Here it is


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: Snow white and seven dwarves + Robinson Crusoe as well

Well as the plot thickened. MF sent a quick PM up to Lancashire. Re opening all operational Treacle Mine, a task force was sent to mine the whole of the Solent. Leaving all the boats up there in a sticky mess and Snow Whight and the RYA able do only shore based courses.

Ancient Mines
"The sticky history of treacle mining is clouded," so says the National Union of Treacle Miners based in Dunchideock in Devon. (The locals call them the "NUTS"). This band of treacle miners is probably the smallest trade union in the country.

However, the NUT'S members have written down a history of treacle and their own mining activities near Exeter. Perhaps, not surprisingly, their history is very similar to other treacle mining areas throughout England, but not in Yorkshire.

Just as millions of years ago, forests were compressed and resulted in coal, so wild sugar cane was compressed into a treacle bearing rock. Wild sugar abounded in many areas and in the Kent and Sussex Weald and stretching into other neighbouring areas, great lakes of treacle spread along the lines of strata above oolite and below the chalk.

This all took place in the ancient Weald at the time of the dinosaurs, where vast areas of the Wealden Lake were covered by a plant similar to sugar cane. These plants were the size of giant trees and when the geological changes, over millions of years, compressed these sargo or sorghum plants, treacle was formed.

In other areas of England there is a theory that suggests that when many volcanoes were active, subterranean oolitic sucrite bearing lavas became trapped. Certainly in Lancashire vertical seams of treacle rock have been discovered.

Dr Richard Holder, of Crowborough in Sussex , reported that it was in the colder north that seams of sucritic oolite (following lait lines) reach closer to the surface where the substance had hardened into a rock-like consistency giving rise to the Everton Mint mines and open-cast Kendal Mint Cake quarries.

In the Jarvis Brook area, near Crowborough, you only have to look in the fields where the farmer has been ploughing, to discover a fresh harvest of lumps of treacle rock. Often these lumps of treacle rock are difficult to recognise, the lumps often being plastered with mud. However, a quick wipe over with a handkerchief and a taste of the rock with the tip of the tongue, is a simple test anyone can make.

At Steel Cross in Crowborough, a layer of treacle was found only a few feet below the ground level. A black translucent lump dug out, when heated, formed a thick viscid syrup with the consistency of molasses.

The Town Council was advised by Dr Richard Holder, not to open up a treacle mine at Steel Cross, for he feared there could be a disaster if any drilling was undertaken that could inadvertently release an estimated billion tons of candy floss over Crowborough.

After negotiations with the owner of the land, Peter Isted willingly organised to fill the ghyll area and level the site off at his own expense. In 1998, this exercise was completed and we can all rest and sleep at nights.

However, whist Dr Holder talked about "lait lines" he was not far off the mark. The Jarvis Brook Treacle Miners, using dowsing rods, have found treacle can still be discovered along the "ley line" which runs from Wilmington to Buxted, Hadlow Down, Jarvis Brook, Steel Cross and on to Tonbridge and beyond.

It was in the seventeenth century that treacle mining was at its height. In an old leather account book, found near Exeter, there is an entry which states - "To ye purchasing of five Wadkinnes for Donsedoc Treacle" - those entry clearly refers to the Dunchideock Treacle Mine, where a wadkin of treacle was sent to London for use of "Regina Elizabetha" (a wadkin in the dictionary, is described as being "an ancient measure, usually for treacle, the actual amount varying through the centuries, but always a large quantity". The word "wadkin" which comes from the Anglo Saxon "wodkinne" - was a sticky substance used on the body by ancient Britons to make their woad more permanent"


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: Snow white and seven dwarves + Robinson Crusoe as well

The gay community, having been alerted to the signs of a panto in progress had a ballot, and voted Shy_Talk in as the ugly wicked queen, and have posted a dvd of Priscilla Queen of the Desert to Pauline who is doing costumes behind the scenes at present, in case she should require any costume ideas.


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Re: Snow white and seven dwarves + Robinson Crusoe as well

Producers note:

I've heard that Liverpool has been destroyed in an unusual freak accident. However, as a result UK GDP had increased 4 fold, and insurance premiums for public productions, car insurance, house insurance, public liability insurance etc etc etc have plummeted. As a result, our production budget is much higher than originally anticipated, so we can lay on some much better special effects (think Lord of Rings or Star Wars, rather than out planned 'Blakes 7' wobbly scenery).

So, get creative, we can afford it now. Maybe we could take a fleet of ships to the new Water World in the part of UK where Liverpool used to be.


New member
28 Nov 2004
Ely, Cambs UK
Re: Snow white and seven dwarves + Robinson Crusoe as well

Suddenly deborahann appears from the sides.
what a de(l)ft move


given away by all those mucky fart(er) noises

or was that the ebespacher that powerskip finally got to


Well-known member
4 Jan 2002
Brightlingsea but boat in Wivenhoe
Re: Snow white and seven dwarves + Robinson Crusoe as well

However, this meant they needed a new wicked ugly queen, who had to be very wicked and ugly. Now, hlb was obvioulsy a contender but who wd be chosen as ugly wicked queen?

[/ QUOTE ]


Phoenix of Hamble

Active member
28 Aug 2003
East Coast
Re: Snow white and seven dwarves + Robinson Crusoe as well

KABOOOOOOOM...... there was a huge flash, and smoke smothered the stage...... the air was filled with a cackling laugh....... Tome, resplendent in gold lame robes stepped out of the fog........

"You called?" he declared in a sly voice....

"eh?" said accidently evil Powerskipper...

"I heard you request the services of a wicked ugly queen".....

"I believe that I am the most qualified to face this challenge...I have proved my credentials to all that stand before me"

"I am wicked... ask Nigel"
"To my friends, I am weekend Julie"
"... and I added an avatar"


Well-known member
18 Sep 2003
Dorset/ Hampshire. south coast
Re: Snow white and seven dwarves + Robinson Crusoe as well

more qualification are required, says sometimes bad powerskip.but you will have to do,!!!!!!!

Now SSSSHHHHH don't tell him this But /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

I have to be good now

So I can help helm a boat,

we have a very important passenger,

new to Xmas celebrations,

and close to our hearts.

Wee Callum , with the big feet,

Is making his debut appearance to the audience tonight.


New member
27 Aug 2005
West Sussex
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May I be so bold to question why
the Sleeping boaty crew would cry?
Knowing that they have the line,
I bet they get to the to the pub in time

It's true,
I don't know the crew,
perhaps you do /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
Re: Snow white and seven dwarves + Robinson Crusoe as well

3 days now without a murmer
This pantos turned into a bit of a squirmer
Nothing said, no noises off
Not even an audience or annoying cough
The overheads are mounting fast
But theres little interest among the cast
At this rate we'll be closing down
Before Santas lot get into town
I think the problems plain to see
Haydn in drag does nowt for me /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif