

New member
3 May 2002
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so called because it is sweet as honey and the first time you get to see your wife's bottom

here is the plan

Mrs and Mrs sailbad and friends off on honeymoon

Mr and Mrs sailbad few days on their own on hols ( a first ) in Italy.

PLan fly to Italy and stay somewhere alone. we then get a ferry over to Croatia for 2 week bareboat with mates.

Any ideas on where to stay in italy? where to fly to.
ignore the bareboat thing as that has been posted already. i am checking out neilson and sunsail too. but any tips useful.

if anybody has any better ideas ( don't do it not included) for saling areas.
I have done lots of greece and turkey and balearics. carib wrong time of year but i am open to wisdom of forum. Mrs sialbad does not get final say as i am the man and i am in charge and that is how she is letting it be.

Must be raggie ( cat would be good) must be mid June. At least five people for bareboat.


Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Only one choice imho. Venice. If rich, stay in the Lunar Baglioni, or the danielli, or if not quite so rich stay in the Splendid Suisse. However rich you are the cipriani is on another island so no good for evening investigations of Florian's Cafe, the oldest caff in Europe, it says. Get a boat taxi (not the cheapy bus which is dead slow) into town from Marco Polo airport (BA, or better, Alitalia from Heathrow) not the shite ryanair flight that dumps you miles away. Go to Harry's Bar for lunch. Tell everyone you have just got married cos they're dead soppy. Wish I had gone there instead of stupid longhaul to far east but hey ho, there's always next time OUCH!


Active member
6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
Some duller ideas:-

Gulf of Mexico - Florida West
Pacific Mexico - Los Angeles
Thailand - but watch for pirates allegedly

Brazil - south of Rio..name escapes me ...(maybe too early ??)

TCM not far wrong.. Butshow her a good time... St Trop a day, copter to MC, copter to Venice...come on , some style please.

<font color=black>I am WHAT I say I am


Re: Agreed, although...

Florence much nicer than Venice, imho. Venice strangely sinister, preposterously expensive, unspeakably smelly in summer, and streets full of water (and stinkpots). The Guggenheim is interesting, though. Sienna delightful, too. Depends on tastes. For good restaurants and interesting sights, Florence or Rome (Tre Scalini in Rome's Piaza Navona is a little bit of gelato heaven on earth). For pure romance, the Hotel Palumbo in Ravello on the Costiera Amalfitana south of Naples. Gorgeous hotel, fabulous scenery, superb food, fabulous service (not cheap @ €500ish a night).


23 Feb 2002
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Dear TCM you've obviously come to your senses... you're my numero uno!! I'm off to celebrate with the girls!


Well-known member
23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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Outa the way, everyone; at last, I get to post a reply where I can claim some street cred. For why? 'Cos I live here, so there!
Now, it seems to me that if you're heading for Croatia on a ferry, you need to be closish to Ancona, Bari, Venice or Trieste, so that means east coast or hinterland.
- Venice: already covered in another post; all true, but v. romantic and if you know how, you can avoid the grockly bits. Ask and it shall be revealed.
- Umbria: a small centre like Urbino, Perugia or Gubbio. Hire a car; see the scenery. Loverly countryside.
Lesser known places that might earn brownie points for being off the main tourist tracks (at least off the British tourist tracks): North-east Italy including a tour of Ferrara, Padua (Romeo & Juliet!), Vicenza, Verona, and a whizz round the Dolomites or Julian Alps.

One thing to bear in mind is where you're going to charter in Croatia because you want to avoid too much travel within the country itself: there are regular buses plying between Dubrovnik and Zara but they are generally at night. For instance, a bus from Dubrovnik to Zara leaves at 8pm, arrives at Split around 11, Zara around 12 am... and so on. It depends really how much travelling you're prepared to do within Italy to get a convenient port. I believe Ancona probably offers the best all-round bet as boats leave for all the major Croatian ports from here. Venice only offers hydrofoils (tourist prices for daytrippers from Croatia), for instance.
If you need more, specific, info, pm me any time.


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3 May 2002
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Kingfisher many thanks
out of interest you don't know the main wind patterns in June in croatia and environs do you?

Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer


Active member
1 Oct 2001
Re: Honeymoon somewhere really

if all else fails there's always Pwll.....well maybe not. Our funnymoon was 2 glorious weeks windsurfing in Gran Canaria, free when SWMBO worked for exclusive romantic holiday company called Airtours!


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3 May 2002
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Re: Stuff Italy

mmm might have a point
then do italy later as a a tour thing.

not sure about the nookie inducing. it is meant to be a holiday. ;-)

Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: Stuff Italy

Agree, Dubrovnik first, wonderful.

For tour of Italy, agree with many of suggestions.Venice is worth doing, but is better visited out of season. Summer is tourist infested, and as mentioned smelly, and also populated by nasty black biting flies.

If going to Verona, if you go late June, the evening open air performances will have started in the Arena ( a fantastic roman amphitheater). Even if your not keen on opera, it cannot be missed...lit by thousands of candles, hugely atmospheric, and very romantic. Need to book tickets v.soon for this, they sell out year before, and while possible to come by cost big bucks nearer the time


Well-known member
23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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Re: Croatian winds

In settled weather, you'll mainly find N.W. maestrale breeze, with possible a land breeze in early morning. If there are depressions further north, you may get a scirocco (S.E.) and rain. With a scirocco there is risk of occasional 'neverin' a squall that belts down from the mountains and can hit you from the wrong side at up to 50 knots (but it only lasts 30 mins or less).
Then there's the bora from N.N.E. (but not too much of a problem round Dubrovnik). Can blow v. v. hard but is rarish in summer. However, if there are no symptoms of scirocco, shelter from bora must be your first consideration in anchoring; it comes up very fast and with very little warning.
The scirocco can cause lumpish, heavyish seas, the bora steep little waves with lots of spray.
Good luck!


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13 Nov 2001
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Re: Venice

Got to be Venice - smelly in summer, noisy (but no cars!), expensive, yes, but stilll the most romantic city in the world IMHO, especially when you stray off the beaten track.

Also well worth approaching the island from the airport by private motorboat hire as mentioned below. It is expensive for the ride ( about £50) but worth it. You could always look out for another couple to share the ride with.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: june tho? and orient express

i mentioned venice, but others are right, it could be wiffy (and packed) in June. Good time is feb march. The carevale is erm lust before lent, so that mite be a good time.

So, wot about orient express. No idea wot it's like but sounds the biz, and no efffing reason to do it again since it takes several days to get there.


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3 May 2002
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Re: june tho? and orient express

thats a possible
the old man has done it.

i don't know why
actually i do know why. i have alwasys had a thing against venice. it is because my mother is always going on about how i should go there. boy does she go on. so much that you end up up vicariously hating the place.

my biggest concern is that we will both be knackered after the wedding and will want a rest (esp if i have been up all night dancing with csc.) i am not really a city person and June in venice sounds like my idea of hell. Feb is much more my scene.
I also want to make the trip from Italy to Croatia as nice as poss and budget does not run to private jets.
but orient express has a definite class about it. will investigate

Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer