So i have a cat C first aid kit that I bought for the scouts that was returned to me when its date expired; they know I hate waste or throwing good kit away .
I had a burn tonight. Only useful item was elastoplast.
No use for the angina tablets or expired pain killers or mouth mask for CPR.
No burn covers at all; not even a tub of Vaseline. So a few plasters had to do.
The Ocean (something or other make) cat C first aid kit is rubbish (even the case has a broken plastic lug)
There were 4 (YES FOUR!) triangular bandages for f's sake but anything useful, forget it.
DIY is the way to go obviously; not even a set of tweezers or forceps... useless kit.
I need a burns plaster.
I had a burn tonight. Only useful item was elastoplast.
No use for the angina tablets or expired pain killers or mouth mask for CPR.
No burn covers at all; not even a tub of Vaseline. So a few plasters had to do.
The Ocean (something or other make) cat C first aid kit is rubbish (even the case has a broken plastic lug)
There were 4 (YES FOUR!) triangular bandages for f's sake but anything useful, forget it.
DIY is the way to go obviously; not even a set of tweezers or forceps... useless kit.
I need a burns plaster.