Insulting messages ....



A posting below has smeared my name and implied that I would break others privacy - as I work in Estonia. Second it has questioned my Surveyor ability.

If any would care to check the posting of 9th April - A Few Fab Forum Days - they will see that the Solent Gathering was genuine and we are looking to organise another. So if any would like to e-mail to me their contact details then I can promise their privacy and also a good meeting in the Solent, July 6-7-8.

I maintain a boat in Chichester Harbour as well as in Estonia. So surely that qualifies as a Solent Presence ???

My profession is as FULL COMMERCIAL MARINE SURVEYOR and Regional manager for one of the world's largest Inspection Companies. So maybe that just qualifies me to look over a few boats ........ I know many that have been very happy with my services and I am sure that depsite some stupid comments out there, many others will still be happy with my future services. In fact it is planned to restart my UK base soon - so ????


Don\'t let the dills faze you, Nigel

They made what I assume was an honest mistake, based solely on "Estonia." It's good to set the matter straight, but not so good to let it get under your skin -- life's too short to bother.

I hope all goes well on The Happy Return. Cheers, Mike.


We still love you Nigel

The boards are full of jerks. Two choices, ignore them or offer to meet them in person. I did this with a chap, he did not turn up and I have not seen him post since, not in the same name any way.

Keep in touch mate.



I never met you, Nigel....

But being an engineer myself I have noticed that (1) the advice that you give and the comments that you offer have never ever, as far as I can recall, endorsed any particular brand or product, and (2) what you write is generally very objective and usually makes sense (maybe because I agree with it?).

I firmly believe that being a consultant / advisor is totally incompatible with selling the stuff that one is advising for or in some way praising.

So, Hang On In There, NCL! Ignore the poor b***'s who cannot tell the good from the bad, the wheat from the chaff or the touter from the advisor. Dasvidanya!


Re: I never met you, Nigel....

Spasiba bolshoi .....

I am very careful to not let Marketing intrude into postings and tread very very carefully on the safe line.

At the end of the day, I have seen many ways to cure problems and some are extremely innovative ..... I try to pass on as many as possible. I also try to clear away some of the 'hype and black-art' promulgated by some of my 'so-called' colleagues. In fact I do not regard many as colleagues - having witnessed some of the reports and mistakes. But again I will not name and shame - that is marketing again.

So I'm happy that there are those that apreciate my waffle !

Let us try and keep the forum where it should be - good practical advice from wherever and whatever, Estonia or not !!

Cheers Nigel


Re: I never met you, Nigel....

Why is it that these forums are now becoming places for some people to hurl insults? It seems that a fair number of people have little or no interest in boats. On a personal note I always make a point of reading your postings Nigel as they make interesting reading and always try to be helpful. Don't let the idiots put you off.


Re: I never met you, Nigel....

Just note that there is another claiming to post from Estonia .... its not me !

I would like to help more, but work intrudes !

Thanks Nigel