IMHO and smiley face such are intended to give a little lightness to the text. Eg, "No, I wouldn't do that alan, much better to do this IMHO!" ...or "TCM, you're talking rubbish again " avoid things being taken the wrong way meant International Maritime Hydrographical Office, so that when posters used it, it meant they were quoting the ultimate authority on these matters.
Re: Re good to see you have been to wife school Jimmie
Or when refering to the present SWMBO
SPO = Sailing Permission Officer. If you want to set foot on the boat, forms (in triplicate) must be filled out,signed and approved 3 weeks before any such activity can be undertaken. If you actually want to un-tie a dock line then 4 weeks is needed. This has also to be backed up by an itinery (timed in minutes) and if your more than 1 minute late you suffer the following penaltys
YDIITD = Your Dinner Is In The Dog!!!
YTMOTBTM = You Think More Of That Boat Than Me!!!
IMHO "SWMBO" is a right wind up and I cringe every time I read it- ok I know it's jocular but some of the references to women on this forum are a bit too anti-pc for my taste. I'm sure there are lots of equal sailing partnerships out there but the forum doesn't seem to reflect this. But hey ho- I'm an addict and if I can't play nicely with the boys (as it were!) I should go elsewhere I suppose. (I would do a smiley now but havnt worked out how to!!)
I wonder if some aspects to boating lend the lie to the total equality PC thing anyway? Loads of boaty things need to be done by "the strongest person" and so usually the bloke. The single-minded focus issue comes in, so bloke proceeds to forget 20 things which the women has done already?
Anyway, instead of proceeeding with this cringey and slightly-boring threadlet, kindly tell how you came to choose the name phanakapan, what it means and whether any marina office has ever spelled it correctly and so forth.
Yes I agree - SWMBO is a wind up - so I use HWMBO ... and mean it with all the sincerity the guys do!
Any way I will now be known as SWTIAGITBAB "She Who Thinks It's A Good Idea To Buy A Boat". And from time spent on the forum I believe I am a rare species ... possibly in danger of extinction - and HWMBO doesn't realise how lucky he is!!
Sorry, Sailbad, a typing error and no proof reading ! I should have said a "simple Canuck " the latter being a colloquial name for a Canadian. I certainly appreciated all the replies. What fun these forums are, and we can take part in them from any part of the world.