inboard / outboard / outrive? I just can't decide


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18 Aug 2001
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inboard / outboard / outrive? I just can\'t decide

Like to hear your thoughts on this one guys.

I have a 20ft fishing cruiser, currently undergoing a ground up refit. Has a 25+ year old Vovlo petrol engine (120hp ish) and outdrive. Problem is, engine cover is obtrusive into fishing space. Do I....

1) fit decent modern outdrive. Remove engine, fit decent more modern equivilant, probably marinised car / van engine about 4-5 feet forward, giving me more fishing spac at the transom. This would require making and fitting a driveshaft and extended exhaust and cooling system.

2) Remove outdrive and engine, fill transom, fit a large bracket / diving platform (available form shetland, though boat isn't a shetland) with a decent modern 4 stroke outboard.

These points should be borne in mind.

Boat will mainly be used on the Clyde and west coast of Scotland.
Used mainly for fishing and cruising.
Outboard will be quieter and give more space onboard.
Inboard will be easier to fix in a seaway.
Budget in the region of £5K
I'm expecting to fit engine in about 2 years, but will need to do the preparation work this year.
I'm looking for max speed about 20+ knots with cruising at 15 ish.

Look forward to hearing your ideas. Anyone tried moving the engine forward before?



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Well-known member
22 Jan 2004
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Re: inboard / outboard / outrive? I just can\'t decide

Try posting your question on the Motor Boat forum, you'll probably get more joy there...

<hr width=100% size=1>"I am a bear of very little brain and long words bother me" - A A Milne.