Euro again


Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
Re: Third way? hmmm

How could you do that?
One currency must have one single interest rate curve: imagine if germany would lend the same currency at 2% and the uk at 10%, without currency cross border regulations it easy to see where all the uk companies would borrow their money from, until uk rates would fall at the same level as germany s.
Of course one nation could use "hidden monetary incentives" to manipulate monetary policy to local needs, but on the medium term all these have failed: from the pegged pre-euro currencies (until the farce of 15% oscillation bands was invented), to monetary parity in argentina, etc

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16 May 2001
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Re: Third way? hmmm

That's called competition. I spenjd all day getting the best interest rates for clients. Why should we live in a comfortable bubble away from the rest of the world?

Steve Cronin

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16 May 2001
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Re: Third way? hmmm

No - I would much rather it didn't exist, and that the EU was just a "Common Market". However I believe that if the vast majority of countries in the EU - including those about to join - do adopt the Euro then it will be in UKs interest to join as well at some time

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16 May 2001
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If, like me.....'re old enough to have voted in the last referendum you will remember that we were offered precisely that. A Common Market.

Of course it was a conspiracy to lead the people into something that the politicians (Wilson & the traitor Heath) knew that we wouldn't swallow and we certainly won't this time now that the hidden agenda has come to the surface.

It is all down to the fact that Mrs Blair's, Mme Chirac's & Frau Schroeder's hairdressers want to have "The First Lady of Europe" as a customer.

I never thought that I would say it but I'm with Tony Benn on this ('e were a Lord you know!)

Steve Cronin

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16 May 2001
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If, like me.....'re old enough to have voted in the last referendum you will remember that we were offered precisely that. A Common Market.

Of course it was a conspiracy to lead the people into something that the politicians (Wilson & the traitor Heath) knew that we wouldn't swallow and we certainly won't this time now that the hidden agenda has come to the surface.

It is all down to the fact that Mrs Blair's, Mme Chirac's & Frau Schroeder's hairdressers want to have "The First Lady of Europe" as a customer.

I never thought that I would say it but I'm with Tony Benn on this ('e were a Lord you know!)

Steve Cronin

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15 Jun 2001
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Big Brother is watching you

Even if the Euro brings advantages to us, I still think we should be miles away from it all, especially a United states of Europe. So far the EU Commission has acted as an unelected body - so why should it change??? We will end up with George Orwells 1984 situation -for the sake of our children, We must NOT do this - for it will be they who will suffer

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16 May 2001
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Re: Confused of Finchampstead writes...

naah, don't believe a word of it, i opened mine and sniffed, definitely not nitrogen ;-)

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24 Feb 2003
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why join the euro zone?

Hello john this is the china merchant, the bride thinks the coastal suit is grand,

we are all pointing out the different effects on different businesses but the bottom line is that if you have a proper business that works you shouldnt have to rely on currency exchange rates to make it viable. i mean to say for example, a manufacturer imports the raw products to export a finished product. the import is cheap the export is expensive or vice versa, it all balances out.
no matter what the currency is or is doing, if a business is sound and the owner is on the ball, all sorts of scenarios present opportunities to profit from. if the model doesnt work, move on !!

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