First day at College for Yachtmaster theory

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18 Feb 2003
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Well I have just finished my first evening on the Yachtmaster theory course at college having spent the last four or five days in preparation studying all the books I could find /forums/images/icons/wink.gif Anyway it went well, all the other students are raggies, but they seem OK. Homework is e-mailed back to the tutor so they are keeping up with technology. I learnt a bit about weather, charts, and Rules of the Road, all interesting stuff, but a long way to go yet.

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<<<all the other students are raggies>>>

Glad to see you are keeping good company. Would enjoy some updates along the way.


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7 Sep 2001
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For chrissakes, you've not been in boating five minutes before you start slaggin' "raggies" do you know what one is? For goodness sake, STOP IT!!!

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14 Mar 2002
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re ccscott49 "slaggin raggies" What are you talking about? Have you got a different posting or is it some heavy bias you have? He has a powerboat, new to the hobby, and finds himself in a class where everyone is sail, and comments they seem ok bunch.Point being, its not the boat users he normally meets. I dont read anything derogatory here? Is there some subtle innuendo I am missing ?

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7 Sep 2001
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Read it again and see the mention of keeping up with technology, maybe a bit tongue in cheek, but I really think the raggie, motorboatie thing just goes on and on. I find it uneccessary thats all. IMHO

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18 Feb 2003
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I am afraid there are a few 'oddballs' about who make something of nothing to try and stir trouble, I just ignore them /forums/images/icons/wink.gif You are right, it is the first time I have been close up to raggies, and to tell you the truth, all the stuff I have seen on here including the hard feelings between the two, seems not to be the case. I am paired up with a raggie in the class and his experience on tidal diamonds was impressive, I am sure we will learn a lot. As for my mention of technology, that is aimed at the tutor and college, which allow you to e-mail homework, I know it is obvious, but I guess it is better to explain to those that try to take everything out of context to start trouble, which IMHO does the forum no good /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

As some people are aware I had the opportunity to go to South Africa to do the complete Yachtmaster course, after considering advice on both here and Scuttlebutt I decided that I was not ready to do that. It would be hard to accept the title of Yachtmaster after 10 weeks intense training, most of which you would forget over time. I don't have a yacht, so I would not be putting into practice what I learnt in the practical side on a regular basis, to drum it into me.

The compromise was to dedicate an evening a week until next summer to do the theory at college, this would increase my knowledge and enable me to get the best out of the theory, even on my little boat. The course is very comprehensive and will do me no harm at all, in fact it will make me more alert to dangers and to understand the rules of the road better.

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24 Jul 2003
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I thought Pete meant that the tutors were keeping up with technology using email. I stand to be corrected on that, but that is how I interpreted it.


{ I see Happy1 has confirmed that while I was writing this, sorry for the double up}

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by MainlySteam on 17/09/2003 08:38 (server time).</FONT></P>


18 Feb 2003
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I have done my PB2, VHF DSC, and studied up to Day Skipper theory, this is the next step to complete my theory up to Yachtmaster level.

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31 Oct 2001
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Don't want to out a downer on anything, but you said it yourself. Its only theory. The gap twixt theory and putting it into practice is a big one. I have learnt in the past that all the theory under the sun will not make you into a Master Mariner, oldsalt, call it what you will. Experience is gained over a lifetime and none of us stop learning.
Good luck with the course though, I'm sure theres plenty of knowledge hereabouts if you get stuck on something.

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7 Sep 2001
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I had no intention of "starting trouble" and "do the forum no good" as you put it and never intend to do so, I read something that wasn't there and I stand corrected.

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18 Feb 2003
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Thanks Barry, I understand that and that is the reason I did not do the complete course in SA. I do think it is better to learn something than sit twiddling my thumbs, I have all the books and read most, but the class discussions and access to the tutor at any reasonable time is great. I am sure that I will come out the other end a better boater, but as you say the practical side will take years. I don't think I have done bad on the practical side this season though, I haven't really sat about just talking about going out in my boat like some people do, I have put in some good hours for my learning experience, and loads more to come I hope /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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12 Dec 2002
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Hi Pete,
I think its great that you are doing your Yachtmaster course. I often think a lot of people on this Forum are 'Talkers' rather than 'Do'ers', Where as Its good to see you are allways prepared to learn.

As i said to you the other day, Swmbo and i are wanting to do further training, And this is probably the next step for us too take.

So I for one would like to read regular update on your progress either on a main post or as a PM, And if other members of the forum disaggree with that then i'm sorry, but that is what i thought this forum was all about.

Keep up the good work.



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18 Feb 2002
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You will always find more raggies on these courses, due to the fact that they have to understand a heap more then us point and go.
Totally concur with BarryH about experience and getting it out there.
The other thing is to get out there with the raggies on the course and you see how the other half live, it gives you a better understanding and feel for the's all great experience, have fun!

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18 Feb 2003
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I think what you say is dead right, you keep seeing the so called experts getting things wrong on here as I do believe some pretend to know more than they actually do /forums/images/icons/wink.gif I have been accused of thinking I am an expert in boating, I have never ever claimed that, and I have always been open to the fact that I have just started. I researched everything I could before buying the boat, and got the necessary kit, I then completed my PB2 and VHF DSC course before getting delivery of the boat. I have been on a steep learning curve but have got out there and got stuck into it, not just blabbered on and tried to discredit and be rude to people through jealousy. Everyone has their own right to do what they feel they want, I for one want to become professional at boating, this will take years and years. I see complaints on here about people not adhering to the rules of the road e.t.c. but when you want to go and do the theory you are told it is the practical stuff that is required, how on earth are you meant to know the rules if you have never learnt them?

You don't need the brains of Britain to point your boat at France or the Channel Islands and head over, but you may be lucky and never have an incident, however with theoritical knowledge I believe the trip would become both more interesting by understand what is around and below you, and also safer.

As I have said before I have one of the smallest boats on the forum, I made a plan for my entry to boating and apart from some boat niggles that were out of my control I have had the most wonderful time, and learn something new each time I am out. SWMBO is anxious to go bigger as she enjoys comfort and in fact is looking at the Bavaria 29 sport, I feel the twin KAD 32's on offer were not powerful enough, however I want at least another season on the present boat to be able to explore different cruising areas.

I have said to SWMBO that I see our little flexible trailerable boat as being a single person, you are free to go and do what you want. When you go bigger it is like getting married to a marina, you are stuck in one area, possibly able to wonder a bit, but not too far due to time constraints, so you have to be sure you have made the correct choice. I am not ready for that 'marriage' yet, I want to get around as much as possible and even get some experience up in Scotland /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

I will keep you updated on my progress, I am only at the start of a very steep hill, most in the class are seasoned raggies, but very helpful. There are three exams with strict pass marks in each, so I have no option but to get stuck in and learn. I am sure that we will be sharing experiences in class and going on each others boats now and again which I am looking forward to.

Anyway, no doubt this thread will get bashed about, but at least I can see here that there are others who want to be better boaters, not just talkers /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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10 Sep 2002
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For once I totally agree with you (although IMO I think the little digs you make are now unwise and unnecessary, lets all let sleeping dogs lie and enjoy our common love of boating).

Did you actually do the Day Skipper Theory course or just study the curriculum. The reason I ask is that I started the Day Skipper Theory course last night at college and will progress to Yachtmaster Theory after this course. It seems a big leap to go straight to Yachtmaster missing out Day Skipper.

Incidently the mix of the class was very interesting. There were about 20 people present of which I believe only three were actually boat owners. It was about 50/50 between those whose interest was sail and us stinkies. The instructor was surprised to see so many motorboat enthusiasts there - perhaps we are geting more safety aware after all. At the beginning of the seesion everyone took turns to introduce themselves and give their reasons for being there, without exception everyone said the main reason was to be safer in the water.

<hr width=100% size=1>Martyn


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16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
I\'m going to say this just once more

There are elements to the posts on here that are nothing to do with motorboating and everything to do with users trying to score pointless points off one another.

I know exactly why we run this forum and it has nothing to do with tennis matches beating a ball backwards and forwards between the court that thinks it knows what's best for here and errr....the court that thinks it knows what is best.

Please consider most carefully the language of your posts in regard to each other's opinions. Debate yes, but leave the personal snidy comments out otherwise I will take radical action to ensure the long term health of this forum

This warning aimed at everyone, no follow-up comment welcome either by PM to me, this thread locked.

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