Was recently having a discussion with a great friend who, like me, is rapidly advancing in years and is approaching old farthood. The topics included the cost of things, our health conditions, the youth of today and the state of the nation.
Once these topics were exhausted we were discussing our ever increasing harbour dues demands as per the following;
"Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847
33Harbour, dock, and pier free to the public on payment of rate.
Upon payment of the rates made payable by this and the special Act, and subject to the other provisions thereof, the harbour, dock, and pier shall be open to all persons for the shipping and unshipping of goods, and the embarking and landing of passengers."
This got us thinking, this act seems to have been written a long time ago when all shipping would have been commercial and the leisure craft industry did not really exist.
So being pedantic, time rich, wallet empty old fools. My pal suggested it would be a good idea to write to the Department of Shipping Standards at the MCA to clarify the definitions in the said act.
The senior representative at the MCA replied and unequivocally stated that ;
"As we are leisure boaters and our yacht(s) are only carrying friends and family, then our craft(s) are not a "passenger vessel(s)" as we are not operating commercially.
Therefore there is no requirement for coding the vessel(s) as defined in Regulation 2 of the Merchant Shipping (Vessels in commercial use for sport or pleasure) Regulations 1998."
Therefore we ask the learned members of this forum, do you think that harbour dues can be demanded from leisure boaters as defined by the MCA, under the 1847 act?
Once these topics were exhausted we were discussing our ever increasing harbour dues demands as per the following;
"Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847
33Harbour, dock, and pier free to the public on payment of rate.
Upon payment of the rates made payable by this and the special Act, and subject to the other provisions thereof, the harbour, dock, and pier shall be open to all persons for the shipping and unshipping of goods, and the embarking and landing of passengers."
This got us thinking, this act seems to have been written a long time ago when all shipping would have been commercial and the leisure craft industry did not really exist.
So being pedantic, time rich, wallet empty old fools. My pal suggested it would be a good idea to write to the Department of Shipping Standards at the MCA to clarify the definitions in the said act.
The senior representative at the MCA replied and unequivocally stated that ;
"As we are leisure boaters and our yacht(s) are only carrying friends and family, then our craft(s) are not a "passenger vessel(s)" as we are not operating commercially.
Therefore there is no requirement for coding the vessel(s) as defined in Regulation 2 of the Merchant Shipping (Vessels in commercial use for sport or pleasure) Regulations 1998."
Therefore we ask the learned members of this forum, do you think that harbour dues can be demanded from leisure boaters as defined by the MCA, under the 1847 act?