Greek Tax - TEPAI Registration instructions from the CA


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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E-TEPAI System. – User Guide. 18th May 2019
Prepared by Christopher Robb – United Kingdom Cruising Association
Note: Tested using Windows 10 and Google Chrome. Other browsers may have different issues.
Note: Might be difficult on a small mobile device – suggest a full size screen is used for the initial registration and set up.
After the introduction sign in on the APP
This opens in a new screen
Select UK Flag for Language.
The Screen now has access to the FAQs and a manual.
FAQs – the old version is here (reported)
Manual: - worth looking at with this.
NOTE: It is easier to do this with CAPLOCKS On.
There are 2 types – E-TEPAI and a login for TAXISnet users
TEPAI Login.
Select Register for the first time.

Press Register to await a confirmation email. This took 18 minutes to come.
When it comes – press HERE on the email – this take you to the login screen
Login using your email address and password AND Passport number.
This takes you to a summary of your registrations – which at this stage is empty. Top right is a button for NEW APPLICATION.
The system as set up uses “Auto Fill”. This will cause major issues as it fills in the wrong fields. So you must check after filling in the address etc that all data entered is correct.
You are require to fill in all fields with a single * and ** and *** as you don’t have a TIN.
Problem fields:
Post Code – will only accept 5 characters – GU273 when it should be GU27 3LZ so I just put that in and have reported the issue – which may be browser related.
Port Of registry. It requires a search to be made – so type in your port of registry – ie Southampton GB. If you give less you may have to hunt through 30 pages. It’s a very bad search program!
Then fill in remaining *, ** and *** items. You can accept the NO default if you are not applying for a 12 months 20% discount.
Unless you are Part 1 registered, you don’t need to put in Gross Registered Tonnage or Tonnage
You then come to 2 blue buttons

Liable Persons Information:
Note: persons entered here are Joint and severally Liable. Choose either Owner or Holder/User A Holder or User is a person named on the DEKPA as an alternate person to the owner - the User would be a regular skipper of the boat.
In my case I entered myself as the owner only but I will add my Son as a user later. This has implication re Chartering and by entering a user that should prevent you falling foul of the charter laws.
It appears that you can only enter one liable person – so I entered myself. Google chrome filled in all the address details, but it the website is incorrectly coded and the info goes into all the wrong places – so DOUBLE CHECK ALL FIELDS. It is difficult to check later and it overwrites the Boat name with the Owner name.
Then click on TEPAI info.
Date of entry into Greek waters – this is a Y/N selection – if you are there already click Y
Will the ship remain in Greek Ports all year Y/N - This must be related to the annual discount of 20% you can get if you pay in December each year for the FULL next year. I answered Yes though I will only use 4 months or so fees. The system should automatically calculate the fees and discount in the payment section.
Select the Months of Tax you want by clicking on the month(s). – I did June, July, September, October. I will haul out for July and August so will be automatically out of use. Those in a Marina will need to deposit papers with Port police.
When that’s done – click Green Button at top right Temporary Submitted.
This brings up a summary of your entries including the application number SSR14160200000000619
If all ok Press Red button to “Submit” at top right.
If you have errors they will be listed at the top in red – not always very clear.
Note also that some users have seen an error message here. Re login and you may well see your entry saved. This may be a browser problem.
Under bank details it requires ID type and your passport number.
Once the error have been corrected and you have checked the months and payment total, re submit.

You then get a summary of everything again but now with your registry entry at the bottom. Check this – NOTE that the status is now SUBMITTED you have completed your submission.

You will get an email with 2 attachments. Print them boat off or save them as downloads for later. The important thing is the 20 digit reference which you will need for payment
Note: If the email does not come, you can Print out the form to PDF and this will show you all the info including your 20 digit number. See below "Method 2"
I chose to pay using my Barclays on line overseas payments.
Select to pay an amount in EUROS - do NOT let it convert to Euros for you.
You have approx. 120 seconds to complete before your rate expires and you have to refresh rate.
Enter the relevant codes.
Note – it is recommended that you cut and paste all long numbers to avoid error.
NOT in The FAQs
 Recipient : see below
The recipient of the funds has been missed off the FAQ Instructions;
I have used AADE, but Ministry of Finance has been used.
 Recipient bank: BNGRGRAA (Bank of Greece)
 IBAN (field 59 of swift): GR1201000230000000481090510
 Remittance information ( field 70 of swift): the 20 numbers (no letters, punctuation and spaces) of TEPAI payment code
Press confirm!
Then check up a day later (up to 4 if over weekend) if your money has been received.
Checking Payment Status:
This is convoluted: There are 2 ways. If you just want to see your status use the first.
Method 1. This is just for checking payment
Login, Scroll to the bottom and right – click on the Blue edit button
Scroll down again to the bottom and scroll right and a Green Button marked E- Paravolo. Click and the status will come up on screen.

Status changes to Paid in Greek. And a date of receipt shows up
Log on, scroll right to the 3 buttons –Edit (Blue) Print (light Blue) or Delete (red)
Click on Print and a pdf file will be displayed/downloaded.

Either save this to your device remembering where you put it. Preferably, you should Print it…….
If you cannot print it, you may be able to email it to a friendly person or email to the local Port Police for them to print. You may get away with just showing it on screen.
Editing your Entry
You cannot do this until your payment is received.
You should be able to log in and select the field. The Authors payment is lost in the Bank of Greece so he cannot test this function.

Go sailing.

I am awaiting confirmation as to how to do this
Last edited:


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
Visit site
E-TEPAI System. – User Guide. 25th July 2019
Prepared by Christopher Robb – United Kingdom Cruising Association
Note: Tested using Windows 10 and Google Chrome. Other browsers may have different issues.
Note: Might be difficult on a small mobile device – suggest a full size screen is used for the initial registration and set up.
After the introduction sign in on the APP
This opens in a new screen
Select UK Flag for Language.
The Screen now has access to the FAQs and a manual.
FAQs – the old version is here (reported)
Manual: - worth looking at with this.
NOTE: It is easier to do this with CAPLOCKS On.
There are 2 types – E-TEPAI and a login for TAXISnet users
Use the TEPAI Login.
Select Register for the first time.
You will need:
Your email address.

A Password

Your Passport number to put in the application… NOTE that this will be used for login in.

Press Register to await a confirmation email. This took 18 minutes to come.
When it comes – press HERE on the email – this take you to the login screen
Login using your email address and password AND Passport number.
This takes you to a summary of your registrations – which at this stage is empty. Top right is a button for NEW APPLICATION.
The system as set up uses “Auto Fill”. This will cause major issues as it fills in the wrong fields. So you must check after filling in the address etc that all data entered is correct and has not been overwritten
You are require to fill in all fields with a single * and ** and *** as you don’t have a TIN.
Problem fields:
Post Code – will only accept 5 characters – GU273 when it should be GU27 3LZ so I just put that in and have reported the issue – which may be browser related.
Port Of registry. It requires a search to be made – so type in your port of registry – ie Southampton GB. If you give less you may have to hunt through 30 pages. It’s a very bad search program! If you cannot find it, just pick a place in the UK! It is not cross referenced (yet)
Then fill in remaining *, ** and *** items. You can accept the NO default if you are not applying for a 12 months 20% discount.
Unless you are Part 1 registered, you don’t need to put in Gross Registered Tonnage or Tonnage
You then come to 2 blue buttons

Liable Persons Information:
Note: persons entered here are Joint and severally Liable. Choose either Owner or Holder/User A Holder or User is a person named on the DEKPA as an alternate person to the owner - the User would be a regular skipper of the boat.
In my case I entered myself as the owner only but I will add my Son as a user later. This has implication re Chartering and by entering a user that should prevent you falling foul of the charter laws. But this is not implemented and you should be aware that you need to do this on your DEKPA.
It appears that you can only enter one liable person – so I entered myself. Google chrome filled in all the address details, but as the website is incorrectly coded and the info goes into all the wrong places – so DOUBLE CHECK ALL FIELDS. It is difficult to check later and it overwrites the Boat name with the Owner name.
Then click on TEPAI info.
Date of entry into Greek waters – this is a Y/N selection – if you are there already click Y
Will the ship remain in Greek Ports all year Y/N - This must be related to the annual discount of 20% you can get if you pay in December each year for the FULL next year. I answered Yes though I will only use 4 months or so fees. The system should automatically calculate the fees and discount in the payment section.
Select the Months of Tax you want by clicking on the month(s). – I did June, July, September, October. I will haul out for July and August so will be EXEMPT from the E-TEPAI automatically. Note that you are not Out Of Use in respect of the DEKPA rules. . Those in a Marina will need to deposit papers with Port police – applying for Exemption. We are not sure if this is the equivalent of OUT of Use as per the DEKPA laws….. There are differing interpretation..
When that’s done – click Green Button at top right Temporary Submitted.
This brings up a summary of your entries including the application number EG. SSR14160200000000619
If all ok Press Red button to “Submit” at top right.
If you have errors they will be listed at the top in red – not always very clear.
Note also that some users have seen an error message here. Re login and you may well see your entry saved. This may be a browser problem.
Under bank details it requires ID type and your passport number.
Once the error have been corrected and you have checked the months and payment total, re submit.

You then get a summary of everything again but now with your registry entry at the bottom. Check this – NOTE that the status is now SUBMITTED you have completed your submission.

You will get an email with 2 attachments. Print them both off or save them as downloads for later. The important thing is the 20 digit reference which you will need for payment.
I chose to pay using my Barclays on line overseas payments.
From experience it appears safer to pay at a greek bank but the Greek post office appears to be a favourite.
Select to pay an amount in EUROS - do NOT let it convert to Euros for you.
You have approx. 120 seconds to complete before your rate expires and you have to refresh rate.
Enter the relevant codes.
Note – it is recommended that you cut and paste all long numbers to avoid error, but a couple of banks (Santander in particular) takes control codes across and sends an incorrect 20 digit code)
 Recipient : see below
The recipient of the funds has been missed off the FAQ Instructions;
I have used AADE, but Ministry of Finance has been used.
 Recipient bank: BNGRGRAA (Bank of Greece)
 IBAN (field 59 of swift): GR1201000230000000481090510
 Remittance information ( field 70 of swift): the 20 numbers (no letters, punctuation and spaces) of TEPAI payment code
Press confirm!
Then check up a day later (up to 4 if over weekend) if your money has been received.
Checking Payment Status:
This is convoluted: There are 2 ways. If you just want to see your status use the first.
Method 1. This is just for checking payment – for receipt look at method 2 below.
Login, Scroll to the bottom and right – click on the Blue edit button
Scroll down again to the bottom and scroll right and a Green Button marked E- Paravolo. Click and the status will come up on screen.

Status changes to Paid in Greek. And a date of receipt shows up
Log on, scroll right to the 3 buttons –Edit (Blue) Print (light Blue) or Delete (red)
Click on Print and a pdf file will be displayed/downloaded.

Either save this to your device remembering where you put it. Preferably, you should Print it…….
If you cannot print it, you may be able to email it to a friendly person or email to the local Port Police for them to print. You may get away with just showing it on screen.
NEO means NEW ie “not paid”


Editing your Entry
It appears that you cannot do it. – but don’t panic….. you will have your receipt.

You will need to make a new “application” but using you exiting login.
Follow the above, ticking off the months you want to use, and then use the new 20 digit number to pay.
