Fenders today ????? failed when really needed.


Well-known member
12 Dec 2013
Deale, MD, USA
a. Ignore it for the rest of the season. It doesn't change the way the boat sails and something else might happen. Not trying to be negative, just sayin'. At least in the US, huricane season is coming so it's not time to repaint!

b. I'm sure someone can color match the paint closely enough to just paint one side. No one could see a tiny difference across the bow or transom/side angles.

I wouldn't paint a boat that color, but that is because I'm a coward with color (most of us are). I'm sure it would grow on me and it's cool!


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13 Sep 2008
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Its likely to stay like that till lift out .....

Opinion is that we could probably find a close match in Jotun, Blakes etc or even International (the original brand) so that we only paint one side of boat .. as said - the stem and quarter hull changes will hide the slight difference.


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16 May 2004
Azores, Terceira.
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Just a thought that may help longer term.
Way back in the 80's I had a boat with very fine ends and maximum beam at one point of the tumblehome, so similar to yours with all curves. It was frequently moored alongside concrete piers. My fenders varied in diameter, the smaller two being used near amidships, then fatter ones and big fishing boat balloon fenders towards bow and stern. These kept the boat near parallel to the wall and spread the load more evenly. She also had long overhangs so the two big fenders could be stowed out of the way on the counter.


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13 Sep 2008
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I took the pot of Red paint back to my workshop and compared to my 'paint stock' and found it a very close match to Acrylic Flame Red in a spray can.

OK - so its Acrylic and not two pack ... that's actually good as I only want a temporary 'cover-up'

Down to boat and gave a light sand with 200 paper and wipe off .. couple of light sprays just literally to colour the areas where white gel showing through. Nothing serious or too many coats ...
It actually looked good - of course sunlight on it and you can detect a slight difference - but walking past you'd have to look fully at it to see it.

It will be easy to sand away later and boat be repainted properly.


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13 Sep 2008
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Its actually partly answered the question of how to remove the huge lettering TORO on the stern ...

So many people take that as the name of the Boat ... but its actually the Marina it was kept in before ... The letters are the white Gelcoat with the red painted hull outlining the letters. This means that there is a 'ridge' to solve.

Sanded back ... painted to 'backfill' and then final overall red should sort it. Then ANISETTE name in big letters over ....


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23 Aug 2006
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Will have a job to do ... my fenders now have red dust from the pontoon wood that has coloured them ... tried rinsing off - nothing budged ... so will have to find something to sort that ..
Acetone 👍

Brings them up lovely.

N.B. try a small patch 1st.


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5 Oct 2001
Surrey & boat in Dorset.
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Will have a job to do ... my fenders now have red dust from the pontoon wood that has coloured them ... tried rinsing off - nothing budged ... so will have to find something to sort that ..
I've tried all the fancy cleaners for fenders and found that they don't remove engrained dirt. My fenders were bad and the best cleaner seemed to be washing machine liquid and a bit of elbow grease.


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
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Oven Cleaner ..... has removed most of the ingrained paint dust from pontoon and fenders.....


Stiff brush .... and then rinse off .... may not be 100% removed - but majority gone.

Today I decided to pump up any fenders that have lost air by the storm .... and I found out why ....

The blue top fenders .... the blue tops extend to create the rope eyes .... but the blue is not one piece. The eye is actually three that create the thick eye. While squeezing a fender to see if it needed any air - I felt air and heard air leaking out ..... widening the gap between those three - I could see the white fender itself split.
Using the liquid PVC - I widened the slots and put generous amount of PVC in and then using a flat blade forced it down into the splits. Within minutes sealed and I could not squeeze any air out !
I do not expect the repair to withstand weight of boat against pontoon ... but will be enough for my small boats at bottom of garden.

Time to buy some more fenders ... and definitely NOT Ocean or Anchor Blue Top brand !!

Note : I have a few Anchor all white as you see in photo here being cleaned - THEY are good and I'm happy to have more of those ....

To be honest - I bought a bunch of cheap sealed chinese fenders as back up years ago and they have proven excellent ... no valves to leak etc. I may look to see if they do larger ones ....
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