Kemps Quay, Southampton


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18 Mar 2009
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I discovered yesteday that two boats, mine being one of them had been broken into and extensive amounts of gear taken off one and tools from mine.

Previous to this two other boats were broken into and over 10k worth of gear taken off one.

All of these boat were moored on the mid river pontoon.



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4 Nov 2007
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For reasons some of you may be aware of, I have a particular interest in the policing of this bit of river. (I'm not a police officer, though I should probably say that I do work regularly with police nationally on some matters, and have friends in Hants constabulary).

The Hampshire Police Marine Unit keeps close tabs on activity on the Itchen, and I am aware that at least one individual is regularly 'nicked'. However, the criminal justice system seems unable to deal with him effectively, and no doubt there are others who pose similar problems.

I'd add that if you can find time to write a careful letter to the Chief Constable, detailing your concerns and asking for better policing, the Marine Unit folk may be very grateful. The Unit has, in the past, looked like a likely candidate for cuts...

Any efforts to redevelop the eastern bank just above the big bridge, might also bring considerable long-term gains... Any property tycoons in the house?