think I'm sadder than you as you probably went somewhere ... I just went roon an roon in circles till someone pointed out ma rudder wisnae working! And Ah wiz only truying to get to The Folly for lunch
<hr width=100% size=1>I Have The Body Of A God... Buddha
maths interpretation is wrong .. you are doing miles per day not miles per trip. eg trip to St Vaast last April was c. 200 miles there and back but had long w/e so that averaged 50nm/day on board but 100nm/leg
<hr width=100% size=1>I Have The Body Of A God... Buddha
I can beat that........Lymington to Bucklers Hard and back.....once. Fully intend to rectify this year. Anyone want a professional cook on board this summer?
I reckon it was not much more than your 520 miles, and it might have been a bit less. Had a one year old on board - that's our excuse and we are stuck with it.