Island Packet-are they worth it?


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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Am I right in thinking that IPs still use tinned wire for their eltrickery bits? Same as I have on my USA built Sabre, and one of those hidden touches of quality that isn't apparent on first sight but pays off later on.
Nice to see some sensible people supporting a well-made yacht designed for a specific type of use, rather like the Amels. Diversity still rules sometimes!
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Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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Yes, tinned wire throughout is OE.

All through hulls and strainers are high quality bronze, accesory wiring is already in place and there are many other quality touches that add up and as you say, pay off later. AFAIK all have keel stepped masts and lead ballast.

Current models have GRP tanks which are more reliable than the heavy alloy ones previously used.

It would be a shame if we all aspired to the same thing. As you say diversity rules!


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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What is it about the phrase "home made steel boat" which makes me think of shaggy beards, dirndls and grubby toddlers? And trust funds?


Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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It's a way of life.

It is fine if building, maintaining, living aboard and sailing one is what you wish to spend your life doing. Trying to convert others to this point of view is fine, but not when it becomes a crusade.

This debate about the worth of Island Packet yachts over other yachts had posts from both sides of the debate and was mostly constructive.

Then another poster brings in home made steel boats. Boats which have many virtues, but are not relevant to the matter under discussion.

This other poster has form-on many other sites as well as this one-of being evangelical about his cause.

And he knows nothing about the OP as his lifestyle choice has precluded experience of IP yacts.

IMHO, of course..............................

Daydream believer

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6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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Just wondering if we could ask moderators to move all posts on virtue of steel boats from this thread into some new thread and have them discussed there. I am sure they are worth discussing, it is my opinion, though, that they have very limited relevance to the topic of value of Island Packets vs other (overwhelmingly GRP) boats.

I think that would be wrong & create the wrong precedence.
Any conversation one has in a social atmosphere tends to wander over a host of associated subjects. That is what creates the interest in a gathering. Sometimes it may seem irrelevant to he/she that opened the conversation in the first place but it does not mean that it does not add to the richness of the interaction. If it is of disinterest to those in that gathering it gets pushed to one side & the conversation will go back to the original subject or towards another if the first reaches its conclusion.
In the case of a forum another thread will develop. But that does not mean that the original thread drift is not of interest to those involved in the discussion. Just because a few dislike that drift is no reason to suddenly object. They may disagree with comments, so they can either opt out, continue with the original thread, or start debate against the subject of thread drift
What they should not do - & it is only my opinion ( wow this really is a drift) is complain & have the "drift" removed. just ignore it & add to the original thread - if there is anything to add. If not then move on.


Well-known member
25 Dec 2007
S.W. France
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Brent should be given his own forum where he can he can regale the benefits of homemade steel boats to thousands that will no doubt congregate there to hear his words of wisdom.

Brent put up a link to 'his' origami boat forum. I had a look and it felt like I had opened a religious cult door.


Well-known member
13 Feb 2013
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Who is he?

I keep checking the title because I thought this thread was about IPs? I am the first to love a tangent, but there are tangents and tangents.


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6 Jul 2003
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... As opposed to modern flat bottomed fin keeled boats that slam into waves shaking your dentures off Island Packets part waves like knife blades which results in less tiring passages. Anyway, each boat has its purpose and if you want to race around cans in a bay any Clorox bottle production boats will do. I hope Island Packet factory survives the current "disposable" market trends and keeps building quality yachts, - ...

Why is it that people with these types of boats always have spend so much time making a point of slagging other peoples choice of boat? Nobody else does it - just them. Why is that? Do they have some sort of chip on their shoulder? Or trying to justify their purchase to themselves? Lack of knowledge? Misguided snobbery? Why do they feel the desire to go on and on, repeating the same old digs? Often the digs are totally illogical, ridiculous and can sometimes look as if they are making it up to justify something to themselves. That attitude doesn't appear to be anything like as common with any other boat enthusiasts. From what I have seen over many years it is almost exclusive to owners of this variant of boat design. Could they not just present all the reasons why they chose their boat and leave it at that?


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Why is it that people with these types of boats always have spend so much time making a point of slagging other peoples choice of boat? Nobody else does it - just them. Why is that? Do they have some sort of chip on their shoulder? Or trying to justify their purchase to themselves? Lack of knowledge? Misguided snobbery? Why do they feel the desire to go on and on, repeating the same old digs? Often the digs are totally illogical, ridiculous and can sometimes look as if they are making it up to justify something to themselves. That attitude doesn't appear to be anything like as common with any other boat enthusiasts. From what I have seen over many years it is almost exclusive to owners of this variant of boat design. Could they not just present all the reasons why they chose their boat and leave it at that?

Could not agree more. It makes you wonder why all the others who buy and use the "slagged off" boats mange if they are so awful. Recently on another forum there was a report of two Bavarias (probably number one in the slagged stakes) rounding Cape Horn on their way to Australia. Just one example of several that have been bought in the Med and sailed "home".


Well-known member
13 Feb 2013
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Couldnt agree less.

I obvioulsy take an interest in following IP threads and general IP discussion. It is quite true they have a loyal following but I find very little evidence of owners "slagging off" other people's choices. Quite to the contrary I think this thread has been very well balanced with genuine owners accepting the compromise that is an IP, giving credit to their virtues, recognising their shortcomings and not expecially "slagging" anything else of.


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Could not agree more. It makes you wonder why all the others who buy and use the "slagged off" boats mange if they are so awful. Recently on another forum there was a report of two Bavarias (probably number one in the slagged stakes) rounding Cape Horn on their way to Australia. Just one example of several that have been bought in the Med and sailed "home".

Well, the Dyes took a Wayfarer to Iceland and yet Wayfarers are probably not ideally suited to that sort of trip. You take just about anything just about anywhere if you time it carefully and don't mind some discomfort.


Well-known member
13 Feb 2013
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Jumbleduck - I have even know people to row the atlantic but I guess we should not comment on how much slamming or bed sores they encountered ;)


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Couldnt agree less.

I obvioulsy take an interest in following IP threads and general IP discussion. It is quite true they have a loyal following but I find very little evidence of owners "slagging off" other people's choices. Quite to the contrary I think this thread has been very well balanced with genuine owners accepting the compromise that is an IP, giving credit to their virtues, recognising their shortcomings and not expecially "slagging" anything else of.

Don't think the comment is specifically aimed at IP owners, just that this one (from an infrequent poster) did exhibit characteristics common among those with long keel heavy displacement boats that do what is suggested when justifying their boats. Brent is an extreme example of the same general trend, dismissing any boat that is not to his liking.

Just pointing out that many people have "slagged off" boats do the sort of thing with them that some long keel lovers claim are either unsuitable for or even incapable of doing.


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1 Aug 2017
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My post merely suggested that certain boat designs do certain things better. It is silly to expect an all wheel drive station wagon ("estate") to beat a sports car on a track. It is equally silly to expect a sports car to get your family, your dog and your luggage to a mountain lodge in a snow storm as fast and safe an the all wheel drive Audi Avant. When a question arises what boat is suited better for long passages and living aboard different considerations take priority. And then Amels. Halberg-Rasseys, Island Packets quickly become rather appealing...


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Jumbleduck - I have even know people to row the atlantic but I guess we should not comment on how much slamming or bed sores they encountered ;)

Don't they generally do it in the scud? Hardly suitable for Scottish weather, let alone Presbyterian sensibilities ...