Notices to Mariners - Week 01


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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There are no UKHO Permanent, Temporary or Preliminary notices within the monitored (our) area (yippee 👍 )


1. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - BP Isle of Grain No.1 Jetty – Dredging Operations -
are due to take place at BP Isle of Grain No.1 jetty, dredging will commence on or around 03/01/2025 and is expected to be complete on or around 15/01/2025. Operations will be focussed around the “berthing box” and will be carried out by the water injection dredger ‘Aquadelta’ who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 74 at all times. “Aquadelta” will be restricted in her ability to manoeuvre and display the required signals for respective operations by day and night. All vessels are required to pass BP Isle of Grain Jetty 1 with caution, reduce their speed and wash accordingly and maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch.74 at all times. Further information may be obtained from Medway VTS on VHF Channel 74, call sign “Medway VTS” or telephone 0151 949 6148 or 0151 949 6650. (Recorded Lines)
2. River Medway – Kethole Reach - Aid to Navigation Consultation – West Bulwark - as a result of a formal risk assessment of the port’s aids to navigation, Peel Ports London Medway intend to change the characteristics of the West Bulwark buoy (AtoN Ref.
N05446). The proposed amendments are stated below and comments from river users are welcome. Please submit any remarks or observations to , the consultation will run for 14 days from the publication of this notice to mariners.
West Bulwark – Current Characteristics
Unlighted Buoy – Can R
West Bulwark – Proposed Characteristics
Unlighted Isolated Danger Mark – Pillar BRB – Ball B x 2 Vert.
Seems to me to be a good move 👍
PORT OF GREAT YARMOUTH - Haven Bridge Weekly Maintenance - Norfolk County Council will be undertaking annual maintenance works on Haven Bridge between 20th to 31st January 2025. No passage is allowed through the bridge during this time.
Mariners are reminded to maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 12 at all times whilst within the Port of Great Yarmouth and to advise ‘Yarmouth Radio’ of their intention to conduct any manoeuvre within the Port prior to doing so. For further information please contact Great Yarmouth LPS on VHF Channel 12 (callsign ‘Yarmouth Radio’) or 01493 335511.
4. PORT OF GREAT YARMOUTH - Breydon Bridge Non - Operational - Breydon Bridge will be non-operational for the dates of 5th 6th & 7th February 2025. Vessels with sufficient air draft clearance may pass if safe to do so. Mariners are reminded to maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 12 at all times whilst within the Port of Great Yarmouth and to advise ‘Yarmouth Radio’ of their intention to conduct any manoeuvre within the Port prior to doing so. For further information please contact Great Yarmouth LPS on VHF Channel 12 (callsign ‘Yarmouth Radio’) or 01493 335511.
5. Ipswich - New Cut Engineering Works - engineering works will commence on 6th January 2025. These works will be carried out over a 3-month period in the Ipswich New Cut. The works being conducted are: -
1. Installation of a steel sheet pile toe wall: 2. Concrete infill behind the new sheet pile wall. 3. Repairs to and maintenance of existing quay wall.
Piling will take place for approximately 20 days. These works will be carried out under marine licence: - L/2024/00468/1 Mariners requiring more information should contact ONS on VHF Ch68.
6. Port of Wisbech Authority - The Wash Ports – River Nene - BUOY “Nene Roads” OFF STATION - the buoy “Nene Roads” within the Nene port area of Authority is off Station Buoy. (Buoy NENE ROADS Red/White Safe Water Mark Mo(A)6s N52,53.849 E000,15.509)
If any further information is required, please contact the Harbour Office 01945 588059 or 07860 576685.
7. Sizewell B Intake Tunnel Aid to Navigation - the Sizewell B Intake Tunnel Beacon is now lit. The beacon (pictured) is positioned at: Latitude: 052 o 12.912 N Longitude: 001 o 37.600 E. The Sizewell B Intake Tunnel Beacon has undergone maintenance works, and the faulty beacon light has been replaced. Trinity House have been informed through the Local Aids to Navigation Reporting System (LARS).
8. Establishment of the Sizewell C Harbour Authority - pursuant to the Sizewell C (Nuclear Generating Station) Order 2022, Sizewell C Limited are the legal regulators and operators of the Sizewell C Harbour Limits.
A Terms of Reference has been agreed which confirms the appointment of the Sizewell C Harbour Authority Board by Sizewell C Limited for the governance of marine operations within the Sizewell C Statutory Harbour Authority jurisdiction. The Harbour Authority Board recognise that they have a responsibility to comply with the Port Marine Safety Code. The limits of the harbour area are bounded by an imaginary line commencing at the shore north of the authorised development at 52°14’0’’, 1° 37’ 37’’, then extending in a straight line to a point at 52°14’0’’, 1° 41’ 0’’, then extending in a straight line to a point at 52° 12’ 0’’, 1° 41’ 0’’, then extending in a straight line due west to the coast to a point at 52° 12’ 0’’, 1° 37’ 20.8, then following the level of Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) to the point at 52°14’0’’, 1° 37’ 37’’.
This chart shows the extent of the Sizewell C Harbour Authority area.
The Sizewell C Harbour Authority have appointed the following individual as the “designated person” to provide independent assurance directly to the duty holder that the Marine Safety Management System, for which the duty holder is responsible, is working effectively and complies with the Port Marine Safety Code.
Designated Person Name: Jerry Stanford
Telephone Number: 07766 071538
Email :
This notice replaces local notice to mariners No. 1 of 2024, which is now withdrawn.

That's it. Goto: Notices to Mariners for images

The very Best Wishes to Christmas and the New Year. Have a great time 🥴, stay healthy 👨‍🎓and have a successful and a full of fun for the season ahead.:D:giggle:
