If this is true, how (& why?) does anyone stay in Turkey?


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2 Feb 2005
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Justr an aside ...
We were berthed in Kas marina about 6 weeks ago.
The skipper on the big cat across the pontoon from me starts his engine and then a huge slick of soapy/frothy bubbles starts coming out of his cooling water outlets !
He then came up on deck, must have caught my "WTF" expression and said "dont worry I use eco washing up liquid to flush out the raw water cooling system - its perfectly OK". I said I don't think Id risk it.
The marina manager, who happened to be walking along the pontoon at the time, shouted "stop straight away or you will get a €2000 fine"
Cat man left the marina Red-faced and sheepish later that day.


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Justr an aside ...
We were berthed in Kas marina about 6 weeks ago.
The skipper on the big cat across the pontoon from me starts his engine and then a huge slick of soapy/frothy bubbles starts coming out of his cooling water outlets !
He then came up on deck, must have caught my "WTF" expression and said "dont worry I use eco washing up liquid to flush out the raw water cooling system - its perfectly OK". I said I don't think Id risk it.
The marina manager, who happened to be walking along the pontoon at the time, shouted "stop straight away or you will get a €2000 fine"
Cat man left the marina Red-faced and sheepish later that day.

Putting washing up liquid thru the raw water system is somewhat left-field ...... but I wash down my boat once a year in the marina with the hose and some Starbright deck cleaner as the red Saharan sand which comes over the Med from Africa means that when we arrive from the UK the boat looks like it's been abandoned. This creates a huge sudsy pool which drifts across the marina. Nearly every boat is doing the same at some point.

What are Turkish boat owners doing as you can't really wash the boat down under cover of darkness?



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25 Mar 2008
Marmaris, Turkey
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What are Turkish boat owners doing as you can't really wash the boat down under cover of darkness?

Good evening Richard:
I hope that after all this worry and concern about washing your yacht that someday you will actually visit Turkey or else the whole exercise is a waste of time although I guess others can benefit from some of the comments.

I washed my yacht with a pressure washer this morning without the benefit of soap - the first time in quite some time, maybe three months, and there was a lot of Sahara sand in various nooks and crannies which did not require the use of soap and as far as I can see the only time I might have used soap of any kind would have been to remove oil or grease. In what way would the use of soap assist in removing sand which is not embedded but simply sitting where it landed on the gel-coat, anti-skid or teak decking? What other than sand or other air borne dirt would you be wanting to remove?

Sorry but I just can't see why soap in necessary or desirable and I am sure I have never used it when washing my deck - I do however use a power washer which appears to shift just about anything I can see.




Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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I wasn't going to comment any more on this subject but Richard and I have pasted on good info to each other's in the past and I like to put him at easy if he is considering visiting Turkey .
But firstly their rule / law is really a lot of bull@@x how any government can come out with a law like this is beyond me , they don't deserves to have the a yachting tourist trade ,
the black tank law I think is good thing , people shouldn't never pump out in harbours and bays , but the grey water business , come on , no showering on deck using soap is just pulling the law to it limits .
But pulling that to one side it isn't a issue if you want to visit and it shouldn't put any one off from visiting , we have a 50 lt black water tank , if we using the loo just to Pee it goes straight out , no one see any thing , it it being use for solids it goes in the tank , at that rate we could sit in an anchorage for quite a while , we use washing up liquid for washing dishes , we also use an wash-up bowl , by the time we finish there hardly if any bubbles left , if it happen to still be day light we tip in into our holding tank through the toilet , if it dark it goes out . If there is any problem is the ladies , they do like to wash there hair , it don't apply to me , not much left , my other half washes it in the shower tray , it stays there until night fall when it empty out by that time again no bubbles ,
AlthoughI a lot of Turkey bays and Coast have clear seas , I have to say , it no way has clean has Croatia , who don't have these silly laws , Croatia have a very large amounts of charter and private yacht but the real different they don't have gullets and they are the once that really are causing the problem . Maybe squeaky has you a well respected member of the sailing community , you could start campaign and ask other to start taken photos of the Gulets has there empty and put them on an face book page , now that something that might stop them .


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Thanks Squeaky and Vic.

I'm sure that I will make my way round to the Aegean and then possibly Turkey because I do like the people and would like to see some of the places I visited many years ago. However I suppose that at the moment my interest is just for interest's sake because, as Vic says, showering on deck being illegal just seems so absurd when all those holidaymakers splashing around in the sea are presumably doing what we all do and having a wee when nature calls.

I bet you're now going to tell me that there are signs on all the beaches saying "Do Not Wee In The Sea"! If that's the case then I really do begin do wonder if I'm in a parallel universe or something! :)



Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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I bet you're now going to tell me that there are signs on all the beaches saying "Do Not Wee In The Sea"! If that's the case then I really do begin do wonder if I'm in a parallel universe or something! :)


Has it happen richard there signs on the , NA only joking , but who know .
Don't make your visit to Turkey next year mate , has we prob be back in Croatia , time some some beers :)

Artic Warrior

17 Aug 2009
island hopping in greece
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Chinese whispers . . .

The unbelievable part of Max K's quote was the size of the fine.

I can confirm that in the past, a cupful of diesel, or bubbles in the water from showering on deck, have been reason for people to report "pollution" to the Turkish authorities, and that this has given rise to fines. The scale of fines rarely exceeded a few hundred euros equivalent.

Frequency of these events were low - operating 24 charter boats in the region, we had a spate of such events (about 4!) in our second year of operations, and not more than one or two a year afterwards up to 1995. I didn't follow the trend since then, so I don't know the current reality.

The motivation for such reports was unclear. But these were early days of yacht charter in Turkey, and our agent speculated that gulets regarded us competition, and were keeping watch and reporting any such events. Since he owned some gulets, he was in a reasonable position to speculate.

Another Chinese whisper doing the rounds is "helicopters are patrolling to check pollution discharge". This seems to be based on the observation that helicopters have quite often been seen flying around the Gocek area.

Just compare the cost of operating a helicopter with the cost of operating a RIB. Add the the fact that a helicopter can't take action if (and the 2 "ifs" are a big enough difficulty in their own right) 1. pollution is detected, and 2. the boat's identity is established.

Stretches credibility, eh.

I was in Yat marine when a notice went up saying no washing of boats etc with soap as the marina was being watched by big metal birds in the sky.
And that any washing was if done to be done during the hrs of darkness,,,,,well after 6 any way,,,,


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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In the three months we was in Turkey this year there wasn't a day we didn see at less two or three helicopters , I can't belive they all poo cops althought most people seen to think they are then most people think Turkey is still the place to go to get cheap work done .
If they, wanted to catch people emptying tanks all they have to do is wait till the Gulets leave the bay's in the morning , much cheaper then flying helicopter around .


New member
25 Mar 2008
Marmaris, Turkey
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Good afternoon:

As this thread has popped up again, maybe it is a good time to ask if anyone in Turkey has been bothered this summer by the coast guard or any authority concerning pump outs registered on their Blue Cards?

As mentioned earlier, I am hoping this regulation will die from lack of enforcement by the coast guard - it should never have been published in the first place.




Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Good afternoon:

As this thread has popped up again, maybe it is a good time to ask if anyone in Turkey has been bothered this summer by the coast guard or any authority concerning pump outs registered on their Blue Cards?

As mentioned earlier, I am hoping this regulation will die from lack of enforcement by the coast guard - it should never have been published in the first place.


Hi Squeaky
No nothing , we had a bit of a job to buy one and when we checked out no one asked to see it


3 May 2010
Egham, Surrey
A story,

Many many years ago I was the chairman of a CB radio club, back in the days when it was illegal, we had about 2000 members. I also knew the officers of other clubs and a huge number of other users all over the country. During that time practically everyone knew 'somebody' who knew 'somebody' who had been fined for illegally using a CB radio and also who had seen hundreds of detector vans. In all that time, I never met, or knew anyone who had actually been fined and I had never saw a single detector van. I think in the entire time of illegal, widespread use there was only ever a handful of prosecutions but to hear the talk you would think there where thousands every week..... Chinese whispers!

Back in the eighties a mate of mine was fined for owning and using an illegal CB radio. He was parked up on the Heathrow perimeter road at the time, and they can be touchy about these things sometimes :) .... we saw it as a tax on stupidity.


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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Good afternoon:

As this thread has popped up again, maybe it is a good time to ask if anyone in Turkey has been bothered this summer by the coast guard or any authority concerning pump outs registered on their Blue Cards?

As mentioned earlier, I am hoping this regulation will die from lack of enforcement by the coast guard - it should never have been published in the first place.



We have had two months on the water so far this summer, Bodrum, Turgutreis, Port Iasos and up to Bozcaada. Seen plenty of coast guards but haven't yet had any even look at us. Think they have more serious matters to deal with.