Don't want to be alarmist, but would a full holding tank really make a boat sit lower in the water?
I mean, they've nothing like the capacity of fuel tanks for example, which wil make a slight difference to the waterline from empty to full. I'd say the capacity was more akin to a water tank, and generally filling your water tank won't make a jot of difference to how the boat sits.
Of course I appreciate that a holding tank holds more than just water, and I'm no expert on the weight of, err...
I don't think I want to think about this anymore, I think I'll go and look at another thread, maybe even another board! ;-)
Anyway, just a thought, I can't see a full holding tank making a boat sit differently in the water.
Good point but there is the tank there, a diesel genny, small rib and outboard as well as full fuel tanks and 3/4 full water so boat tends to sit a bit lower at back end due to all these I suspect.
Main point really was that I was pleased that the marina staff bothered to look and then check things out which I consider to be good and caring service.
Intend to check boat with empty tank (one day soon I hope), less fuel and water without other clobber too as far as poss.
Yes fair enough, dinghy, outboard, genny, full fuel tanks, they'll all make a difference.
It was just that if the way the boat was sat in the water had altered enough to be noticable I'd have been a little concerned!
But yes, good service from the marina chappy and your mind put at rest which is splendid.
Now what kind of service do you get from the service department of your car dealership!? (Whole different story, personal rant, and one for an entirely different board altogether I suspect!)
Yup Nick I thought she sat quite low, its a combination of all you mentioned, situated aft making her squat in the water. (did I just say squat sorry)
My regards to the lovely Joanne and yourself. CGN
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steveE .I have have the same opionion of Port Solents strange attitude.Rude or what?. I feel as if they are doing you a favour by taking your money off you .Hythe is like a breath of fresh air .Very nice people.
Was parked alongside another P35 in St Peters Port last summer. He was one of those blokes that bragged about everything. Then he said he was having electric trouble and was ringing back to his mechanic at home umpteen times. Boat all posh and polished. You know the sort. Anyway he came back bragging again. So I said. Why's your boat 3inch lower in the water than mine. You must be sinking!! Next day when we came back to the boat. All his engine covers were up. He was sinking. Daft bugger new his bilge pump was'nt working. Yet had not looked down there. Did not believe it doing mucky jobs!!.
During several years at Shamrock Quay (Southampton), also MDL, I have been most impressed by the quality of staff.
They walk around the whole marina, at certain times throughout the day and night. I have often seen them adjusting a rope here and tying something down there.
It doesn't stop me rushing down as soon as the wind blows up, to check the lines, but I am equally certain it is quite unneccessary.
However, we must consider it a bonus and not a right I believe.
1 - my aft canopy was nearly split becuase there was upmteen gallons of water in it (I guess that there had been a massive downpour as it has never happened before). Marina had not noticed and not done anything about it.
2 - bilge pump failed on my rib, again full up with water, battery under water. Nothing done about it.
3 - massive sheet of plastic I recovered 2 weeks ago from marina, left on end of pontoon - still there.
List of other things that have happened in the past few months, including shore power being unplugged by marina for 2 weeks during cold snap - no-one bothered to ask if it was intentional - had to phone 3 times to get answer, still no proper apology or offer to replace food in my freezers. Boat moved without permission twice. Shore power unplugged again!!!
I must attract crap service - not bad for a £6,000 pa payment to MDL !!