johnson 8hp 2 str outboard



This has an alternator and pull cord,It seems to be seized.Is there somethin I need to adjust or is it locked in some way.Hoping for some suggestions in case I look a complete idiot when the finances recover enough to allow me to visit my friendly local dealer.Thanks in advance.


The f-n-r gear handle moves, I have tried wiggling that, wouldnt the prop turn if it was in gear?, it seems locked solid, thanks


Active member
7 Sep 2001
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There is a little "dog" which locks the flywheel, try turning the prop, if it turns freeely in nuetral, the unit is not in gear, from the gearchange, there is normally a little cable which goes up to the flywheel area, see if you have that, then check to see if the dog, which sticks out, normally into a tooth or hole affair in the flywheel is not engaged, it shouldnt be. You can also try and remove the whole assembly, normally three screws around the extremity of the starter mechanism, to allow access to the flywheel without all the gubbins, if the flywheel turns now, all is probably ok with the engine, and its probably the starter mechanism. if it doesnt, you have a siezed engine and when you go to an expert, you will not now look a prat. It could ber a number of things, includoing rust, hydrostatic lock, etc. I hope this is of some help to you.


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7 Sep 2001
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I had considered that, but if it does and he has water in the cylinders, its a specialist jobbie anyway, coz its buggered by now.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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As others have said check the obvious. If no joy try taking off the starter unit and take out the spark plugs and use a spanner to turn the flywheel. If this frees it put some two stroke oil in the bores and keep on turning it over. Then put back spark plugs and try starting it. That may just work and sace a few bob. If not then you require specialist help.
Good luck.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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My 4 hp Yam had a broken impellor blade which had jammed in the pump and when dry the rubber made the engine impossible to turn over with the pull start. (I was sure the engine had seized until I removed the leg)
good luck


Firstly thanks for all the suggestions
1Tthe prop turns when in neutral.When in gear I can turn half a revolution and then no more.
2.I checked the cable from the gear shift and right enough a little dog engages
the flywheel to prevent starting in gear.This works ok as I can see it is not engaged when in neutral.
3. I took off the starter mechanism and the flywheel can only turn through an arc of about 20 degrees before jamming.
4.I took out the sparkplugs and inserted a screw driver into the cylinders and could
feel both pistons move a little when I moved the flywheel
6.The throttle has a red button which I am sure is the kill switch.The twist grip will not twist fully over to where it shows low power and twists way past where it shows
full power.There is another adjustable knob on the same axis as the twistgrip which
can be wound in and out.I do not know what this does.There is a push/pull which I am sure is the choke.
7.I assume the alternator coils are under the flywheel with the ignition mechanism.

So, a dodgy water pump, broken crankshaft, or some lock-out I still have not found?I guess I have investigated as much as I can.Any final suggestions before iItake it to the shop?


New member
21 Aug 2001
Northland New Zealand
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You have said that the lockout is not engaging whilst in gear, good, but the lockout is usually linked to the accelerator handle so it will only allow you to pull it when in "start" mode; this is tied in with the advance mechanism.Look at the assembly above the flywheel with the cover off and observe what happens when you turn the accelerator.
If the problem is not there, you sound as if you are capable of separating the power head from the leg. Do this and you have now isolated the problem to the powerhead or the gearbox/bottom end. If it is in the power head you have saved the cost of labour for taking it off, and given yourself the opportunity to clean out the internal passages. If it is lower down you can decide if you want to strip it further.

Good Luck and Happy New Year


The lockout (dog worked by cable from the gearshift) is engaging when in gear which is ok to prevent starting in gear.It is not engaging in neutral so I have eliminated that.

The advance mechanism (under the flywheel) advances when I open the throttle.
Probably my problem is that I do not know how to put the twistgrip in 'start mode'.
What is thr knob on the extremity of and on the same axis as the twistgrip?
Thanks again


New member
21 Aug 2001
Northland New Zealand
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Outboards often have a friction device on the end of the twistgrip that can be screwed in or out so the accelerator can be left at a certain rev range so your wrist doesnt have to hold against the reurn spring all the time. Is this what yours is?
See if you can get the flywheel off and then look at the accelerator/advance mechanism --- it sounds like the problem could be under there, its the next step at least.
Mechanical fault finding is just applied logic :eek:ne thing after another after choosing where to start. A process of elimination my dear Watson.
Keep posting and we'll get there eventually.



Just to close off the saga
Finally took engine to my local Johnson dealer(Marine Motors, Little island)
A bushing on the base of the leg had corroded/clogged with salt.
Bushing was removed ( only necessary in fresh water ), engine serviced
and now going like the clappers, all at a very reasonable price.