Not so rare Ruth you will be pleased to hear. I refer to my SWTIAGITBAB as SWMBO purely for reasons of parity. In fact the lovely specimen was instrumental in the recent purchase of the boat.
my old man said he was goign to carry no id only cash and claim he was Fred Phanakapan if he was arrested on the country side march. ( not sure what he was expecting) anyway he has used the name for years so i assume it was in some childrens book in the fifties or a song.
Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer
Hi all -sorry about ignoring your posts -I've been out buying things for my new yacht- the cheque should clear thursday next week then she's all mine!!!!!!( well and my boyfriends!) So, re "Phanakapan"-its a name my grandmother used to call an embroidered dragon she made- but others have heard of Fred Fanakapan, its quite likely that he/it was a 1930's character.I just like the sound of it! and as a user of other forums and chat rooms its quite hard to come up with a name no-one else uses.
I agree that some jobs are best done by the strongest person- so usually the man- and I also believe women have got the edge on multi-tasking. But as I explained on a former post a while ago, both my partner and I have exactly the same sailing experience, (very little!)- we've done the same theory courses, and to make sure we both develop the skills that we might one day rely on to save our lives, we take it in turns day by day to be skipper. We're quite strict with ourselves about it, because it could be all too easy for one person to never get the hands on experience they need. It may well be that we develop different areas of expertise as time goes by- but I'm determined to make sure we both know how to sort a failed engine, navigate correctly, go up the mast,provision the boat, make cushion covers, clean,- etc etc and that we both feel we can take charge and skipper efficiently.
Interesting- thankyou.I'm trying to persuade my boyfriend that we could change the name of the new boat to Fanakapan-he might be more interested in "Spirit" rather than my granma's embriodery!
Hi Alan, I know what a Canuck is, as I have one of those funny maple leaf passports too. Where are you? I used live in Montreal. Isn't a "simple Canuck" a tautology? hehe..
My dad also used to go on about Fred Fanakapan when I was a kid. I think it was some sort of comedy character (during/after the war?). I'll ask him and let you know provided the thread hasn't died.
Ruth, I have a sailing wife who's very keen and supportive (seems to be rare) but she's still SWMBO - I know which side my butter is breaded..
Sorry I didn't reply earlier, been away from the PC.
Not on the water yet, but we are a step closer, we think we have found a boat !! Have been trying to look at as many as possible to get a good idea of what is available. We have looked at some real horrors, is there a society for the protection of trailer sailors?? Some have been seriously abused.
Last weekend we looked at a Hunter Medina that seemed to be in good order. Found out about it while we were in Sivota on our flotilla holiday - chatting to the neighbours! Long way to go to find a boat, but we had the advantage of seeing how the owner looked after his own boat over there, so don't think this one will have too many hidden horrors.