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Well-known member
13 Aug 2010
Bristol / Cornwall
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Tricky one that. I consider we must honestly acknowledge what happened. By modern standards much of what happened was unacceptable. OOI, and diverging a lot was there any real difference between Peterloo , Amritsa, Orgrieve and Bloody Sunday? They were all products of a mindset of their time. I cannot feel guilt for the behaviour of my forebears. I only hope we can sensibly learn how to do things differently. But I fear I will hope in vain.
The distinction is that the further from the centre of empire, politically or physically, then the greater the death rate; thus Orgrieve 0, Peterloo 18, Bloody Sunday 17+14, Amritsa 300 to 1000. Perhaps not surprising as consideration of otherness decreases empathy


Well-known member
4 Jan 2015
Live in Fareham Area, Boat in Gosport
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"No arrests were made."

There should have been. If there isn't an offence of deliberately hindering or obstructing emergency services, maybe it's time there was
. I'd also like to see the offenders photos plastered all over the papers, except that that might make heroes of them in some circles.

As for fixing the problem at source, the source is poverty and instability in the countries of origin. If anyone's got a recipe for fixing that without going back to the days of Empire, which I don't want either, I'd love to hear it.

There is, its called the Assaults on Emergency Workers Act 2018. RNLI crew/shore crew are covered under this act, everyone of them could and should have been arrested.

Behaviour liable to cause a breach of the peace also available and very difficult to disprove

Police failed to act this will only embolden those who engaged in this stupidity.