Day Skipper - book recommendations?


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15 Mar 2007
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So is standing outside a French telephone in the rain with a handful of French coins waiting to phone the 'office' to let them know we are in.

Francs and centimes.....


Well-known member
10 Oct 2016
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But if doing a logbook, at what age is the miles and experience counted from? Son was competent crew and helming a 32 footer properly (on the rail, with tiller extension) from about 10. Daughter similarly been on yachts since about 7, but not as actively involved initially.
I don’t think there’s any problem with logging activity as a child - but if that were an important part of the overall log you might expect to be quizzed more on the actual role you played at say 12 - but you can definitely be sailing or even skippering as a youngster and really just a passenger as an old duffer.

That’s a very valid point. Fortunately the grand children have been on boats since before their first birthdays so have plenty of basic boat sense, and by the time they actually did go on a flotilla the bigger would be a competent, if small, helper. But also nowadays kids love “screen time” so if a boating crisis easy to send below for screen time to keep them safe.
Mine were not that young - but mothers instincts never fade!
Hubby is a boating novice but very fast learner. Fit strong and asks really good questions showing amazing boating observation / insight.
Makes a big difference having two clued up people on board. I often forget how supportive Mrs ylop is until my annual “idiots” weekend without her! Finding the right way of working together that doesn’t end in divorce is also half the battle!
But if they update it, how will we moan that it's massively outdated and useless? 🤷‍♀️
Its ok - they’ll moan that some essential skill that nobody uses anymore is no longer taught and it’s been dumbed down instead!