Grumpy - BrendanS
Bashful - Julie (the well-known shrinking violet)
Dopey - Er, moi, probably
Doc - Dr"Sod-the-spinnaker"Alex
Sleepy - Jimi
Sneezy - bit stuck on this one. How about re-naming to Sleazy, in which case, Lakesailor?
Happy - Do I have to spell it out?
Wicked stepmother/Pantomime Dame - IanGrant
Prince Charming - Hmm. Running out of inspiration, now, plus limited material on here. Any suggestions?
The only problem is that it doesn't leave a role for Pauline. Snow White, though raven haired and lovely, is also virtuous. Ahem...........
Lyrics to follow, though there is the old song about how long Boots used to take to develop photographs: "Some day my prints will come..."
Well, if you do the one with"Baron Hardup" I reckon Catmandoo should get the part, he is such a sweety from all his posts, and if you hold him down and sedate him for the run, you could end rabies free?
Maybe alot of you were not around. But every year we really have done a panto. I did most of the first two. Others did much of the others. There really was Pussie in boats, invented by Pauline. Obviously. Also Cinderella and a few more.
Now, the idea is, we come up with a name for the panto. But course it's based around boats and as many as possible on the forum gets a part. Course it set off as a mobo thing. Dont all the good things!!
So, some one starts off and sets the scene, other folks join in, the story twists and turns. The beauty of the tinternet is nothing has to be real, majic things can happen. Obviously the panto is nothing like the real ones and the more far fetched the better. Now get you thinking caps on!!