I have just been Alan Mackie'd

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Lon nan Gruagach

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12 Mar 2015
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It was kind of foisted on the forum. Where else can I defend myself? In any case if there was a referendum I'd vote to end the thread.

As I mentioned elsewhere I'm an old hand at the forum game and I try to tolerate all views. Except Justin Beiber fans, of course.
Forgive me asking this but I've been using this sort of forum for over 20 years or so, way back to the early Fidonet days.

Well, hey, waddya know? Times have moved on. For instance there these handy quote tags to make posts readable. And tools for mods (thats the new name for forum moderators by the way) to move a thread that is not appropriate to a forum.

So why do you appear hostile to the idea of this thread, which is irrelevant to the forum topic, moved to a more suitable place?


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23 Oct 2016
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Well, hey, waddya know? Times have moved on. For instance there these handy quote tags to make posts readable. And tools for mods (thats the new name for forum moderators by the way) to move a thread that is not appropriate to a forum.

So why do you appear hostile to the idea of this thread, which is irrelevant to the forum topic, moved to a more suitable place?

You prefer the answers in different places and not under the questions? How odd.

Which part of my post - which you quoted back to me - that states:

> if there was a referendum I'd vote to end the thread.

Do you need help with?

No-one has suggested moving it, as far as I can tell. I'm certainy not hostile to it in any form.

In passing, we always called them mods in the Fidonet days. I was a mod myself on occasions. They were called echoes, not forums so the phrase "forum moderator" would not have been used.

You seem to have your mods and forum moderators reversed. And that's not something you'll read very often.

... The next edition of Common Room News is 22 years overdue.


20 Sep 2010
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It might be worth providing some context.

KTL is laughably uncommercial, to all watching, it has been evident since Dylan got to East Anglia that the commercial side of the adventure was a busted flush. This has not been lost on Dylan, yet he elected to continue and we have followed him through all his financial privations.

For the time I have known the blog, through days of DVDs and subscriptions, it has been possible to view and read a version of everything he has produced, without paying him a sou. The videos have always been available in some for free, only the high res versions were paid for.

This batty sassenach has told his story and enthralled us for years, despite the obvious weakness of his 'business model'. He has, like all of us, his frailties, of which I'm sure he is aware. However I can only conclude that, because of his actions over many years, he is a better man than I.

This is a group of mostly older blokes who enjoy his travels and wonder at his continuing despite the obvious difficulties in doing so. Therein he has earned a dear place in our hearts. So when he is threatened with legal action for linking to an image, when he'd cheerfully allow linking to his content by others, it does stick in the craw somewhat.

I hope this goes some way to explaining, though not excusing, some of the more vituperative posts. It seems that in asking for money for something that Dylan would not do in return you have inadvertently upset quite a lot of people. I suspect that Dylan is guilty of the sin of omission rather than commission here and should it go to law a little bit more of what is good in the world will will wither.



17 Feb 2004
NE Scotland
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Well said Sir, time to shake hands and call it a day.


It might be worth providing some context.

KTL is laughably uncommercial, to all watching, it has been evident since Dylan got to East Anglia that the commercial side of the adventure was a busted flush. This has not been lost on Dylan, yet he elected to continue and we have followed him through all his financial privations.

For the time I have known the blog, through days of DVDs and subscriptions, it has been possible to view and read a version of everything he has produced, without paying him a sou. The videos have always been available in some for free, only the high res versions were paid for.

This batty sassenach has told his story and enthralled us for years, despite the obvious weakness of his 'business model'. He has, like all of us, his frailties, of which I'm sure he is aware. However I can only conclude that, because of his actions over many years, he is a better man than I.

This is a group of mostly older blokes who enjoy his travels and wonder at his continuing despite the obvious difficulties in doing so. Therein he has earned a dear place in our hearts. So when he is threatened with legal action for linking to an image, when he'd cheerfully allow linking to his content by others, it does stick in the craw somewhat.

I hope this goes some way to explaining, though not excusing, some of the more vituperative posts. It seems that in asking for money for something that Dylan would not do in return you have inadvertently upset quite a lot of people. I suspect that Dylan is guilty of the sin of omission rather than commission here and should it go to law a little bit more of what is good in the world will will wither.



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19 Jul 2014
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I very much enjoy watching Dylans videos and have contributed to his fund, but for the life of me I cannot understand why Dilan has chosen this way to settle his dislike of Alan, he obviously knew he was at fault by removing it on receipt of Alan's letter, so why not appoligise and ask Alan if he owes him anything for his blunder. All this rubbish about going to court etc, will only end up costing everybody money and possibly reputation, I have always thought of Dylan as an easy going sailor who makes good videos, Alan I have never heard of before but I think he has been rubbed up the wrong way and feel he would have fair reason to retaliate. It seems to me he spends considerable amounts of money to take pictures that are obviously in demand, if somebody uses one of his pictures for what ever reason without asking first, surely it is not a problem when he sends a letter notifying you that you have done so, ok a letter was received and the picture was taken down, surely the sensible thing to do would be answer the letter immediately in a friendly manner in order to come to some acceptable manner, no figure was mentioned in the letter, if Dylan wanted to use the picture then they could have negotiated a price to use it.
I would have thought there was a great deal to benefit both of them working together, Alan takes great pictures and Dylan has a great web site that could use great Ariel pictures.

And that is why we need women in this world -
what a calm, thoughtful and measured response ! Too much testosterone floating around here,
(which I'm guilty of as well).

John the kiwi

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It might be worth providing some context.

KTL is laughably uncommercial, to all watching, it has been evident since Dylan got to East Anglia that the commercial side of the adventure was a busted flush. This has not been lost on Dylan, yet he elected to continue and we have followed him through all his financial privations.

For the time I have known the blog, through days of DVDs and subscriptions, it has been possible to view and read a version of everything he has produced, without paying him a sou. The videos have always been available in some for free, only the high res versions were paid for.

This batty sassenach has told his story and enthralled us for years, despite the obvious weakness of his 'business model'. He has, like all of us, his frailties, of which I'm sure he is aware. However I can only conclude that, because of his actions over many years, he is a better man than I.

This is a group of mostly older blokes who enjoy his travels and wonder at his continuing despite the obvious difficulties in doing so. Therein he has earned a dear place in our hearts. So when he is threatened with legal action for linking to an image, when he'd cheerfully allow linking to his content by others, it does stick in the craw somewhat.

I hope this goes some way to explaining, though not excusing, some of the more vituperative posts. It seems that in asking for money for something that Dylan would not do in return you have inadvertently upset quite a lot of people. I suspect that Dylan is guilty of the sin of omission rather than commission here and should it go to law a little bit more of what is good in the world will will wither.


I agree with everything you have written and admire your ability to precis the situation so well.
Unfortunately it also seems to be an appeal to the better nature of the offended party and it does seem somewhat doubtful that he has one.
Good try though.


5 Nov 2009
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I hope this goes some way to explaining, though not excusing, some of the more vituperative posts.


I think that is a well-considered phrase Jamie.

At the risk of upsetting some of those same forumites, I am happy to continue to stick my head above the parapet, as I have done throughout this entire thread, and state that, in general, I find Dylan's posts illuminating and entertaining ..... but, guess what, in general I also find Alan's posts illuminating and entertaining.

I don't misinterpret what Dylan posts and jump down his throat because of my inability to understand plain language ..... and I don't jump down Alan's for the same reason. :)



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8 Aug 2013
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KTL is laughably uncommercial, to all watching, it has been evident since Dylan got to East Anglia that the commercial side of the adventure was a busted flush. This has not been lost on Dylan, yet he elected to continue and we have followed him through all his financial privations.

Up to a point, Lord Copper. Quite apart from informing, educating and entertaining us all, the KTL website is quite openly there to raise money. The commercial model is a modern one - take what you want, pay what you feel like - but it's definitely a commercial model

So when he is threatened with legal action for linking to an image, when he'd cheerfully allow linking to his content by others, it does stick in the craw somewhat.

What he does with his content is entirely his business, but other people are not obliged to follow his business model (I doubt that he wanders round Tesco filling his basket and then gives them a couple of quid at the end) and he has to be scrupulously careful that the content he is giving away is actually his to give away.

I'm a naturally peaceable sort of person and so I hope that an amicable conclusion can be arrived at.


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Well said Sir, time to shake hands and call it a day.

Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, but restorative justice is about more than forgiveness - it's about restoration as well, As one of he founders of the practice said "It's all very well to forgive the man who stole my bicycle, but I still don't have a bicycle". So no, shaking hands is not enough, though it would be nice. Apology - for more than pinching the IP - and compensation have to be in there too. This is not a disagreement between equals.


Well-known member
12 Aug 2014
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I don't like this thread anymore either, Whilst I find small elements of KTL rather niggling, I find Dylan and his exploits on the whole exciting and rewarding, he is an inspiration to many of us. Any mistakes in relation to this thread any one of us could have made, that's my take on it. Sometimes is so so clear Its a wasted task even considering trying to reason with the other party. I am going to do something ive never done before. Dylan don't give this any more time it really is not worth it.



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23 Oct 2016
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Jamie :

This posting is written without prejudice to my rights and pleadings in this or any other related matter and may be relied upon.

> It seems that in asking for money

You've read this forum, you know that's not accurate in any form.

I did NOT ask for money. You need to apologise for that lie and stop making libellous statements or you too will be on the end of a very nasty letter.

Consider this as a formal warning.

A complaint will be made to the website owners and I will seek your denial of future access.

MODERATOR: Can you deal with this matter please?

> I suspect that Dylan is guilty of the sin of omission rather than commission here and should it go to law a little bit more of what is good in the world will will wither.

Telling lies about me making demands for money is the sin of lying. You seem to pass over that point rather freely. In fact, you choose to emulate it.

I await your retraction and apology.

Alan Mackie
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5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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I don't like this thread anymore either, Whilst I find small elements of KTL rather niggling, I find Dylan and his exploits on the whole exciting and rewarding, he is an inspiration to many of us. Any mistakes in relation to this thread any one of us could have made, that's my take on it. Sometimes is so so clear Its a wasted task even considering trying to reason with the other party. I am going to do something ive never done before. Dylan don't give this any more time it really is not worth it.


I suspect that you have not read the entire thread Steve, and I don't blame you as it's quite a long read. However, if you do, you should discover that your advice to Dylan might not be the best.



16 Jan 2007
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Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, but restorative justice is about more than forgiveness - it's about restoration as well, As one of he founders of the practice said "It's all very well to forgive the man who stole my bicycle, but I still don't have a bicycle". So no, shaking hands is not enough, though it would be nice. Apology - for more than pinching the IP - and compensation have to be in there too. This is not a disagreement between equals.

I would be slightly more interested in whether Alan Mackie had paid back the £24368 he fraudulently stole from the public purse first. He may have spent time in prison for his crime, but he seems to imply he makes a good living in some of his posts, and I think the decent thing would be for him to pay back all the money he owes to us - us as in the general public.

Note he states in his posts, and in the reports about him, he has taken libraries and charities to court to claim what is "rightfully his" - judge that how you like, I find it distasteful .
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