Give way no chance


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13 Sep 2008
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Indeed. Refueler is talking about boats so I assumed that LittleSister was as well since he quoted Refueler.

My first thought was that my Wife is going to slap me very hard when I tell he she has to stay awake all night on anchor watch. o_O


Correction ... I am talking about all vessels on the water ... but post #57 refers more to ships than yachts.


22 Sep 2012
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I don't think I said this in my post - "in general sailing brits are better on the water than our Iberian peninsula friends"
I actually think that generally the level of competence here is fairly similar between Brit and Portuguese boaters.

I would think that most Brits abroad in sailing boats and larger mobos have taken some test and obtained at least some piece of paper to satisfy the "foreign" authorities. I also believe that there is a culture of self education generally within that group to learn and get better.
Unfortunately I don't see the same level of commitment to learn in the powerboat/ jetski community in many cases. They are out there to have fun, sod everyone else.
I'm not trying to drive a wedge in between sailors and small power boat users. There's good and bad in both. I'm just stating my observations and experiences.
If there is no culture of self education in the group then tuition and examination has got to be better than nothing.
I know testing and licensing is a touchy subject for UK boaters but times have changed, many more boats on the water now everywhere you go and with those boats has come more risk of meeting one (or 2) of the idiots.
I'm just glad I don't boat in the solent anymore.
Licensing seems to be the norm in most other places in the world so what makes Brits special. ?? that we don't need it.
We dont want regulation. Enough all ready. More regulation and then i feel a new tax coming on to enforce it.


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15 Jun 2004
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I think what you may have meant to say was that "you" don't want regulation.
Many others I speak with can see the advantages as well as the disadvantages.
I don't pay a tax on my driving license, what makes you think you will pay a tax on a boat license and how would that tax enforce it?


22 Sep 2012
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I think what you may have meant to say was that "you" don't want regulation.
Many others I speak with can see the advantages as well as the disadvantages.
I don't pay a tax on my driving license, what makes you think you will pay a tax on a boat license and how would that tax enforce it?
We as in me and the missus. How much does your car licence cost and what does it cost to renew it? £14 I looked it up for every 10 years. Your boat licence will be the same. I once paid for life time driving licence. That worked out well did it not....It is a tax just that they word it differently.


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13 Sep 2008
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We as in me and the missus. How much does your car licence cost and what does it cost to renew it? £14 I looked it up for every 10 years. Your boat licence will be the same. I once paid for life time driving licence. That worked out well did it not....It is a tax just that they word it differently.

But most people pay RYA for ICC .......... and that covers you ..... even myself living over here - I pay RYA fee ... and get my ICC ...

Where's the tax ??


22 Sep 2012
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But most people pay RYA for ICC .......... and that covers you ..... even myself living over here - I pay RYA fee ... and get my ICC ...

Where's the tax ??
We once did not have to pay anything. We could could just go. Why would you want to part with yet more money to go sailing??


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15 Jun 2004
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I don't particularly want to pay more money to go sailing but I would be happy to pay more money (albeit coppers) to improve the safety of all water users.
Your argument just doesn't work anymore. £14 ?????????????? how many pints is that? :giggle:


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
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We once did not have to pay anything. We could could just go. Why would you want to part with yet more money to go sailing??

In UK in fact you STILL don't have to pay ... except Insurance if you have a mooring / marina berth. I don't understand your argument because its not valid.

But good luck if you want to cruise to France ... Baltics .... etc. That ICC will certainly be handy then !!

The UK Govt has passed the job of Certificates to the RYA. At least that's putting it somewhat in the hands of the Yachting Community. And its STILL Voluntary.


22 Sep 2012
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In UK in fact you STILL don't have to pay ... except Insurance if you have a mooring / marina berth. I don't understand your argument because its not valid.

But good luck if you want to cruise to France ... Baltics .... etc. That ICC will certainly be handy then !!

The UK Govt has passed the job of Certificates to the RYA. At least that's putting it somewhat in the hands of the Yachting Community. And its STILL Voluntary.
Read the post properly.. It is about the future and you once did not have to buy the ICC. I have had an ICC for years. Just another bit of bureaucracy to generate useless jobs. Long may it stay voluntary.


22 Sep 2012
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There is nothing in the world as important to dulls as tax.
I dont mind paying tax, it is a necessity. I do mind if it is increased to cover unnecessary bureaucracy. So you do your RYA courses etc(Day Skipper). You should be able to present that and that is it. It could be included on the same document as your Day skipper certificate, but no yet another bit of useless paper needed. I often wonder how we got ourselves covered in red tape and now i understand why........Yes and i know buying the icc is not tax directly. Tax by stealth.....

I am glad it is in the hands of the RYA though. No problems there.


Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
I really don't understand the "taxing" and "red tape" argument.

Broadly speaking I support the training and certification of all water users, how you manage that is another matter.

PWC, JetSkies call them what you will are causing more and more of a menace to other water users. Be that buzzing round moorings or zooming passed swimmers at speed. I fear the day when a Corner's Court or a fatal accident inquiry in Scotland asks why was the rider of the PWC not trained and the impact that has on the water using community. Read any MAIB report and they do state the qualifications of those involved. I wonder is dulls sees those reports as red tape?


22 Sep 2012
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I really don't understand the "taxing" and "red tape" argument.

Broadly speaking I support the training and certification of all water users, how you manage that is another matter.

PWC, JetSkies call them what you will are causing more and more of a menace to other water users. Be that buzzing round moorings or zooming passed swimmers at speed. I fear the day when a Corner's Court or a fatal accident inquiry in Scotland asks why was the rider of the PWC not trained and the impact that has on the water using community. Read any MAIB report and they do state the qualifications of those involved. I wonder is dulls sees those reports as red tape?
I did say i am glad it is in the hands of the RYA. You are at liberty to push for qualifications. You seem to have an issue with PWCs. Fair enough but we dont all have to be regulated because of them.


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26 Jun 2013
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I think what you may have meant to say was that "you" don't want regulation.
Many others I speak with can see the advantages as well as the disadvantages.
I don't pay a tax on my driving license, what makes you think you will pay a tax on a boat license and how would that tax enforce it?
Is there a problem to fix in the UK that any kind of compulsory training would eradicate?

Anyway, seems extremely unlikely to happen, ISTR a link a while ago to a gov statement saying basically the accident rate is very good so they weren't looking further into compulsory training. Certainly just as many if not more muppets on the water in the countries with compulsory training.

Biggles Wader

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3 Mar 2013
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Is there a problem to fix in the UK that any kind of compulsory training would eradicate?

Anyway, seems extremely unlikely to happen, ISTR a link a while ago to a gov statement saying basically the accident rate is very good so they weren't looking further into compulsory training. Certainly just as many if not more muppets on the water in the countries with compulsory training.
I tend to agree. We appear to be suffering from a surplus of fixers in search of a problem. Just chill out and enjoy the ability to get out on the water while we can eh?


Well-known member
2 Jun 2007
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Oh Dear ... many years ago in previous incarnations of the forum ... a regular wind up thread was to post about Blue Ensigns ... it nearly beat anchoring threads for the crap posted !!
I remember those days very well. The Red Duster brigade did indeed show up there incompetence in the crap they posted.
Oh happy days :) :) :)