Looking for a cheap handheld GPS, and found one for under £100. It describes itself as "reworked version" - what does this mean ? Is it some old thing they've reconditioned ?!
What they normally mean, is that it failed final inspection, then was put back on the production line and "re-worked" then it passed. Thats what it means when it's applied to Dell computers anyway.
Garmin used to bring these onto the market in time for the Southampton Boat Show in some volume. I had not heard any were available this year, but if so there will be lots, not just one. Reworks often have older software, and unless your dealer has a box full it may be old stock. (There weren't any on offer last year, so if it's old stock it may be very old).
The software in a Garmin GPS can be upgraded by downloading it from a PC (I've done this - it works fine) so I'm sure a "reworked" unit will have the most up-to-date software loaded. If not it is an easy operation.
Two years ago I bought a load, can't remember how many, I think we tried to buy 1000 and ended up with half that. All I can say was that many had what was then older software, what percentage I cannot remember.
Does the software upgrade you mention apply to all models? I have my original 38 and have noticed that it looks the same as the later GPS12.
How is it done?
I'm not sure - the best thing to do is to check the Garmin website (www.garmin.com) where you can get all the details.
I have done this successfully for both the GPS 12 and the GPSMAP 168. In the former case there was little benefit (claims faster acquisition, better 'power save' and so on). The latter was necessary to work with the latest maps.
Clearly the software version has to match the hardware, and there have been at least two different versions of the GPS12 but you can tell from the start-up page which version of software you are running - and so which upgrades to apply
Suggest you go for one that you can update the software on. My Magellan GPS 320 connects to my computer and I download the latest software from M's web site. It even updates all the Navaid info.