Gocek Easter Cruise


17 Sep 2002
East London
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Just managed to bag a weeks sailing in Turkey, miles from the Iraq border, any body been to Gocek recently care to share their impressions and suggestions for things to do places to see?

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Wonderful area, you're really spoilt for choice! You've got the Skopea Liman just outside with Kapi Creek being good for an overnight stop, Fethiye (go to Han Quay),Cold Water Bay, Gocek itself is lovely, I really envy you!

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27 Nov 2002
Whiteley, Hampshire.
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I am consumed with envy, I ran a flotilla out of Marmaris (Med choice, Benetau 305s) in 1991 and went back for my honeymoon last September. Things had definitely changed, prices had gone up considerably, but was still very good value (meal for two with all the trimmings in one of the small bays about £10) and the whole area has been tidied up. Gocek itself has benefitted most from the improvements and now has a lovely marina complete with Turkish bath, shops and restaurants as well as the old town marina. There are two good supermarkets that will deliver down to the yachts and you can get everything you will need for a weeks sailing and plenty of nice bars and restaurants in the town.

As far as places to go I would agree Han quay in Fethiye is good, solid laid moorings and a nice pool which is free if you moor there, also the bazaar in Fethiye is excellent and cheaper than Gocek. Skopea Liman is a sailors dream, if you didn't know better you would think it was man made as a sailers playground! I'm not sure if all the bays will be open for Easter but would assume they are, Kapi creek, Red roof bay (South West end of S.L.) and tomb bay are all lovely. I would also definitely head down to Karacoeran (?) about six miles south of Fethiye, near Olu deniz beach (which can be very overcrowded and best avoided) and go to the first restuarant tucked in to the west of the small island, great food, terrible violin playing (you will understand if you go!) and when all the yachts push off early in the morning you get to swim and enjoy the beautiful bay to yourselves for a few hours.

Another of my favourites is My Marina restaurant in Ekincik but that is about 30 miles west of S.L. and so would probably be pushing it in just a week.

Sorry if this is a bit rambling but your post bought back so many good memories and Turkey is still without a doubt the best country to go to for a sailing holiday in the Med, good wind, stunning scenery, cheap pirces and above all fantastically freindly, honest and cheerful people!

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Fully endorse Russell's comments.Try Ruin Bay -also known as Cleopatras Bay but go to the really crap looking jetty/restaurant on the south side of the Bay if it is still there.V.basic but memorable - lots of Liveaboards go there.

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