but I’m sure it’ll be a big surprise! One of the bags leaked a bit of very fine dust on the quayside, so perhaps it’s some treasure? Who knows? I can’t wait to see Ellen’s face light up in the morning.
Anyway, at last, we’re moving faster. Rattling along. Galloping. Zinging, flailing. In fact, we’re whizzing, gunning, whamming, battling, battering, crashing, hammering, ripping, cantering, lashing, driving, kicking, boshing, bombing, slicing, skimming, swishing and swooshing along. There, lots of ways to describe our movement through the water. At least I didn’t mention that boring word “sailing” today. Oops! I just said “Sailing Today”. Damn!