Just loaded the 11th part of my Round Britain trip to YouTube covering Douglas to Dale via the Swellies


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Yep, very nice indeed. Easy to watch. Out of interest, which drone do you have ?.

Best wishes.
Thank you steve.

I fly a DJI Mini 2. This has been superceded by the Mini 3 which has collision protection built in. It sounds good, but causes problems with landing on a boat. One boat owner mentioned he can only land in his dinghy because it detected his rigging and kept flying away. There are still new and secondhand Mini 2's for sale on eBay. I have the fly combi as it has 3 batteries, a charging block and storage/carry case over the base model.


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Is there time Concerto for a round Ireland cruise ?

After last year I feel rather deprived.
In a couple of years time. Looking at the weather this year I am glad I did the trip last year as I hate sailing in the rain. Currently Concerto is under going some work I was advisd to do 10 years ago to the keel rib and I have not sailed this year.

Also there have been 2 deaths of close relatives and I am assisting in clearing the house. Then next year we are planning to move from Kent to Cheshire to be closer to our daughter and grandson, which will mean relocating Concerto as well. Hopefully the following year I plan to do the round Ireland trip.

Later this year I am planning a trip up the East Coast and then on to the Solent for the Boat Show. I will probably do some reporting of these trips, but that will just have to do to satisfy you.