Jaguar 21



We have recently bought a Jaguar 21. The rudder/tiller assembly has been replaced and is something of a bodged job. Is there a Jaguar owner's club or any other source of plans/drawings for how it should look? Does anyone have a similar boat and could send us a photo, or better still, have a boat that we could look at? We're based in South Devon. Thanks


New member
21 Dec 2001
Visit site
Hope this is of help?) it refers to 16 and 30 footers - not your age! This is a new site as of 14 June 1998 in order to cater for a growing number of "small" sail boats that require an online discussion forum to exchange stories, experiences and technical tips whenever possible.

The club was inspired by Kenneth Butterly in the States as an Alacrity and Vivacity club. However, Jaguar owners soon wanted a piece of the action being from the same stable and all that. Needless to say we all have friends too that have different boats that would also like to join in. I offered to set up this site as a place to meet and having a bit of spare space on the server... John Singer very kindly came up with the Virtual Bar concept.

You will have to bear with me on some of the technicalities as the site has been set up quickly to fill a void at present. As time goes on I will try to organise chat's and such like too, but first things first. ( There that's got the obligatory excuse out of the way for not doing a full requirements doc, or having time to do the thing as brilliantly as I know I am capable of......! I might even include an under construction tag soon you never know.)

I would like to include a few photographs of small yachts if anyone has any good jpeg's that I can reproduce. You can e-mail me at if you have any good ones.

My broad guideline for allowing messages to stay on the site is simple... Thou shalt not annoy. i.e. nothing too rude, racist or inflammatory (flaming can be done elsewhere, not in the club house it distracts from having a quiet bevy if you know what I mean.)

Broad ideas for inclusion as a member ... everyone who has an interest in 16 to 30ft cruising boats. I am quite prepared for a few commercial bibs and bobs to appear within reason. So if you sell something useful let us know about it, lets not clutter the bulletin board with such matters but put them in their own section so everyone is happy.

I would like to set up a number of article pages about your experiences with cruising, racing, maintenance, social etc for newbies to marvel at and of course the old hands to nod knowingly at with a wry smile on their faces. If anyone would like to e-mail me a story or two I will publish them on this site on their own page.

Any way click here to go to the discussion bit and post a message....Post a message

or click here to go to the table of contents to see what wise and witty comments have been made so far in ....The Virtual Bar

Paul Duffield.

found it on the net for you


I know I'm a little late in sending you this message, but you can get a lot of information on the Jaguars by contacting Laurie Milton who has started the Jaguar Owner Association. It has been up a running now for several months and has a fair few members including me.
Contact Laurie at

Regards; Browney.

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