Great white Sharks


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8 May 2003
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Just watched a documentary by Attenborough about California which talked about the increasing number of young great whilte sharks traveling up the coast and apparently is related to higher. Sea temps.According to the documentry probably they will extend much further north but at present not a danger to humans but could become so……this might have a Bering on the Orcasoff the Iberian peninsular?


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11 Mar 2016
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Scary thought.
As far as I know, they have already been gps tracked and proven off the west coast of France for certain. A number of reported sightings off the south coast of UK and a couple off the west coast of Scotland too.
I used to work off South Africa often, on ships as a marine engineer. The seawater temps off cape town were usually around 15/16 oC, when I was there and monitoring it at least. Don’t need to tell you that there is famously a huge population of them there. Also won’t need to tell you that the temps around the west coast of Scotland are around the same or occasionally more, with the influence of the Gulf Stream. Makes you think eh.


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9 Jan 2006
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Isn't the Med one of the Great White nurseries? Certainly pups have been caught in Turkey, Sicily and a few Greek islands recently.


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11 Mar 2016
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Orcas have been in the Med sice time immemorial. They are mentioned by Pliny 2000 years ago.
There are resident orca in the uk. They don’t bother with the temps, as far as I know
Orcas have been in the Med sice time immemorial. They are mentioned by Pliny 2000 years ago.
for sure. There is a population off the north coast of the Uk too, as far as I know. I’ve seen them near Shetland

Dave 71

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26 Mar 2021
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There are resident orca in the uk. They don’t bother with the temps, as far as I know

for sure. There is a population off the north coast of the Uk too, as far as I know. I’ve seen them near Shetland
I think I read somewhere that the Scottish Orca haven't had a calf for some time, no one quite sure why by possibly fertility issues caused by pollution IIRC. They'll go locally extinct, if that's the case, which would be a shame.

Does anyone have a link to info on the GPS tagged Great Whites off western France? I couldn't find anything. That would be interesting.

Given how common seals are, I've always wondered why we don't have them (white sharks) off the UK coast. It would often crop up in diving circles if someone saw a large shark in UK waters but GWS never confirmed as far as I know. I once glimpsed a large shark whilst diving the Hebrides, really was a fleeting glimpse so couldn't ID but we decided it was probably a Porbeagle Shark, or maybe a Mako both of which are UK resident or summer visitors. I think it's likely that reported great whites in the UK are misidentified Porbeagles or Makos.

Great Whites have been caught in the Med with a hot spot seeming to be between North Africa and Malta. I think their primary prey is Tuna or other large fish, which is perhaps why they don't come closer inshore and eat tourists!


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Just watched a documentary by Attenborough about California which talked about the increasing number of young great whilte sharks traveling up the coast and apparently is related to higher. Sea temps.According to the documentry probably they will extend much further north but at present not a danger to humans but could become so……this might have a Bering on the Orcasoff the Iberian peninsular?
You're gonna need a bigger boat......


Well-known member
27 May 2008
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Not many fish left in British waters so the GWS may stay away, on the other hand, given the amount of seals around Ramsgate, they may just take up residence ?