Perhaps people mentioning medication could give their background / experience?
Is Amlov a doctor or pharmacist for example?
Is Amlov a doctor or pharmacist for example?
Something like thatPerhaps people mentioning medication could give their background / experience?
Is Amlov a doctor or pharmacist for example?
Yes or no would be good.Something like that
As clear as mud.Something like that
Without wishing to get side tracked - as I pointed out so would many other creams. Antibiotics do not have any soothing effects and any benefit of the cream would be some time in the future in the prevention of either colonisation or infection of the burn.Yes or no would be good.
A quick Google and it confirms that Flamazine has a soothing effect. Good enough for me?
It's a burn specific antibiotic for burns not a tooth ache. Everything you find when you Google it says it's for burns but in addition it can treat other ailments. What point are you trying to make? If there is something better to carry onboard for burns then tell us. If you are medical then tells us or are are you simply quoting Google searches?Without wishing to get side tracked - as I pointed out so would many other creams. Antibiotics do not have any soothing effects and any benefit of the cream would be some time in the future in the prevention of either colonisation or infection of the burn.
Pharmacist friend of mine said that I should wrap burns & the like in cling film. It seals the area. I used rolls 100 mm *100m in my business, so I carry a spare roll on board. It could be used to bind anything, just by wrapping around several times.
Pharmacist friend of mine said that I should wrap burns & the like in cling film. It seals the area. I used rolls 100 mm *100m in my business, so I carry a spare roll on board. It could be used to bind anything, just by wrapping around several times.
Perhaps people mentioning medication could give their background / experience?
Is Amlov a doctor or pharmacist for example?
Perhaps people mentioning medication could give their background / experience?
Is Amlov a doctor or pharmacist for example?
Exactly this!You always make up your own first aid kit. If your boat is 'Coded' you place whatever they require on board, but never use it.
The first instructor I had was a A&E doctor at the Belford Hospital in Fort William and really good, he had a lot of practical experience of patching up mountaineers.
The guy on the refresher nine years ago was bloody brilliant, having just come back from at least one tour of Afghanistan as a Para battlefield paramedic. Totally changed the way I looked at my first aid kit.
I need to drag myself through another refresher in Feb 23.
Worth noting, I think, that the cling film should be clean - discard the first couple of layers off the roll…
You can buy the blue medical Superglue but normal Superglue works just fine. They are both as sterile as each other but the proper stuff doesn't sting when you apply it
I have used superglue (because I was not going to stitch myself).
A nasty deep cut on a finger joint. I cleaned it (tincture of iodine) then I just closed the finger to close the wound and glued the cut shut. Then taped finger so it could not open.
Saved a lot if trouble. 2 weeks later, good as new.
I do wonder about 'regular' superglue though. It had the words "cyano..." something on the tube... sounds too much like cyanide!
Still it worked and not even a scar.
Best to carry anti-bonding superglue too I would suggest. I always buy it when I buy superglue... just in case.
Exactly.Super Glue ... commonly termed CA.
CA derived from its correct name : Cyanoacrylate
It may interest people to know there are not only versions that have different setting durations and viscosity's .... but also to suit different materials.
ie try to use for glueing Foam and it will melt the foam ..... try it on clear plastic such as used on blister packs ... it will turn it white and brittle. So they have created a Foam Safe variety ... as good but does not attack foam and plastics.