Ok so I'll admit it. We were ditch crawling this weekend. Even admit to lowering the tone of the MoBo Chat Show Burgee and flying it in deapest Lancashire. Oh the shame of it. And with a bow thruster too!!!
Mind. I broke the bow thruster by the end of the weekend!!
Anyway. This trip was about taking "Delft". Well I did not name it!! "Clout" "Thump"!! /forums/images/icons/shocked.gif From her marina to Her masters home. Only cos it was the Canal cruising club weekend next week and the venue was right outside Deborahs house.
Anyway, to get on with the tale, the weather was brilliant, even hot!! Doing a breath taking 3 knots, Everyone tut tutting and saying. "Where's yer water ski'er" I will never get upset about rag and stick merchants ever again. There hero's compaired to the ditch water urchins. I mean, all that fuss about a little six inch wave!!
I digress.
So after about a day and a half of cruising, we reach the Guy's Pub, Ow'd Nell's Tavern. It's heaving and all places full.. So ambles passed. Latter sat outside the pub and a few pints richer, I sees a space, right outside the pub, it must be about 50 ft long I thinks. So 49 onto 50 must go!! With a few pints inside me it looks an easy job to back 18 tons of oversized iron, back under the humped back bridge and wedge it into the slot provided. Thinks. I must be quick less some one else grabs it!! Well all goes to plan and this bloody great lump of iron installs it'self in the little gap. Looking chuffed with my self, I leave the lady owner and itinerent helpers to do the mundane tasks of tying the bits of string to the bank.
Next morning I've got the perfect plan. Now I know that on a hot Sunday lunch time, this pub is going to be heaving, So being as we are in pride of place in front of the pub, I need to make a smooth and gracefull exit.
Now I am very aware of my aforesaid views on bow thrusters on here. Having said that. 18 tons of steel, 50 HP at the back end of it. 49 ft long and more windage than farts in Mucky Farter!! /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
So, plan is. Steer hard to starboard. (the Bank.) Bow thruster taking bow out. Now the idea being that the boat. Sorry Brick!!! Dont ever tell my girl friend about this thread!!. Is going to now gracefully leave it's berth in a smooth sideways motion, minimall revs applied and we are going to drift away into the sun set. Splutter!!!
So at first everything goes quite well. The front bit came out just a little bit. But the arse end stood firm and the propellor made a sort of dinging sound. The bloody things stuck like shit to a blanket to the bleading bottom. Course theres milions of onlookers now!! Now Deborah, quite used to this situation is urging me to heave and pull on bits of rope!! Well never being ued to pulling M Farter off lumps of rocks and always departing gracefully off her own steam, well ok smoke!! Icant get quite to grips with all this pulling and tugging! It aint helped the ego either!! Next thingy is. The bow thruster pact in. Looks like the shear pin. Not surprised with all the ASDA trolly's we rammed on the way!!
<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>If you thought my boat was dirty. You want to meet my girl friend!!

Mind. I broke the bow thruster by the end of the weekend!!
Anyway. This trip was about taking "Delft". Well I did not name it!! "Clout" "Thump"!! /forums/images/icons/shocked.gif From her marina to Her masters home. Only cos it was the Canal cruising club weekend next week and the venue was right outside Deborahs house.
Anyway, to get on with the tale, the weather was brilliant, even hot!! Doing a breath taking 3 knots, Everyone tut tutting and saying. "Where's yer water ski'er" I will never get upset about rag and stick merchants ever again. There hero's compaired to the ditch water urchins. I mean, all that fuss about a little six inch wave!!
I digress.
So after about a day and a half of cruising, we reach the Guy's Pub, Ow'd Nell's Tavern. It's heaving and all places full.. So ambles passed. Latter sat outside the pub and a few pints richer, I sees a space, right outside the pub, it must be about 50 ft long I thinks. So 49 onto 50 must go!! With a few pints inside me it looks an easy job to back 18 tons of oversized iron, back under the humped back bridge and wedge it into the slot provided. Thinks. I must be quick less some one else grabs it!! Well all goes to plan and this bloody great lump of iron installs it'self in the little gap. Looking chuffed with my self, I leave the lady owner and itinerent helpers to do the mundane tasks of tying the bits of string to the bank.
Next morning I've got the perfect plan. Now I know that on a hot Sunday lunch time, this pub is going to be heaving, So being as we are in pride of place in front of the pub, I need to make a smooth and gracefull exit.
Now I am very aware of my aforesaid views on bow thrusters on here. Having said that. 18 tons of steel, 50 HP at the back end of it. 49 ft long and more windage than farts in Mucky Farter!! /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
So, plan is. Steer hard to starboard. (the Bank.) Bow thruster taking bow out. Now the idea being that the boat. Sorry Brick!!! Dont ever tell my girl friend about this thread!!. Is going to now gracefully leave it's berth in a smooth sideways motion, minimall revs applied and we are going to drift away into the sun set. Splutter!!!
So at first everything goes quite well. The front bit came out just a little bit. But the arse end stood firm and the propellor made a sort of dinging sound. The bloody things stuck like shit to a blanket to the bleading bottom. Course theres milions of onlookers now!! Now Deborah, quite used to this situation is urging me to heave and pull on bits of rope!! Well never being ued to pulling M Farter off lumps of rocks and always departing gracefully off her own steam, well ok smoke!! Icant get quite to grips with all this pulling and tugging! It aint helped the ego either!! Next thingy is. The bow thruster pact in. Looks like the shear pin. Not surprised with all the ASDA trolly's we rammed on the way!!
<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>If you thought my boat was dirty. You want to meet my girl friend!!