I have just been Alan Mackie'd

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23 Oct 2016
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> Long time lurker, first time poster.

Welcome. Prepare for incoming (and try to keep a sense of humour.)

> @197aerial I'm no lawyer or web designer or anything special but surely you should follow procedures and legalities to have address etc on your site

I work regularly with Trading Standards. They support me in every case I pursue. I have checked with them in Ayr, Glasgow and Edinburgh, all different council areas. There is NO obligation to publish a street address on a website UNLESS you are selling DIRECTLY to the public. Ask your own local T.S. office - it's only a phone call away.

> which by my limited legal knowledge would make you a business.

Indeed I am. But not seling direct. Whan I DID sell direct, in another incarnation, I had my street address on my site, as required.

(Whisper Mode ON) I'm a photographer, I have cameras and lenses, there are burglars in the world. Capiche? (WM Off)

> Looking at Dylans' site it does state it use to charge a sub fee for 3 months access but the model changed with the times and now goes with donations,

Sales of DVDs, sales of his book. On his front page he asks for cash for items he sells. Donations? AKA begging? For what, he seems pretty well-heeled to me.

> as he hasn't done in "the pursuit of financial gain". (You mean "as he hasn't done (it) in "the pursuit of financial gain".)?

It's your first post and as an old time Common Room user on Fidonet (steam-powered modems) I'll give you some space here. See above. Books, DVDs etc, for cash if possible.

> IMO it does seem a bit like "entrapment" by taking individuals to court over illegal use of copyright material unless all avenues were exhausted,

Yes. But most of my cases involve direct use of my images on websites and servers and false claims of copyright and moral rights ownership.

> Like a naughty kid who was told not to do something but does it regardless, made me chuckle I must admit.

What sort of reaction do you think a Sheriff/Judge would have? Chuckling? I doubt it, big time.

> I would say that this image could fall under exception for "fair and resonable" as it doesn't from what I can see "conflict with copyright owners normal exploitation of their work".

In legal terms "normal use of my work" involves my name on it. So that falls at the first hurdle. CDPA Section 80 will help.

> He hasnt sold the image or made profit from the use of it and wonder how much can actually be made from a 600x400 image "useless for anything but websites".

Well, he was using it on a website (two, actually) so it's very useful indeed. He even said it was an excellent* picture, though from his website his judgement seems faulty.

* Excellent? I can't be bothered looking it up but some such word was used.

> I also pressume you took the image on your own time and not for a client so no loss of earnings on that part.

Dear oh dear. I still have to use £15K worth of gear AND drive to the location which, in this case, was 140 miles away, quite a lot on rough single track roads. Fuel, car insurance, wear and tear, flight insurance, CAA permits, lobster for lunch at the Oystercatcher at Otter Ferry - damn - Ruined it!

> I know a good handful of professionals who sell their work with a beautiful watermark.

And when I was using text overlays (to give them the correct name) I used to get emails from people asking if they buy a copy of an image will it have the watermark on it? The public are often less than bright.

> I am intrigued by the actual process that is involved in your photography and have viewed your page since this has came to light,

When I had the idea for the business I had just seen some aerial photos being framed in a pal's worksop and they were crap. Really bad. I've been a pro photograpger for many years and I know shoddy work when I see it. Half an hour later I was driving down to the coast and a seagull flew over me, dropping its feet to balance in the wind. I saw it as a kite with a camera under it. You know that cartoon thing where dollar signs roll round in the hero's eyes? Like that, but with Scots pounds. Took me ten years and £12K to get the first rig working properly and reliably enough for professional use.

That was after a course in aerodynamics (the maths was horrendous!) as well as a quick refresher in electronics, some pipe brazing instruction and a safety course for gas cylinder use. I already knew how to use a sewing machine (ran a shop selling them for many years) and of course all the kit is home made. Originally the camera frame was all aluminium but 3D printing - the proper stuff in nylon using a sintering process - has helped a lot. Cut the weight by 40% and the time to construct by a full day. It all just screws together these days.

> maybe if it doesn't reveal all your tricks and secrets could you maybe post a brief intro into how you go about taking the snaps, would love to see the balloon or kite in action.

That's the snag. There are many trade secrets involved, to use the legal term. Briefly, the kite (with one, two or three wings) lifts the camera which is attached to it directly. The camera is in gimbals to set the vertical correctly and has a pan and tilt function as well as shutter operations. A video image from the camera (Canon EOS with modified firmware) is amplified and sent to the ground and shows on a 7" video screen. I see exactly what the camera is looking at and when I aim it right, I press the shutter button. Easy.

So here's a question? Would YOU put a £300+ camera and an £800 lens, along with £200 of radio gear onto a kite? I do it all the time. Accidents? SHHH!

Anyone here know the Crinan Canal at the western end? It's a nice spot but the canal bends round a tree-covered rounded hill and it plays merry havoc with the wind. I was flying off the towpath on the seaward (north) side taking photos of the hotel in an easterly-ish wind. A young lady walked past and it being a breezy day with a slight chill in the wind she was a little distracting. In stereo. So, I took my eye (both eyes, in truth) off the kite and the line caught the top of a yacht on the canal. When I pulled the line to control the kite, it just waggled the mast a little and the kite ended up in the water.

Ouch! That was in the old days of a film camera and miniature video camera so it wasn't too expensive. All the radio gear dried out and worked fine as did the video unit. The camera was dead.

I blame the sailors. And me being heterosexual, of course.

> PS can everyone start behaving like mature adults that we all are.

Speak for yourself! I'm off to try my new boots in a puddle.

Welcome again. Be warned, it's addictive.
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Colvic Watson

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23 Nov 2004
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You know when you meet someone interesting, maybe a bit selfless or brave and maybe doing something to further mankind and it just sort of restores ones faith in humanity.

And then this thread comes along and does exactly the opposite.


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8 Aug 2013
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[Redacted for obvious reasons]

[Redacted for obvious reasons]

You clearly have a low opinion of Mr Mackie. Is that based on any personal experience or it based on Mr Winter's postings? If the latter, you might want to think about how potentially helpful your contribution is, and to whom.

If I was DW I would be asking YBW to pull this thread.

He hasn't pulled the blog post and a link from the blog comes here, so it seems that he is happy, or at least content, with the way things are going.

Why would AM want to take this any further? Surely this story ended a long time ago - unless AM wants to further his income as already has been muted, or perhaps he just enjoys it?

What would be wrong with a professional photographer wanting to be paid fees owed? Seems quite understandable to me.

It strikes me that a great opportunity for both has been lost here if it had only been handled better.

Dylan posts a link, Alan is informed that Dylan has posted a link. Alan asks Dylan if he wouldn't mind advertising Alan's site and services in return for free use of the link. Dylan links to Alan's site from his and mentions it in his YouTube posts and both generate traffic and increased revenue for Alan. Happy days.

It does beg the question around the motive for getting heavy and litigious from the outset

We haven't, of course, seen the original communication from Mr Mackie, but it would perhaps have been sensible for Mr Winter to have tried to find an amicable private resolution before going public. The actions and attitude of the "KTL massive" have not been particularly helpful.


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8 Aug 2013
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Half an hour later I was driving down to the coast and a seagull flew over me, dropping its feet to balance in the wind. I saw it as a kite with a camera under it. You know that cartoon thing where dollar signs roll round in the hero's eyes? Like that, but with Scots pounds. Took me ten years and £12K to get the first rig working properly and reliably enough for professional use.

Thanks for that interesting post. Do you see yourself continuing with kites and balloons or have drones become cheap and capable enough to replace them sometime soon? I can imagine that it would be a pain to discard so much development work.


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5 Oct 2009
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Have it your own way. 85% of my company's business comes from referrals. [/QUOTE?

I can't work out the maths on that. Do only 15% buy more than once?

How do you manage with such a low number of repeat customers?

I think it may have something to do with the fact that we're a growing business with many new clients who then recommend us to others. Fairly classic Ansoff matrix progression


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23 Oct 2016
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Thanks for that interesting post. Do you see yourself continuing with kites and balloons or have drones become cheap and capable enough to replace them sometime soon? I can imagine that it would be a pain to discard so much development work.

I've done a spreadsheet on this and as far as I can tell small businesses using drones are never going to be commerically viable. Sorry.

Now that various terrorists are using them in Syria and Iraq to deliver bombs with great precision (word is they've bought a batch of a few thousand) it seem likely that they'll start doing that in Europe pretty soon now. The security forces are very concerned about it, to say the least. Imagine a drone that can deliver a bomb to anywhere in the country with an accuracy of a few centimetres. A busy shopping street, a football match, a royal garden party etc. They're on sale now, all you need is the explosive. There are many options and they are true terror weapons in the right hands.

It's my view that drones should be banned and the owners given their money back. That will be a LOT cheaper in cash and human lives and misery than allowing them to be used for even one terririst atrocity.

Don't believe me? Try this as a potential threat.. A drone has a load of nuts and bolts carried under it, a couple of pounds of steel. Using GPS or an on board camera it flies at 40mph or so straight into the engine of a passenger plane taking off. Engine blows up, probably, with a full load of fuel on board. At the very least it fails to take off and crashes nearby. How many deaths? Injuries? There are already people trying to bring down planes on a regular basis. Suppose they succeed over a built-up area? How many deaths and injuries?

I may be a little biased here as I was in Dumfries the night of the Lockerbie crash, many years ago now. Very strange, no ambulances at the hospital, no injuries, just deaths.

Sleep well.


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23 Oct 2016
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I think it may have something to do with the fact that we're a growing business with many new clients who then recommend us to others. Fairly classic Ansoff matrix progression

Hmm. Interesting. I suspect it might not last too long. Did you factor in repeat clients?

In passing, is there a large supply of potential clients or is it a niche market? (I'm not asking for details, just generalities.)

... It's really weird. Every posting in here has my name on it.


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8 Aug 2013
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I may be a little biased here as I was in Dumfries the night of the Lockerbie crash, many years ago now. Very strange, no ambulances at the hospital, no injuries, just deaths.

You know the famous aerial picture (I'd include it, but, you know, better be careful) of a crescent of houses in Lockerbie, one of which was totally destroyed by an engine? Every single living relative of a colleague of my father's was in that house for a family reunion. His colleague was due to join them the following day.


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12 Aug 2014
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Out of interest, have you bought Dylan out by any chance, I sure hope not with such a pessimistic view on the use of drones.



4 Jul 2004
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23 Oct 2016
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Out of interest, have you bought Dylan out by any chance, I sure hope not with such a pessimistic view on the use of drones.

Not with you? A slight typo?

On drones, it's happening already. It's just kind of far away at the moment. The French are, I understand, considering a blanket ban on drones in towns and cities at all times for everyone.

They're amazing pieces of kit. But so's a cruise missile. It all depends whose hands it's in.


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23 Oct 2016
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How did you get on in Court today? Or does "Sheriff Unallocated" mean they were too busy doing other things?

It was a continued proof, I had finished my evidence and they were about to start theirs.

It's been continued to December for closing statements and judgement. Not really supposed to say any more but it was entirely typical of other cases, no surprises at all.


4 Jul 2004
Banned from Rockall
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It was a continued proof, I had finished my evidence and they were about to start theirs.

It's been continued to December for closing statements and judgement. Not really supposed to say any more but it was entirely typical of other cases, no surprises at all.
Interesting - I wondered if you would be able to tell us anything, but fully understand if you can't. I think I've been in Court once in my life, as a witness, so am not as au-fait with what goes on as you seem to be!


Well-known member
5 Oct 2009
Oxford, Galway
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Hmm. Interesting. I suspect it might not last too long. Did you factor in repeat clients?

In passing, is there a large supply of potential clients or is it a niche market? (I'm not asking for details, just generalities.)

... It's really weird. Every posting in here has my name on it.

My goodness! What WAS I thinking. Instead of building a successful worldwide business I should have been following your business methods. How much do you make by selling photos and how much do you make through litigation?
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