Jet skis, revenge is sweet!


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4 Jul 2001
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

The fact that nigh on every yachtie you meet has a tale to tell about a collision or near miss with a reckless jetski,

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On that assumption I assume dinghy sailors are equally as bad if not worse than jet skiers as everyone has a tale about them?


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24 Mar 2004
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

The fact that nigh on every yachtie you meet has a tale to tell about a collision or near miss with a reckless jetski,

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On that assumption I assume dinghy sailors are equally as bad if not worse than jet skiers as everyone has a tale about them?

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Only if you sail in Chichester I think! Can't say I have ever had a bad experience with a dinghy sailor, but I've hardly spent any time there!


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10 Sep 2004
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

I can't wait to try this out, I have the advantage over many that I could take out 2 at once, maybe three if I can catch one in the middle.

The gauntlet is down!

Just to get some practice in I am off out in the car to aim for kids on bicycles, that should provide some entertainment before the jet-skiers are out on the water.

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

you're saying that 99 percent of Jet Skiers are irresponsible and behave dangerously? Is that what you're saying? If so, then you're an utter cretin

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Well I can only tell what I see, if that makes me a cretin, so be it.

PS I always feel restricted in my vocabulary, but if a journalist has to resort to calling me a cretin, I guess I have nothing to worry about. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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20 Mar 2002
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Even in Chichester they just get in the way which I agree is infuriating but JetSkis also soak you and send drinks flying, which is unforgivable. Oh and make a lot of noise too.


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23 Feb 2005
Re: Stupid is as stupid does

I'm not sure that I would hold myself up as an example of a considerate Jet Skier...personally, I like to have my fun a long way away from other people so tend to do my skiing away from beaches, away from anchorages, and away from everyone else.

I agree that there is a problem, and that there are too many idiots on Jet Skis annoying everyone else. But that doesn't make all of us viable targets for other water-users intent on harm. Interestingly, the worst behaviour I've seen from Jet Skiers has involved Jet Skis used from the back of big motorboats. On several occasions I've seen them launched from a big motorboat, and then razzed round and round a crowded anchorage by the "guests" on board. They then load up the ski and head off, oblivious to the appalling damage done to Jet Skiing's image by their actions. But then they're not Jet Skiers, so they don't care.

But what to do? Well, there is a lot being done by the Personal Watercraft Partnership to integrate Jet Skis with other water-users, harbour masters and local councils. The Datatag registration scheme enables craft to be identified at a distance (all new craft are sold with a Datatag ID number clearly visible on the ski). And local clubs perform valuable self-policing, knowing that bad behaviour on their patch will cause the loss of launch sites and bring unwelcome attention. There are also people like the QHM Harbour Patrol, who use Jet Skis to keep an eye on skiers in the area.

Regulation might be an answer, but it would have to apply to all craft, both power and sail. The RYA are not in favour, and point to places like the USA where there is very strict legislation, and a far worse problem than here.

Personally, I think it will head the same way as motorbikes. As Jet Skis get more and more expensive, they will become the preserve of the middle-classes (like Harleys and big sportsbikes). There will always be idiots, but there will be fewer and fewer (and let's not forget that there are plenty of idiots on motorboats and sailboats, too).

Ultimately, a little more understanding from both sides, and a little less eagerness to point the finger, would be a good start.


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9 Jul 2001
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Incidentally - not sure if its just my experience, but why do jetskiers feel the need to drive a 4x4 to launch a tiny jetski, when off the same beach people can launch 22foot liftkeel yachts with a Ford Mondeo?

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Well not bizarre if the 4x4 is their only car. It is possible that they do other things apart from jetskiiing :)


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24 Mar 2004
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

You certainly sound more considerate than many!

Thank you for the well reasoned response, as it happens I completely agree with you on the regulation issue. I simply don't see it solving anything as the "test" would have to be set so low as to be almost meaningless and could end up giving false confidence to anyone who had passed it.

Do you think something such as a free weekend's instruction with a new jetski would have much impact? In other words do you think that it is a lack of understanding of the environment that the rider has become part of, or do you think it's more an attitude problem with some riders wishing to show off?

The first can be fixed with education (as the RYA are showing with their courses) but the second is a more worrying problem.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Well well, there seems to be a few peeps on here that could have handled the situation better, perhaps I ought to take a few lessons in boat handling and look up the collion regs on PWC's messing about weaving under the bow of a yacht in a narrow channel?

I was sure that the HR 42E couldn't stop that quickly, or straight, but then I didn't sail her that far.



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15 Feb 2005
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Not so stupid when the jetskiers are watching the waves lapping over the roof of the Mondeo, whilst they eat fish and chips in their 4x4 on the Promenade.


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4 Jan 2002
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Re: poor seamanship

Someone like to tell the tankers etc etc that they should be able to stop in (ok - multiply it up ... 42' = 5 seconds ... 400' = 50 seconds ... 800' = 1 minute 40 seconds ... so give them 2 minutes to be fair..... ) 2 minutes.

[/ QUOTE ] /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Excellent concept! So on the same principle, said Jet Ski should stop in about 0.8 of a that I would REALLY like to see! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


New member
23 Feb 2005
Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Sadly I don't think it's lack of training, it's a basic lack of consideration for other people. A large number of Jet Skiers these days have had RYA-approved training (you need an RYA Jet Ski licence to launch in an increasing number of places), but that hasn't stopped a minority from behaving like morons.

If anything, I think the antipathy between yachtsmen and Jet Skiers comes down to a lack of understanding about other water-users. Jet Skiers enjoy speed and getting wet and some can't understand that being in a sailing boat is a very different experience. My first experience in a sailboat was while doing a piece in conjunction with Yachting Monthly, and I was amazed by how bad visibility is from the helm of a sailing boat. Powerboats and Jet Skis have uninterupted 360-degree views and are much more manoeuvrable.

On a Jet Ski you are "at one" with the water because it's in your face, in your hair, in your wetsuit, all over and around you...and that's part of the joy, but Jet Skiers need to understand that some people prefer slow and dry. Most do, but some seem to find it hilarious to give other people a soaking or a scare.

Maybe if we all got to spend a few days experiencing other people's craft we'd all get along a bit better.


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27 Nov 2002
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Re: poor seamanship


On a point of pedantry the time/distance relationship that governs stopping distance will be with weight rather than waterline length.

So take a 100,000ton tanker and a 20 ton yacht you will be looking at a ratio of 5,000 to 1

This will be further modified by considering the speed at which the stopping exercise starts. The stopping distance will be proportional to the square of the speed.

On these facts I would say the Ian is not guilty on stopping distance.

However his second arguement is less robust. If it is the case that the channel was so narrow as to restrict his ability to take avoiding action then he should have been displaying the appropriate visual signal.

Since he has not mentioned such a signal and since it would be unusual for a yacht (even a HR) to be equipped with one then it would seem that he goes down on breach of colregs on that point.

Certainly worth 18 months in chokey but since the victim clearly contributed to the event by being a jet ski I suggest we let him off with a caution.

Pedantry ends.

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Now that post makes a bit more sense!

There is plenty of room out there for everyone, I think we all understand that a jetski rider get their buzz from speed (if you know what I mean!). But if you could get the message across to the PWC users that people in sailing boats don't appreciate them powersliding gallons of water into their cockpit, or that people in both power and sail boats don't want to be entertained whilst at anchor by being used as rounding markers, then we would all get along so much better! With swimmers and children in inflatables often in the water at anchorages, how long will it be before we are discussing an inquest?


Well-known member
20 Mar 2002
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

With swimmers and children in inflatables often in the water at anchorages, how long will it be before we are discussing an inquest?

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Here are a few, but googling brought up far more yachting deaths going back years.


New member
28 Mar 2002
Re: Stupid is as stupid does


Nice to see you putting a well reasoned response which is excellent education for all of us, especially your points about visibility and the freedom of blasting about in the elements. Nothing wrong with that and good luck to you

I was tempted to ask you about your choice of anchor, but it would only spark another bust up!

Best wishes to you


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27 Nov 2002
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Re: poor seamanship


Of course its always a mistake

To try to spoil a good argument by the introduction of facts.

Even quite irrelevant ones

There appears to have been no great harm done, can't see why everyone is getting so worked up.

More significant crap around to get excited about.