Does it depend on what boat you are sailing?


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16 May 2001
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Andrew's troll about racing/cruising below has made me think. Some years ago I used to cruise regularly on the canals in a variety of boats. It was then very noticeable that the behaviour of regular boaters was very dependant on the boat I was on at the time. On a boat that was obviously privately owned most other boaters were friendly and courteous. When at the helm of a boat that looked like a hire boat, I would often experience very rude behaviour from the same people.

Now I am wondering if a similar regime holds in the sailing world. Bedouin is a 'much loved' (i.e. getting a little tatty) 1970's boat which is clearly privately owned; and I rarely have cause to complain about other sailing boats.

Would things be different if I sailed a boat that was, or could be confused for, a charter (or still worse, Sunsail)?

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on Wed Jan 30 21:22:22 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>
16 May 2001
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There used to be a saying....

"I don't like the cut of the blighter's jib!!"

We are all human after all and seekers after status ( OK some exceptions). It's also a "British" thing - and although not terribly PC, nobody wants to be associated with scruffs or leather sandalled long haired unwashed wierdos so I suppose the "best chap" is seen as someone with a slight Ex-RN air, sailing a well maintained Westerly ( say a Konsort) dark blue sweater (Pink pants too of course) whom takes his pink gin quietly in the cockpit with the mem'sahib.

Not condoning just attempting to explain.

A well known Socialist MP once rushed across the field at a local fete to greet us putting up a very small marquee in a corner. On asking one of his supporters why he had singled us out when there were a lot of his "obvious" supporters all around us said " Oh he saw your car (my father's borrowed for it's carrying capacity, then brand new Triumph 2000) & thought that you were important! HMMMNN!

Any friends of the Blairs or the Beckhams out there?

Ho Ho Ho

Have a good Christmas

Steve Cronin

P.S. Our boat is out on charter in Greece for 14 weeks per year. When we use it ALL the indications of the management company are removed/obscured and a fair bit of "customisation" disguises us. Greek flag is a giveaway though!


there is a pecking order on the south coast.
swan / oyster owners look down on
moody / westerley who look down on
bavbenjan owners who look down on
multihulls who look down on
stinkboats (nelsons excepted)

the serious answer is no. i've never met a more friendly lot than sailors, even in the hamble. there is however little mixing between power and sail, and occasionally i have met some stupid comment simply because i sail a cat. life's too short...