Does anyone else hate rowers as much as I do? They have no training, pay next to sod all to use the river and think that they have a god given right to go where they please. I was motoring downriver a few weeks ago towards Mortlake with a spring low-tide approaching (and thus no water, so I was putting a bit of a move on). Went under a bridge, and saw two coxless fours and a single coming towards me, all over the river. I had to use the centre arch (as did the Sealine and Princess behind me) as there was a very tight channel. The fours were trying to race each other (badly) and were weaving everywhere. They suddenly split in two as I was under the arch. Not having anywhere to go, I went astern and stopped. They still hadn't seen me as they were heading straight for me. I blipped the horn and they looked round in fury, gesticulating and swearing, shouting "you're right in the middle of the f**king river!".
Now excuse me, but they have a draught of ooh, about 10cm if it is crewed by a load of lardies. The channel was about 10m wide at this stage of the tide. My draught is 3 feet. At a spring low-tide there is no water at all, which was approaching in just over an hour. So I have to stay in the middle. What are they on!? And if you pass a rower at anything more than tickover, the wash from the props, yes all 4cm height of it, will swamp them and their miserable fibreglass excuses for a boat. Rowers then say that rowers had been there before boats were invented. Yes, but they used high-sided wooden jobs before then.
I pay £450 a year to use the EA controlled part of the Thames, and I had to put the boat through a really stringent BSS exam, putting in a holding tank, diesel drip trays, gas regs etc etc. I also have an ICC and have been driving boats on the Thames and in France since I was 10 years old. I reckon that rowers ought to take some sort of test to check that they know basic col regs and at the very least, be forced to put a wing mirror on their coxless boats. And a fee for using the river. Why not? At least then they may appreciate that there are other users of the river.
The next day, having gone through the Blackwall Point VHF "permission for the barrier, please" malarky, I saw a pair of rowers looking (and swearing) furiously at the tugs/barges/anything with an engine that were passing them as they were rowing towards the Thames Barrier. On the wrong side of the river. No VHF or anything, let alone lifejackets. Good god! I felt like going over and dropping the old CQR straight through their miserable little craft.
All spleen-venting out now. Anybody feel like petitioning the PLA and EA for educating these berks who call themselves rowers and making them take an exam?
They really need a slap. The really do.
Now excuse me, but they have a draught of ooh, about 10cm if it is crewed by a load of lardies. The channel was about 10m wide at this stage of the tide. My draught is 3 feet. At a spring low-tide there is no water at all, which was approaching in just over an hour. So I have to stay in the middle. What are they on!? And if you pass a rower at anything more than tickover, the wash from the props, yes all 4cm height of it, will swamp them and their miserable fibreglass excuses for a boat. Rowers then say that rowers had been there before boats were invented. Yes, but they used high-sided wooden jobs before then.
I pay £450 a year to use the EA controlled part of the Thames, and I had to put the boat through a really stringent BSS exam, putting in a holding tank, diesel drip trays, gas regs etc etc. I also have an ICC and have been driving boats on the Thames and in France since I was 10 years old. I reckon that rowers ought to take some sort of test to check that they know basic col regs and at the very least, be forced to put a wing mirror on their coxless boats. And a fee for using the river. Why not? At least then they may appreciate that there are other users of the river.
The next day, having gone through the Blackwall Point VHF "permission for the barrier, please" malarky, I saw a pair of rowers looking (and swearing) furiously at the tugs/barges/anything with an engine that were passing them as they were rowing towards the Thames Barrier. On the wrong side of the river. No VHF or anything, let alone lifejackets. Good god! I felt like going over and dropping the old CQR straight through their miserable little craft.
All spleen-venting out now. Anybody feel like petitioning the PLA and EA for educating these berks who call themselves rowers and making them take an exam?
They really need a slap. The really do.