Ibiza or formentera


1 Jan 2006
Windlesham Surrey
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I would be grateful for advice on couple of points about Ibiza and Formentera. We are planning to visit West Coast of Ibiza this summer to meet up with some friends who have booked an appartment in Cala Vadella. We will probably base ourselves there ( Weather permitting) but would like to do a few day trips or perhaps an over night trips from this Cala with our friends to visit some other areas. So couple of questions, I have read varied reports about Formentera and am unsure whether to make the trip there or stay more around Ibiza West Coast. Any advice would be helpful also is it possible to take tender with outboard to the beach or is all yellow buoyed off? In mainland Spain I am never sure if we are allowed to use the little channels for the pedallos in some places we find it easier just to swim ashore rather than risk upsetting some local laws. Another question is whether it is possible to anchor of Ibiza town and go in by tender and if so where is good place to leave tender. Any recommendations or advice on this or any other points about this area would be most welcome


Active member
4 Apr 2006
On board -N/B Berengaria, Cambridge
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Best to row ashore if going through those pedalo channels, leave the OB on the yacht, that's what we were told. Ibiza town's a bugger. You can anchor but in the bay next door. It's a long walk into town. There are busses but we had a dog so had to hoof it. The bay is large but it's pretty shallow for the most part. We draw 2m and had to anchor quite a way out.


Some of the anchorages we used: (scroll down for Ibiza)



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Deleted User YDKXO

You should try to visit Formentera as well as Ibiza. It has a much more laid back feel than Ibiza plus one of the most attractive anchorages in the area at Espalmador. The anchorages off Illetas at Savona are also very pleasant. The caveat is that the marina at Formentera is hideously expensive even out of season. In season (July/Aug) the whole of Ibiza/Formentera is very overcrowded with visiting boats and some of the anchorages are very busy and subject to swell. If you want to get away from the crowds a bit, the north coast of Ibiza is worth visiting especially the anchorages at Portinaitx, S Miguel and S Vicente but be aware that these anchorages are open to the mistral wind. On the S coast, avoid the anchorage at Salinas unless you like disco music from the beach clubs.
As with Formentera, all of the marinas in Ibiza Town harbour are ridiculously expensive. I dont know whether it has changed in the last couple of years but anchoring inside the breakwater in Ibiza Town harbour was not permitted when we last visited and boaters have been heavily fined for dropping their hook there. Having said this Ibiza/Formentera is one of the finest cruising areas in the W Med IMHO and you should take the oppurtunity of sampling it.
We never found a problem taking our tender with o/b to any beaches in the Balearics. There's usually a buoyed channel for rented jetskis and other motorised vessels to reach the beach and if there isn't either motor at minimum speed to the beach or kill the o/b and row when you get inside the buoys. The buoys are more aimed at keeping idiot jetskiers away from swimmers than anything else


Well-known member
11 Dec 2005
Outer Hebrides
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If you can spend a night on the boat with your friends I would certainly favour going to Espalmador and lying at anchor for a couple of days.

Try to avoid the weekend, it gets very busy.


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20 Oct 2010
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I went on a trip to espalmador and the caramaran pulled up onto the beach . Would that be allowed on a private cat or do they have some kind of agreement?


New member
1 Feb 2005
Based from the UK, try to get away on a boat for a
Cala Sayona on Formentera's west coast is IMHO idyllic albeit only protected from E and S. We've spent many days and nights on the hook there.

Had to use one of the marinas in Sabinas while we waited to fix a new starter once in high summer - they hit us for 200+ euros for the night!

But re Ibiza Town, whilst I'm sure they've got busier since summer 06/07, but perhaps half the time we called the Yacht Club at 2 pm they'd find us a berth. Have to say the success rates increased once we got and used the staff names on the phone / radio.

And finally I am not saying you try this today. But on at least three occassions we were approached by a police lady hanging off the front of a harbour launch (he spoke English she did not) as we were on the hook in the harbour alongside a 'do not anchor' float.

Each time I shook my head, apologised profusely, and promised to move immediately the skipper got back. Each time it worked and whilst they scared others away, we did not move and they never came back after dark. And nor were we ever fined. Maybe they've got tougher today........

As others have said be wary of the N Ibiza calas exposure at night. Twice gone to sleep in flat calm to be woken at 3 am by big seas building as they rose before high winds. The second time it was too dangerous to stay with white water flying and boats dragging ..........

Hope all the tales do not put you off - we love both islands.

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