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Is the 'What's Best' coffee maker now superceding the endless squabbles about 'Which Anchor'...?
Since we got the microwave, the wife has removed her frother from the boat....not quite sure how it all equates because I have my coffee black...as nature intendedI'm an utter luddite when it comes to coffee. I buy that 'americano' instant stuff. Be it Azera or Asda / Lidl own. My 'extravogence' is I bought a 25 quid milk frother / foamer and that I love. Though now I need my own cow as crew due to the quantity of milk I'm getting through. I get the feeling I'm not helping the coffee machine buying dilemma much
(and yep, I actually prefer the taste of it to any of the coffee shops.... I shall now walk my own plank, so to speak)
Black?? Yowzers!! Surely Coffee needs a bucket of milk and a couple of sugars so it tastes like hot chocolate?Since we got the microwave, the wife has removed her frother from the boat....not quite sure how it all equates because I have my coffee black...as nature intended