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Dick Durham...doublespeak or two DD\'s??
Having had time to digest this month's YM, I was a little puzzled as to Dick Durham's activities desribed in two sections. First there is his article on crewing in the Fastnet Race, very readable, but apparently an alien experience to Dick Durham, who is purported to be an out and out cruising man. Interestingly, he wears corporate oilskins, not his own.
Interestingly, because on page 96, we have 'Aigle Coastal on test'. Who tested the Aigle Coastal - none other than a certain DD, whose picture looks remarkably like our friend Dick Durham. This test involved 'a full season's offshore racing and ... long haul cruising'.
So either Dick Durham has a lookalike with initials DD, who enjoys racing and cruising, or perhaps Dick Durham wasn't so new to racing as the Fastnet article suggests. Can anyone throw any light on this mystery?
Having had time to digest this month's YM, I was a little puzzled as to Dick Durham's activities desribed in two sections. First there is his article on crewing in the Fastnet Race, very readable, but apparently an alien experience to Dick Durham, who is purported to be an out and out cruising man. Interestingly, he wears corporate oilskins, not his own.
Interestingly, because on page 96, we have 'Aigle Coastal on test'. Who tested the Aigle Coastal - none other than a certain DD, whose picture looks remarkably like our friend Dick Durham. This test involved 'a full season's offshore racing and ... long haul cruising'.
So either Dick Durham has a lookalike with initials DD, who enjoys racing and cruising, or perhaps Dick Durham wasn't so new to racing as the Fastnet article suggests. Can anyone throw any light on this mystery?