If this is true, how (& why?) does anyone stay in Turkey?

Max K

16 Feb 2015
Central England, towards Birmingham
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Just been talking to a refugee from Yat Marina Turkey. Reason he left is that he discovered that the whole Turkish population is on a 10% commission for fines imposed on foreigners for even the tiniest amount of shampoo or diesel being dropped into the water. He knows of two Brits fined €20K and €10K respectively for a "cupful" of diesel and half a teaspoon of shampoo. A local engineer tried to take the blame for the diesel as he was ashamed but as the fine had been registered, it could not be cancelled, however the €20K was cut by 50%! Both were grassed by locals on mobile phones on an "I've got one here!" basis, to the massive structure which is the Turkish Coast Guard.

Like everyone else, we avoid environmental pollution as much as possible but when you've got the whole population ready to make a fast buck but turning the blind eye to their own, why would I ever want to take my boat to Turkey?


Sami Harbour,

Watching the plastic bags, human sh it, sanitary towels, incontinence pads and frappe cups float past.

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Active member
22 Nov 2009
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Why sail to Turkey if the only thing you want to do is to sail back to Greece.
Never considered to spend money there...


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Hi Max
Has you prob read we been in Turkey for two and a half months , back in Greece now .
I have to say the one thing on both our minds was all the black tank and grey water stuff we read about . It took us a while to get a blue card , has no one seen to have had them , the common feeling is , you should get your card swiped at less once every three weeks Although we have met many that have had cards for one or two years and only got it swiped a few time since they have had them . In the rime we was there our was swiped twice , we never was approached by any one asking to see it , not even when we checked out , I think once again what we read and what the situation is are two very different things , off cause people shower of the back of their boat and emptied grey water out , but you used common sense at the same time .
The pollution problem in Turkey can be bad in some places and the curipit are the turkeys gullets often emptying as they leave the bay .
I like to hear directly from any one who has been fined , most of this stuff is hear say once again , the only boat I heard that did get fined was a cat who was anchored in a bay for months in and months out in the end the GC had enough of his pollution and he was fined but it wasn't any thing like 10k .
I would urge anyone who wants to cruise Turkey to go , don't be put off by hear say , just enjoy and use common sense .


Active member
25 Jan 2004
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I think you'll find, Max, that the country in question is China, not Turkey and the medium for grassing is whispers.

BTW, if "Like everyone else, we avoid environmental pollution as much as possible", how do you account for all that rubbish you watch float past. Is "everyone else" perhaps a slight exaggeration?

Max K

16 Feb 2015
Central England, towards Birmingham
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I think you'll find, Max, that the country in question is China, not Turkey and the medium for grassing is whispers.

BTW, if "Like everyone else, we avoid environmental pollution as much as possible", how do you account for all that rubbish you watch float past. Is "everyone else" perhaps a slight exaggeration?

No. The man had definitely sailed from Turkey. Don't think his navigation was that bad.




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19 Sep 2009
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A story,

Many many years ago I was the chairman of a CB radio club, back in the days when it was illegal, we had about 2000 members. I also knew the officers of other clubs and a huge number of other users all over the country. During that time practically everyone knew 'somebody' who knew 'somebody' who had been fined for illegally using a CB radio and also who had seen hundreds of detector vans. In all that time, I never met, or knew anyone who had actually been fined and I had never saw a single detector van. I think in the entire time of illegal, widespread use there was only ever a handful of prosecutions but to hear the talk you would think there where thousands every week..... Chinese whispers!

Max K

16 Feb 2015
Central England, towards Birmingham
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A story,

Many many years ago I was the chairman of a CB radio club, back in the days when it was illegal, we had about 2000 members. I also knew the officers of other clubs and a huge number of other users all over the country. During that time practically everyone knew 'somebody' who knew 'somebody' who had been fined for illegally using a CB radio and also who had seen hundreds of detector vans. In all that time, I never met, or knew anyone who had actually been fined and I had never saw a single detector van. I think in the entire time of illegal, widespread use there was only ever a handful of prosecutions but to hear the talk you would think there where thousands every week..... Chinese whispers!

Then the "Heath" allegations can also be put down to Chinese Whispers?

My informant was actually a pontoon neighbour of both "victims" of these incidents. I have no reason to dis-believe him. Why should I?




Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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A story,

Many many years ago I was the chairman of a CB radio club, back in the days when it was illegal, we had about 2000 members. I also knew the officers of other clubs and a huge number of other users all over the country. During that time practically everyone knew 'somebody' who knew 'somebody' who had been fined for illegally using a CB radio and also who had seen hundreds of detector vans. In all that time, I never met, or knew anyone who had actually been fined and I had never saw a single detector van. I think in the entire time of illegal, widespread use there was only ever a handful of prosecutions but to hear the talk you would think there where thousands every week..... Chinese whispers!
Sounds just like Red diesel in Belgium & Holland many know something & no real proof & many never even been there either, BUT they are experts in the subject


Well-known member
4 May 2007
Cambridge, UK
A story,

Many many years ago I was the chairman of a CB radio club, back in the days when it was illegal, we had about 2000 members. I also knew the officers of other clubs and a huge number of other users all over the country. During that time practically everyone knew 'somebody' who knew 'somebody' who had been fined for illegally using a CB radio and also who had seen hundreds of detector vans. In all that time, I never met, or knew anyone who had actually been fined and I had never saw a single detector van. I think in the entire time of illegal, widespread use there was only ever a handful of prosecutions but to hear the talk you would think there where thousands every week..... Chinese whispers!

The people most likely to report a CB rig were radio control model aeroplane fans. The frequency used by CB was the same as that allocated for RC models (27 MHz, ISTR), and the operation of a CB rig could cause an expensive and labour intensive model to crash! But, of course, RC modellers rarely had enough information to identify and locate the CB rig accurately enough to provide evidence that would have been usable in court.


Well-known member
1 Dec 2005
Aground in Yorkshire awaiting a very high tide
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"...I like to hear directly from any one who has been fined..."

Similar horror stories were circulating when we were there five years ago, but whenever we enquired as to what the name of the yacht was that'd been fined, the relator could never remember it? For ourselves, we did meet one yacht that had actually got fined for discharging - it was British flagged and named 'Sea Mist' - as I recall, they got fined either $500 or $600. Given that his offence was to have opened his valves and pumped - knowingly! - his holding tank out at about 11:00 one morning, whilst anchored no more than 300m from Gochek quay, I thought the fine somewhat lenient myself; though the owner of Sea Mist obviously didn't think so, as he was most offended when we told him so, rather than commiserate with him over the injustice of it all.
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New member
25 Mar 2008
Marmaris, Turkey
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Just been talking to a refugee from Yat Marina Turkey. Reason he left is that he discovered that the whole Turkish population is on a 10% commission for fines imposed on foreigners for even the tiniest amount of shampoo or diesel being dropped into the water. He knows of two Brits fined €20K and €10K respectively for a "cupful" of diesel and half a teaspoon of shampoo. A local engineer tried to take the blame for the diesel as he was ashamed but as the fine had been registered, it could not be cancelled, however the €20K was cut by 50%! Both were grassed by locals on mobile phones on an "I've got one here!" basis, to the massive structure which is the Turkish Coast Guard.

Like everyone else, we avoid environmental pollution as much as possible but when you've got the whole population ready to make a fast buck but turning the blind eye to their own, why would I ever want to take my boat to Turkey?
Sami Harbour,
Watching the plastic bags, human sh it, sanitary towels, incontinence pads and frappe cups float past.

Good evening;

I am prepared to state that the reported fines and claim that locals get a kick-back from any fines imposed for pollution is total and complete bull manure.

I have no idea why anyone would make such a silly claim but I can assure you that I would laugh in his face if he were to tell me such silliness. Where in heck did the supposed victims find €20K and €10K to pay such outlandish fines. Oh, I forgot, yacht owners have such sums laying around to use as small change.

I was considering posting a query today concerning the frequency of Blue Card checking being carried out this season as I notice the local pump out boat sitting safely tucked up in a corner this season and it has not moved once that I have seen. This is in contrast to last year when it was frequently on the move and in particular waiting for returning charter yachts on the week-ends.

Has anyone been bothered by the coast guard or any other authority concerning their Blue Card other than checking to ensure that they possess one?



Max K

16 Feb 2015
Central England, towards Birmingham
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Good evening;

I am prepared to state that the reported fines and claim that locals get a kick-back from any fines imposed for pollution is total and complete bull manure.

I have no idea why anyone would make such a silly claim but I can assure you that I would laugh in his face if he were to tell me such silliness. Where in heck did the supposed victims find €20K and €10K to pay such outlandish fines. Oh, I forgot, yacht owners have such sums laying around to use as small change.

I was considering posting a query today concerning the frequency of Blue Card checking being carried out this season as I notice the local pump out boat sitting safely tucked up in a corner this season and it has not moved once that I have seen. This is in contrast to last year when it was frequently on the move and in particular waiting for returning charter yachts on the week-ends.

Has anyone been bothered by the coast guard or any other authority concerning their Blue Card other than checking to ensure that they possess one?



That is a robust response! Shall I go back and tell the man that he is a liar?




New member
25 Mar 2008
Marmaris, Turkey
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That is a robust response! Shall I go back and tell the man that he is a liar?

Good morning:

It is not for me to tell you what to do however had I been told such an outrageous story I would have broke out laughing there and then. I can't imagine for the life of me why anyone would say anything so patently false. I know that some people have unhappy experiences but your friend must have really suffered really badly to concoct such a story.



Max K

16 Feb 2015
Central England, towards Birmingham
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Good evening;

I am prepared to state that the reported fines and claim that locals get a kick-back from any fines imposed for pollution is total and complete bull manure.

I have no idea why anyone would make such a silly claim but I can assure you that I would laugh in his face if he were to tell me such silliness. Where in heck did the supposed victims find €20K and €10K to pay such outlandish fines. Oh, I forgot, I was considering posting a query today concerning the frequency of Blue Card checking being carried out this season as I notice the local pump out yacht owners have such sums laying around to use as small change.

boat sitting safely tucked up in a corner this season and it has not moved once that I have seen. This is in contrast to last year when it was frequently on the move and in particular waiting for returning charter yachts on the week-ends.

Has anyone been bothered by the coast guard or any other authority concerning their Blue Card other than checking to ensure that they possess one?



* I know several who do. Two in particular have abandoned Greece for two years and gone to Croatia.




Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Good evening;

I am prepared to state that the reported fines and claim that locals get a kick-back from any fines imposed for pollution is total and complete bull manure.

I have no idea why anyone would make such a silly claim but I can assure you that I would laugh in his face if he were to tell me such silliness. Where in heck did the supposed victims find €20K and €10K to pay such outlandish fines. Oh, I forgot, yacht owners have such sums laying around to use as small change.

I was considering posting a query today concerning the frequency of Blue Card checking being carried out this season as I notice the local pump out boat sitting safely tucked up in a corner this season and it has not moved once that I have seen. This is in contrast to last year when it was frequently on the move and in particular waiting for returning charter yachts on the week-ends.

Has anyone been bothered by the coast guard or any other authority concerning their Blue Card other than checking to ensure that they possess one?



Good morning squeaky
We had 10 weeks cruising Turkey t his. Year , checking in Datca but couldn't get a blue card , they said the run out although I now know they have got them again we also try Bozburun same thing at last we got one from nestle Marina , in the ten weeks we was never asked to show the card and when we check out in Ayvalik again they never asked Although for the second time in 38 years cruising I was asked for my YM .
We made two pump out the rest of the time we pumped out well out at sea like most responsible sailor do , we tryed to pump out at a few other place but each time told the pump out wasn't working , Yat Marina was one ,in the end we stop trying to pump out , We enjoyed Turkey the only down side was the gullets , I just don't under stand why no sooner they leave a bay they start to empty there tanks , what up with these people, it there business and lives hood after all.
why don't the G C or what other Gov body , who want to bring in all this black and grey rule , Monitor them and make sure that they have proof that there tank are pumped out , it would be that difficult to work out X amount of people ,X amount of days , how much they should be pumped out , well at less some where near .
I too don't believe a word Max been told ,
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