Do you have to have your boat name on your boat?


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3 Mar 2005
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We're not particularly proud of our boat's name as it had certain rugby connotations with the previous owner. But it's now well-established and would be a bit of a faff to change it.


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30 May 2001
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When I bought my boat, the name either side of the bow was completely different from the one on the stern. Luckily the ones on the bow could be peeled off using gentle heat from a hot air gun.


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4 Jan 2015
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We did not have a name displayed on our boat for about a year, she has a painted hull and the viynl stickers i got just would not stick, so it got left.

I was told by a retired MCA employee i could be reported for that, what the sanction / penalty was i dont know i didnt ask.


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12 Feb 2019
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We did not have a name displayed on our boat for about a year, she has a painted hull and the viynl stickers i got just would not stick, so it got left.

I was told by a retired MCA employee i could be reported for that, what the sanction / penalty was i dont know i didnt ask.
Only if registered , SSR number and boat name for part 3 and name and port of registry for part 1 and must be on the transom.
No register no need for a name ,


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31 May 2007
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Although you can identify your boat by sail number, it is still probably a good idea to have some other form of identification. Dodgers are probably the most readable, I have never had them myself. I have been upbraided by the odd Dutchman for not having my home port written on the boat too, and they seem unconvinced by my telling them that it is not a legal requirement for unregistered boats.

How and where you put the boat's name depends on the design of boat. Our sugar scoop includes a stepped section and doesn't have room for a name of any size, though that is where we had the name of our Sadler 29. HRs have a stripe where most of us put our name, and then it becomes a matter of whether to use bow, or stern quarter. I have mine at the stern quarter, in lower case with a single capital, for readability, but the style really depends much on the name itself and its length, but I find short names in capitals hard to read sometimes.
We spent 3 years in The Netherlands and for peace and quiet added "Portishead" to the boat name on the stern. Along with the SSR number. Then everybody left us alone.
Apart from getting nicked for having red diesel. Another story altogether.


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29 Sep 2009
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There was a thread on here in recent years about visits by officials to boats in Ostende ref. red diesel and an 'antagonising ' factor was apparently the presence or otherwise of the name and port of registry visible on the stern.I have since added my precise port of registry ,just in case.


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21 Jul 2009
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I sailed a few times on what could be described as colourfully presented ketch.

He didn't have a name on the boat and never flew an ensign. One time we were hailed to heave t from the border police and were thoroughly searched. I don't know if he continued to the practice.

Probably a good idea to have a name .


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2 Sep 2010
Chichester Harbour
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Apologies, please delete mods. Finally sorted pictures for the forum test. Where is the picture of your boat thread. Thanks.
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Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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Having recently registered on the SSR I spent quite a bit of time searching and could find no reference to any requirement to show the number on the site or any documents given to me. The law seemed to include a requirement for the name on the transom but no mention of ssr number.


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22 Jul 2006
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Long, long ago Ilfracombe harbour in N Devon changed their quite low harbour dues to be the same as the much more expensive (but proper facilities) Salcombe and Dartmouth etc. in S Devon, and wanted to charge it even for anchoring outside the harbour. After a winter repaint of the hull I returned next year several times with the white boat with no name. As the "harbourmaster" doubled as the pier car park attendant, had no launch, and went home at 5 pm every day he could not collect his new exorbitant fees for minimal facilities or services when I went ashore for a meal and a beer in the evening.

If unregistered (as is legal for most small yachts) no name or number needed, but stay in UK waters. You're breaking international law by not having registration if you go foreign.

If SSR a number is required to be visible, nominally on both sides but I have never heard of anyone getting into trouble for one only on the transom.

If Part I the registered name (which must be unique) required but no external number. Number must be permanently marked below, usually carved into a wooden deck beam.


Well-known member
27 Jul 2010
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If SSR a number is required to be visible, nominally on both sides but I have never heard of anyone getting into trouble for one only on the transom.
Can you provide a link to this info from an official source please? I couldn't find it after registration as I said above


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6 Jun 2001
UK East Coast
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I have little room to put a name on mine due to a pin stripe and very low freeboard. Those that do have names on their IF Boats don,t look right to me as they are either squeezed in and too small (to read anyway) or overlap the stripe, although not many have names on them abroad. Some put the name on the coachroof instead. My boat name is on horrible dodgers which I don,t think looks right on a svelte little boat. I am also not keen on the name 'Elpenor' (something about a drunk falling off a building!) so I may just not put a name on. It is probably the only yacht with an orange hull in the Solent so not hard to identify in an emergency. Is a Boat name displayed a must?
It is really frustrating for the emergency services when called to a medical emergency on a yacht in a marina when they are given a berth number and a boat name. All too often the berth number can only be seen when approaching from the water and the boat name is not visible. Its not so bad if the Coastguard get there as they are used to boats and marinas but ambulance paramedics may have no experience of boats or marinas. Many minutes are wasted. It's the same with ambulance and fire brigade who can't see your house number or name from the street.