Despite a wait of six weeks and 5 follow up phone calls, this company admits that it cannot find me a half-yard red ensign!. Has anyone else experienced this companys lack of service?.
Yes in the long distant past I have spent a small fortune with them and they were very good but recently and certainly since that have all come under the same ownership as the other main dealers the service has been very bad and when you ask when you are likely to receive something promised weeks before they seem very dissinterested
Put in two orders - both "Express Delivery" - both paid for "Express Delivery" - both came "Express Delivery".
Unfortunately both orders were sent "Express Delivery" after a considerable delay as they were waiting (both times) for ONE item of a multi-item order!!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as I can make out they carry virtually no stock as on both occasions I was waiting for something fairly basic.
Since then I have ordered from them but I telephoned first to make sure that they had the items in stock and could post the order the same day. They did - so maybe there is some hope!!??
Hi Rabbie
Still waiting for those boxing gloves you havent sent me yet.
Re Cruisermart.
It appears that they are following the way of most suppliers now. The financial controlers within most companies will not let them have money tied up in stock, so the base policy his when they have got your money for your order then they obtain the goods from there supplier. Even M.F.I and these big store operate in this manner.
Yes and I agree with you it may be alright for these companies to make more money this way but its not a good customer relationship when you have to wait weeks for your goodies.
The trouble is they are oblivious to your discontent, its all money related and what do the financial controlers know about Joe Public anyhow!
Kind Regards
Bluebeard without boxing gloves EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I waited ages for two items that you could just walk in and buy from most chandlers. When I complained they said "we'll get one of our shops to send them". The next day they arrived!
So does that mean that their mail order warehouse has no stock!!
By name and nature "Mailspeed" might be your answer. There are certainly thousands of Chandlers in the UK who would supply you with a half yard Ensign - Goodness, I'm sure I could pick you one up tomorrow in Falmouth - Don't stick with Cruisermart cos you ordered it - If they have not got one cancel the order and go elsewhere.
Recently, a poster on this forum suggested that Mailspeed should be re-named Mailslow!!. With such a multitude of so-called 'Discount Chandlers' clogging the yachting mags, one just has to chose one and take a chance. With such a lot of competition, you would think they would be trying harder for their customers. My ensign was an afterthought on a multiple order. I could have picked one up within an hour from my local chandlers, but once you have paid for the thing, the temptation is to wait for it to arrive!. I even asked Cruisermart to get one from a local chandlers and mail it to me - they couldn't even do that!. I have been promised a refund on my Visacard - I wonder how long THAT will take!.